Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Started with heavy bench.  Felt real good.  I locked out 275 on my left side but my brother touched it on the right side and I felt he a little help on that side but I am very close.  Also, I am back down to 165 so I am glad am keeping my strength even if I can't keep my body weight at 170.

I finished with this WOD
  • 5 x 10 Ring Push ups
  • 3 x 8 Ring Flys
B) 4 x 8's Front lever (Any scale)
C) 4 x 8's Back Lever (Any Scale)
D) For time
  • 200 Double unders
  • 20 Burpee Pull ups
  • 100 Double unders
  • 15 Burpee Pull ups
  • 50 Double unders
  • 10 Burpee Pull ups
My upper body is feeling it today.  The timed part of the WOD sucked.  The jump rope was not a speed rope like mine and I would do about three and then whip my legs and the rope would slap my arms, not fun. The bar four the burpee pull-ups was a two inch pipe that was at least eight feet high which made the exercise real hard. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

For time:
185 pound Clean & jerk, 10 reps
Sprint 100 yards
20 foot Rope climb, 7 ascents
Sprint 100 yards
185 pound Clean & jerk, 1 rep

Total time 14:52

I did this yesterday after heavy squat cleans and Jerk. I am lifting more weight consistantly at this lift. Back feels great one day after WOD. All cleans were squat cleans.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sit-ups, KB Swings, Push-ups, lunges, Trunk Twist, Grass Hoppers.

4 Rounds For Time:
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
30 KB Swings
20 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Trunk Twist Knee Elevations
20 Grass Hoppers

My time was 22:something, close to 23

This is the one the CC team did this morning without the running.  It was a long one, longer than I have done in a while.


Deadlift - 1.5 body weight 255
Bench Press - body weight 170
Squat Clean - 3/4 body weight 130

My time was 25:48 which is a 4 minute PR

First round was 3 minutes
Second was 7
Third was 10 and I don't remember after that.

I weighed 165 yesterday but wanted to stick to the 170 weight because I plan on getting back up to it.

It has been a long time since I posted but I have been working out pretty regularly.  I do want to record an easy PR from a few weeks back of shoulder press at 155 and my deadlift is slowly climbing back up also.  It will feel good to get back into a steady routine.