Monday, February 25, 2013


20 leg lift/throws
Sprint 100 yards or 50 yard prowler push w/ 135 lbs

*Your recovery is your walk or jog back to the pull up bar for sprints. If using a prowler, take 60 seconds between rounds.

Did this in ice and mud at house. FUN

OPT Week 8 Day 3

I skipped chain squats becaue I already subed weighted chain step ups the day before to save my back.
B. Squat snatch 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min

140, 145, 150(f)  140
For time:
75 power snatch - 75#
This took me 7:55 and kicked my butt big time.  Broke it up like so 25, 20, 15, 15 (I honestly did not know if I would get the last 15 unbroken.
50 burpees
Took me 5:16 doing five slow and ten fast
Total time was 13:11

Weighted Chain Box step ups - Double Unders, Shoulder to over head, Toes to bar

Weighted chain box step ups.

4 sets of 2 each leg
Finished with 40lbs in each hand.  My back is jacked.  I wanted to work legs while I gave my back a break so this is what we came up with.  I guess it was a success because my back was not any worse when I was done.

2 rounds for time:
100 double under
50 Shoulder to over head
25 Toes to bar

Rd - 1 = 6:08
Rd - 2 = 7:36
Total = 13:44

I was flying through the double unders.  I scored a PR in doing 70 unbroken.  However, that was a mistake because I HIT THE WALL in the first round.  Second round actually felt easier.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

OPT Week 8 Day 2

A1. Weighted chin up; 2-3 tough reps x3; rest 10 seconds

A2. 10-20 unbroken CTB chin ups x3; rest 3 min
90lbs + 13 CTB, 90lbs +14CTB, 90lbs +15CTB  I guess I had to wake my arms up because I was able to do a little more every time.  all the weighted chin ups were two reps.  I went for three once or twice but did not get it.
10 min amrap:
Squat clean 135
(perform 4 toes to bar on the top of each minute)

RD 1 - 8
RD 2 - 5
RD 3 - 5
RD 4 - 5
RD 5 - 5
RD 6 - 5
RD 7 - 5
RD 8 - 5
RD 9 - 5
RD 10 - 6
Total reps of Squat cleans = 54


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:

135 pound Squat snatch(wanted to go full weight but weak back and I am not just there yet.  I went with 125lbs and it was still a load for me but I was able to work on my form as I did the WOD.  I think I can use 135 in the furture.

RD 1 - 2:40
RD 2 - 2:51
RD 3 - 1:02
Total time was 6:33

OPT week 8 Day 1

A. Hang power snatch; build to a 3rm from below the knee
My 3rm was 135.  I went for 140 but it was not there today.  Back was tight from all the sitting I did at the state wrestling meet.

B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
I started light (305)because I was tender and it was so easy I felt like bumping up to 355 which was not a problem eather.  I thought I was still safe at 375 but I shot pain across my lower back and down my left leg on the way up.  Walked away but the damage was done.  I am still tender four days later.
Deadlift 275/155(Planed on using straight bar for this but went with trap bar because of my back)

I lost the splits

Tire Slams, Ball Slams Duck unders, Jedi Ropes, Dynamic Push-ups, Mason/Russian Twists

For time:

15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Tire Slams LT side
Ball Slam duck unders
Tire Slams RT side
Jedi Rope Swings
Dynamic Push-ups
Russian/Mason Twists
Rest the same number of seconds of reps preformed - ex 15sec, 12sec so on

1 - 2:43
rest 15sec
2 - 2:27
rest 12sec
3 - 1:46
rest 9sec
4 - 1:12
rest 6sec
5 - :35
Total time with rest - 9:28

OPT week 7 day 3

A. Power Snatch/Snatch Tech work - PS + S @ < 70%

I am inching up more and more, little by little.  I am now up to 135 pretty consistently.
For time:
100 KBS - 55#
200 Double Unders
Total time was 10:43.  Not too happy with this time.  Got bogged down in double unders.  I am confident I can go faster.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

OPT Week 7 Day 2

A. Strict press clusters; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
Warmed up
1st Cluster was 125
2nd Cluster was 125
3rd Cluster was 130
4th Cluster was 130
5th Cluster was 135
Played it a little safe, probably should have finished the last cluster at 140.

B. Ring dips; 50 for time(1:30 broke it up 15, 15, 10, 10 not bad until the last 10)
For time:
Thrusters 115/65#
CTB chin ups

Round 1 = 2:10 (Thrusters unbroken - 11-9 on CTB chin ups)
Round 2 = 2:44 (Thrusters and CTB were 8-7)
Round 3 = 1:37 (unbroken)
Round 4 = :45 (unbroken)
Total time was 7:19

I don't know if I should have broken up the first set of thrusters or not.  I was huffing pretty hard when I started CTB chin ups but on the other hand when I put the bar down some times I just take too long getting back on it. 

KB Swings and Sprints

12min on the minute perform

10 KB Swings - 2 Pood
60 yard sprint

I would say each one took about 26-27 seconds.  After the thrid round I thought I was done but Ron was still trucking right along so I stayed in it and my body setelled in. It seems like any time we do a repeat WOD with running in it Ron is always ready for the next one while I am just hanging on.  No doubt his body remembers college years of training and he just locks in.

Monday, February 11, 2013

OPT week 7 day 1

A. Back squat with chains 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min(245, 265, 275, 285, 305, 315x1)  Back felt real tight on last rep so I just racked it.  Chains weigh 40 something pounds at top and 20 something pounds at bottom.

B. Squat snatch from blocks (below knee) 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min (125, 125, 130 extremely green with starting below knee)
7 rounds for time:
7 power clean 135/75
7 no push up burpee lateral hops over bar

Rd - 1 = :43
Rd - 2 = :59
Rd - 3 = 1:45
Rd - 4 = 1:29
Rd - 5 = 1:29
Rd - 6 = 1:29
Rd - 7 = :35
Total time 8:31

I fell apart worrying about my back in round 3 and then just told myself to stay under 1:30 after that.  I should tried to stay under 1:15.  Blasted through round 7.

Heavy bench, Seated Box Jumps - 40m sprints

Heavy Bench press
235 x 3
240 x 3
245 x 1
255 x 1


Complete 7 rounds:

3 Seated Box Jumps @ 85% of 1 RM SB Jump from 1-18-13
Sprint 40 yards

*Rest a minimum of 2 minutes beween rounds
Rd - 1 = 30
Rd - 2 = 25
Rd - 3 = 23
Rd - 4 = 22
Rd - 5 = 21
Rd - 6 = 20
Rd - 7 = 18
Total time = 14:34
I did not run faster, just got more comfortable with the seated box jumps.  I used the tallest box in the weight room.

OPT Week 6 Day 3

A. Split jerk 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min Warmed up like this since I am new to split jerk 135 - 155 - 175 - 185 - 200
205 x 2
205 x 2
205 x 2
210 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 1(f) then nailed it
B. Parallete hspu; 30 for time (if can't perform then, do eccentrics at a 5 second count and kick back to top)I did the first five on 45lb bumpers with a kip and then I could not even get that.  I finished the next 25 in 3:14
For time:
100 wall balls(4:12, felt like forever broke up 50, 30, 20)
75 chin ups(3:09, not bad, brok up 35, 25, 15)
50 wall balls(2:56, 26, 24)
25 chin ups(1:04, unbroken)
50 sit ups(??? for got to hit the split button between this and double-unders)
75 double unders(???)
100 air squats(2:26)

Total time 17:54

Friday, February 8, 2013

OPT Week 6 Day 2

A. Hang power clean; build to a 1rm(Wow, never found a max on this lift. I nailed 205 and got close on 210 a few times but could not quite get under it enough to hold it.  Felt back shoot somethin down my leg and that is all I needed to stop)

B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
365 x 1
I shot too far on the last set, then I was huffing an puffing when I tried 390 and could not get it.  I shed more weight as fast as I could because not my rest time was way too long. I picked up 365 once and felt my back pulling a little and walked away.  Back is sore today but I will live.
For time:
30 hang power clean (73% of A for males, 78% of A for females)150lbs for me
50 pistols
2k row - (200 SDLHP)
Cleans - 1:58
Pistols - 3:10
SDHP - 6:30
Total time = 11:39

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Captain America WOD

Complete 5 rounds:

Handstand Hold - 30 seconds
Max Handstand Push Ups
11, 9, 13, 10, 11
Static Pull or Chin Up Hold at top - 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull or Chin Ups
15, 15, 11, 11, 10
Hold Top of Ring Dip - 30 seconds
Max Ring Dips
17, 15, 12, 12, 11

*Perform isometric hold for 30 seconds, kick down, shake out your hands and perform max reps of given exercise.
*There is no time component for this workout other than the 30 sec holds.
*The goal of this workout is to develop stability in these movements through the use of isometric holds

I loved this WOD.  It defiantly puts a swell on.  I felt like Captain America after he stepped out of the capsule for the first time in his new body.  It is set up for full recovery but I kind of timed my recovery so I would be done before Jenni brought our circus to the weight room.  This is how I did it...

  • Set up the watch on 30 second intervals
  • Started isometric hold the instant the watch first beeped and kept it until it beeped again
  • Shook out arms while the watch was beeping (it beeps for 10 seconds)
  • Did the burn out on the exercise
  • Rested the amount of time it took the watch to beep twice and started again on the third beep
  • Rested for three or four beeps after each round
I did go a little longer on the rest times for the last round because I could tell I was going to finish before Jenni and the kids showed up.  When I do it again, I am going to measure my rest time more closely.  I think 90 seconds between sets and three minutes between rounds will work best.

I did 6 50m sprints on the minute after Jenni and the kids left.  One side note Jenni PRed on deadlift at 170lbs!

Monday, February 4, 2013

OPT Week 6, Day 1

A. Squat/Power snatch tech work 15-20 min (all below 70% 1rm, let your body and technique dictate the loads used for session, high speed/perfect form is focus)
I am defiantly improving in this.  I worked on it and finished with 125 which is very easy now.  I think I will look for a new max weight as 125lbs is way over 70% of my old max and probably under 70% of my actual max. 

B. On a 90 seconds countdown clock: Perform 7 burpees and amrap muscle ups in remaining time; rest 2 min x4 sets
I got 11, 10, 10, 7.  Just burned out in the end.

4 rounds for time:
12 kb snatch (6/arm) 1.5/1 pood
48 double unders

Rd = 1:38
Rd = 1:57
Rd = 1:56
Rd = 1:30
Total time = 7:03

I gamed this one too much. I gave  the 1.5 poods a little too much respect.  I would have liked to have some one to race on this one.  I think I could have done better.

Filthy Fifty

50 Box jump, 24 inch box (1:29)

50 Jumping pull-ups (???)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (???)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps(???)
50 Knees to elbows(???)
50 Push press, 45 pounds (1:28)
50 Back extensions (1:22)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball(2:42)
50 Burpees(5:30)
50 Double unders(:48)
Total time = 20:22

This is just about a PR.  My only faster time was back in 2009.  Back then I only taped my feet on the box instead of pushing my hips all the way through at the top of the jump and I think I subbed 100 jump-ropes for the double under back then because I could not do double unders four years ago.  So this is a PR as RXed.  I obviously did not his my split on each round but I think I can get faster in the wall ball and back extensions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

OPT Week 5 Day 3

A. Strict press clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 2:30
115, 115, 120, 120, 125

B. HSPU; accumulate AMRAP sets of 3 unbroken in 8 min
21 sets of three (Lost my balance and my toe touched on one set but just for a second and I counted it anyway)
5 rounds for time:
12 OHS 95/55
6 toes to bar
12 DB thrusters 30/15#
6 chin ups

Round 1 = 1:41
Round 2 = 1:59
Round 3 = 1:47
Round 4 = 1:57
Round 5 = 1:41
Total time = 9:06

Did not bog down in any one lift it was just a steady grind.

Evil Wheels and plate push

50 yard prowler or dog sled push w/ 180 lbs - we did 90lb Plate Push - Down and back

10 Evil Wheels - Curl bar, with 25lb plates on either side. (on knees and extend arms straight out in front of you, chest to floor and pull back to knees.)

I cleared my watch this morning so I don't have my time but judging from Ron's blog I was around 14:30.  This thing killed my tryceps yesterday and today's WOD was in the back of my mind the whole time but I don't think it affected me today so that is good.