Started with Squats:
275 x 1
10 rounds, each for time of:
15 Push-ups
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 60 seconds
Total time was 12:41 wearing a 20lb vest
After the one legged squats, my ham strings were talking to me big time on first sprint. I thought I might pull something but they loosened up. Stayed pretty consistent for the entire workout.
Warm-up with 225
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 Did not finish
When I got to 355 and looked in the mirror my back was way out of line, BAD, I may have been able to do the lift but I did not think it was wise. I went down a little and tried to shift my hips and it did not work so I racked it. Tried again, same result. Wanted to feel something heavy so I put 405 on the bar and just held it on my back. It was out of line standing straight up. So I striped the bar down to 135 and did one legged squats. I noticed my left side is much weaker than my right which makes since because I shift to my right when I get a lot of weight on my back and my left side is the same side where pain shoots down my leg. This is a little disappointing but my back popped big time today and I went for a walk and looked down as I was taking steps and there was no pain in my leg or back where there has been. I hope yesterday's squats loosened me up enough that my back has shifted and I am better. I will keep trying. We finished with this WOD:
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 Did not finish
When I got to 355 and looked in the mirror my back was way out of line, BAD, I may have been able to do the lift but I did not think it was wise. I went down a little and tried to shift my hips and it did not work so I racked it. Tried again, same result. Wanted to feel something heavy so I put 405 on the bar and just held it on my back. It was out of line standing straight up. So I striped the bar down to 135 and did one legged squats. I noticed my left side is much weaker than my right which makes since because I shift to my right when I get a lot of weight on my back and my left side is the same side where pain shoots down my leg. This is a little disappointing but my back popped big time today and I went for a walk and looked down as I was taking steps and there was no pain in my leg or back where there has been. I hope yesterday's squats loosened me up enough that my back has shifted and I am better. I will keep trying. We finished with this WOD:
10 rounds, each for time of:
15 Push-ups
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 60 seconds
Total time was 12:41 wearing a 20lb vest
After the one legged squats, my ham strings were talking to me big time on first sprint. I thought I might pull something but they loosened up. Stayed pretty consistent for the entire workout.