Monday, April 29, 2013

Bench Power Matrix and Double-under WOD

I started the day with the power matrix for a max of 260-265 which was:

175 x 8
205 x 5
215 x 3
245 x 1
245 x 1
245 x 1
205 x 5

My but left the bench on the second 245 rep but just because I lost focus.  It stayed down on the last one.  Felt solid and will move up a notch next time.  I finished with the following met con WOD:

Two rounds for time of"
10 muscle-ups
50 double-unders
7 muscle-ups
1 down and back with 100lbs on the sled
4 muscle-ups
1 40m sprint with a jog back
1 muscle up
Two minutes recovery

Good one got my heart rate up but still had to keep head in and burst just right for the muscle-ups.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Push-up Burner

Did this a few days ago

Three rounds for time of:
10 jumping jack push-ups
10 GHD
10 Lawnmower push-ups with 25lb dumb bells
10 back extensions
10 med ball push-ups
10 toes to bar
10 break dance push-ups
90 seconds rest

Don't have my splits but remember they were all under three minutes each.

Good little workout.  My lats were talking for a few days from the lawnmower and break dance push-ups. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Comming back (AGAIN)

I have taken a few weeks completely off for two reasons.  I decided to just let my back completely rest and recover.  I also have been totally swamped with coaching.  I am going to start with stuff that does not involve  my back, which is not very much, and ease into a full body WODs.  This is how it went today.

Bench 225 x 3, 235 x 3, 235 x 3, 235 x 3(spot on last rep)


I was going to do muscle-ups into hand stand push-ups on the rings but it hurt in my back and leg just a little when I turned upside down so I will hold off on that a while.

I warmed up and then did 30 muscle-ups with out a kip as fast as possible expect I had an extra 15 lbs for the first 15, a 5lb jump rope around my neck for the second ten and only body weight for the last ten. I did this WOD in just under 12 minutes.

Finished by doing some down and back sprints on the prowler sled with three plates and threw in some KB swings for good measure.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Back Friendly WOD #3

While I am outta whack I am staying from a lot of heavy lifts.  However, I can do bench so I started with that after a little stretching.

225 x 4
235 x 3
245 x 2
255 x 1

Last two sets were pretty hard.

I put on the 20lb vest and did the following WOD.

three rounds for time of the following:
10 ring push-ups
10 GHD
zig zag through 5 or 6 benches
10 dips
Down and back with 140lbs on Prowler sled
one minute rest

Round 1 - 1:53
Round 2 - 2:13
Round 3 - 2:20
Total time of WOD was 8:28

Back Friendly WOD #2

This is another WOD from last week.

Three rounds for time with 20lb weight vest:
20 Box Jumps on 30in box
50 Jedi swings
15 KB swings with 55lbs
10 GHD
Down and Back with Prowler Sled at 135lbs
90 second Rest

Round 1 - 3:27
Round 2 - 2:29
Round 3 - 3:34
Total time was 12:30

Second round was great but paid for it in round 3. 

Back Frindly WOD

Last week I was just too busy to post anything.  However, I kept a few WODs on my phone.  Working out in the morning means that I go through the day with very little back pain.  Getting better is the goal right now.

3 Rounds for time of:
10 20lb med ball squat cleans
5 wall walks
10 toe touches
20m down and 20 meters back of Prowler Push with 135lbs
90 seconds rest

I don't have splits but did the whole thing in 9:45.

Toe Touch was hurting my back.