Monday, February 28, 2011


3-3-3-3-3 reps

135 and 225 warm-up

Only other post for this Deadlift WOD was in Jan. 18 2010:

Pretty big gains in only one year.  This is due more to the health of my back more than my stringth but that does not take anything away for what working out consistantly has done for me and the way I feel.


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

I got 31 + 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 8 Squats ( I am counting it as a PR because I had  full extension on the top of my body squat and did not do that until Jan 1. 2010)

Jan. 1 2010  = 27
Aug. 24 2009 = 32
June. 9 2009 = 34

I am pretty happy with this because I am just about up to the number I had doing my "galloping squats."  Got to get at least 32 next time.   I played around a little after that on Turkish get-ups.  I got 95 on the left and right side pretty easy on the first try.  This ties my PR and was not near as hard as last time.  I tried 100 a couple of times but was not successful.  However, I am getting closer.

27 rounds with two seconds left.

This is way of my old record for two reasons:

1. I am not in the crossfit shape I was in last time I did this

2. I really focused on getting full extension on the top of my body squat.

Overhead Walking Lunges, Burpees

Five rounds for time of:

45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Time - 8:55 (PR by :58)
June 21, 2010 - 9:53
First Crossfit WOD ever - 13: something

Pretty cool to see my progress.  I am already looking forward to this one next.  I look to PR again.  I really attacked the burpees and that was the difference.  Fun day, extra special because this is my best measure of the my conditioning since this one is where I started.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Time 21:50 (Pr of 4:01)

Other times with Kelly:
Sept. 16 2010 Time = 25:51
Feb. 4 Time = 29:20 (This was right after driving the truck off the bridge)

I was not happy with my performance until I realised I had a PR.  I got real excited and started to text Ron and I got his text telling me about my PR before I could tell him.  Ron pushed me hard on this one and beat me in the end.  Thanks for the push brother it was a big help.  I was pretty mad at my self for falling apart at the end. I had to pause in the wall ball as I started to wheeze and run out of air.  I thought I had just had an off day after two great days.  However, I later found out I PRed by over 4 minutes so that makes 3 great days in a row.  I worked on HSPU on pallets and on the floor afterward but did not have any breakthroughs as I was toast from the WOD.  On another note, my weight is dropping again.  I was at 175lbs right before supper after a big lunch.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011



50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

Time - 5:35

I have done "Annie" two times before.  I got 6:36 in Aug. and 5:57 in May of 2010.  So I am obviously very happy with my time.  I have had two big PRs in two days.  I only messed a few times on double unders.  I would do the first 4 or 5 kind of slow jumping higher and then speed up as I got in the groove.  I really worked on hammering away as fast as possible on the sit-ups.  I am kind of slow at sit-ups so I worked hard at doing them faster.  I went to bench press after the WOD but just wasn't feeling it.  My chest felt kind of sore or tired or something.  I was unhappy with the weight I was putting up so switched to dumbbell bench press.  This is how it went:
95x6 (the last rep literally took 15-20 seconds)
100x4(Ron helped bring the dumbbell together on the last rep)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups

Time 36:08

Last time I did Eva my time was 51:11 and I was very dissatisfied with my performance.  Ron sent me a text as soon as he saw it on main page and I decided to focus on this one.  We had an off day the day before and I did not do anything just to be ready for this WOD.  I felt great the hole time and never like I was running down.  Everything just fell perfectly into place.  Not to say it was roses, the thing is a beast and had me gagging in the trash once it was over but I just felt in control of my body and the pain.  Don't really know my splits, but finished the first round in 6:11, the second round was not much more and the third round was done at about the 20 minute mark.  Other than that I do not know.  I did not do anything extra this time, just kept grinning about a PR that was over 15 minutes and beating main page time by over half a minute.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dumbell-deadlifts-hang cleans-push presses-squats -- Back squat

Five rounds of:

5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.

50 - 55 - 60 - 70 - 80

We did not know if we had to do all the lifts right after the other with out letting go of the weight or not.  We decided to do all the lifts on top of each other without letting go.  We debated on doing 75 or 80 for the last one.  We went for it but were not able to do it unbroken.  I had a lot of trouble with the hang cleans which caused me to run out of gas on the push press.  On the end of the 2nd  push-press I lost control and dropped the weight to my waist and could not re load it on my shoulders.  Actually it looked more like my entire body crumbled.  I refocused as fast as possible and finished.  Fun WOD I never felt dead but it defiantly got my heart pounding and me breathing very hard.  For a little extra I did a backwards ladder of six rounds on squat.  I dropped 20lbs and added two reps with each round.  I have a swollen knee right now so I hope I did not over do it with the squats.  I noticed I had to be very mentally focused not to favor my left leg, the one with the swollen knee, when squatting.  Anyway this is what I did:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Clean & Jerk - Shuttle, claping push-ups, wall touches


Warm-up with 95 and 135
185(just to end feeling strong :-)

I have done Clean and Jerk two other times.  The first time I PR'ed at 195 but that was with power cleans.  Last time I got 205.  So I did PR today, but I really planned on 215.  I was just having a time with the cleans.  I was not catching the weight in a squat position very well.  In fact, on the heavier weight I caught it high and had to drop to parallel before I would come back up.  There is some swelling on my knee, even though it does not hurt, and that may have something to do with it; I just don't know.  The Jerk was easy.  This is good because I got the clean at 210 last time but could not get the bar above my head.  Today I locked out with no problem.  This is probably because I have been working some extra on my shoulder press.  I hope to do a crossfit football when I got home:

Complete 7 rounds:

1 20 yard Pro Short Shuttle
10 Clapping Push Ups
10 Nine Foot Wall Touches

Time was 8:42
This is defiantly a burner!

Chest to bar Pull - ups, ring L-sit hold

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

15 Chest to bar pull-ups
30 second Ring L-sit hold

I got 7 rounds with no time to spare.
1. 1:10
2. 1:49
3. 2:12
4. 2:37
5. 2:40
6. 2:25
7. 2:06

This one was a hard lat burner.  Did not feel in the groove until 3rd one or so. Did the first round of pull-ups unbroken the next two rounds were 7-8 and all the others were 5-5-5.  I just did not have the power to get it to my chest. I did the L-sits with bent legs.  I need to work on this to get my legs straighter. I usually held the sit for about 17 seconds and then finished.  But I took two breaks on the last two rounds.  I was actually having a hard time locking out my arms. Cashed out with L rope climb.  I wanted to do more and add weight but kids were crazy and we ran out of time.  I wasn't really complaining though because my arms were toast.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Seven rounds for time of:
1.5 pood Kettlebell swing, 15 reps
95 pound Power clean, 15 reps
15 Box jumps, 24" box

Time 16:11

This one hurts.  The cleans were the kicker.  Light weight but high reps.  I broke them up 8/7 on the last three rounds.  Everything else was unbroken.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Parallette handstand push-ups
10 Toes through rings
20 pound Medicine ball cleans, 15 reps

I got 10 rounds + all the P.H.S.P.U and 2 T.T.R.
I finished round 11 in 21:05

I had the most trouble with the parallettes.  I had to put the bag down for my head to hit.  I did hit the bag but that only had my head going about one inch below my hands.  Could not do five in a row so did 3 and two most of the time.  When I got in trouble with my last rep I would kick my legs down for momentum to push but that did make me have restart because my feet would hit the ground.  Toes through rings were cake; I caught my breath on them.  The cleans would have been easier if my legs were not so stiff.  I did not really burn my lungs because I had to rest my arms due to muscle faluer and my lungs got rest also.  Finished with shoulder press and fooled around with the with of my grip.

120x5 (Tips of thumbs on smooth)
120x5 (Tips of thumbs 1/2 inch from smooth)
120x5 (Pinky on rings)

I think pinky on rings or just an inch in from that seemed best.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Time - 23:22

2 minutes :17 seconds of PR.  Very unhappy with outcome.  Over 10 seconds slower on each lap than last time.  There were some factors thaty played into this: very stiff legs from past WODs, running in a buch of water due to melting snow, perhaps too much potluck a few hours before.  But all of those things still does not add up to 10 seconds slower per lap.  I don't think my head was really in it from the start.  Last time I did a 5K I was seeing double at the end and gasping for air.  This time I just walked around a little.  I don't know if my body is able to PR in this like I have been doing in most of my WODs but I know I should have done better.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Karen" - Bench press

For time: 150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

Time - 5:14 (PR of 1:58)

Last time in May of 2010 was 7:22 so this was a very big PR for me.  Last time I did 50-40-31-29 and this time I only took one 10-15 second break and it was after 90.  After that I thought I would go for 30 but still had a little gas and went to 40 and there I though "I can hold on for another 20, 19-18-17-16..."  So I did 90-60.  Very happy with this legs feel like tree trunks and I puked when I was done.  But I am very happy.  I think puked because my stomach is not right, not the WOD. 

After that I did a bench press WOD from January of 2010:




Today I added 10lbs to each set - 255x1, 195x10, 235x1, 185x15+5, 235x1, 165x17+9+3.  Happy with this also the first three sets were very easy especially the 235.  The set of 20 and set of 30 were more difficult.  I wish I could have kept from breaking up the 9 and 4 and done 13 unbroken but other than that very happy.  By bench press is improving.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

100 Burpee Pull-ups

Time - 12:41(PR by 1:04)

In January of 2010 I wrote:

My strategy was to do 10 real fast and rest for the rest of the minute. It was a good idea but fell apart at about five minutes. Next time I will do 9 a minute and gut out 11 on the last set to try to break 11 minutes. I also miss judged my last burst. I should have hit it about 10 to 15 seconds sooner. I knew I could have done that when I finished. I liked the way I felt at the end outside of being frustrated at my self for waiting too long for my final burst.

This time I changed it up a bit.  Did 3 sets of 15with a 15 second rest took a 5 second rest after 3rd set and did 5 more to get 50 then I went by 10 with about 10 seconds rest after each set. On last few sets I kept moving slow usually doing 2 burppes while resting and then blasting 8 at a time.  Hit last 10 pretty hard.

Snatch balance 3-3-3-3-3



I have only done snatch balance once and it was 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 and I fell into a bench and hurt my back doing it.  I kind of felt my way into this.  The weight was not problem, it was reloading the bar on my back.  I think I have a bruise on the back of my neck now because it fell too hard.  As far as the lift, I felt like I had more balance with more weight.  It just kind of pushed into the right spot.  We finished with a crossfit football WOD:

Complete 2 rounds for time:

50 Sledge Hammer Strikes LT
One Arm Farmer Walk 50 yards RT
One Arm Farmer Walk 50 yards LT
50 Sledgehammer Strikes RT

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
*Use between a 12 -20 lbs sledgehammer.
*Go as heavy as possible for farmer carry.

First round was 4:01 and second was 3:58.  I used 100lbs for the farmer walk.  I was trying hard to catch Ron on the second round and that is why it was faster.  He won by one sledgehammer strike. Good job Ron.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bench - Overhead Squat - Double-under

I messed up my off day and accidently got one day ahead.  So yesterday I just did my own thing which was bench press.  I am trying go get some strength back here.  I was planning 5x5 and this is how it went:
235x4 (would have gone for five if I had someone there to spot me)

I am getting stronger.  I can't remember when I did over two plates five times.  Actually, I don't even remember doing two plates five times. 

Today's WOD was Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

145 and 185 Warm up
265 (5lb PR)
275 (15lb PR!)

I never had trouble with the weight but seemed off ballance on the way up untill I failed at 245.  I went back to the blog and noticed that last time I had a winder grip and stance.  I changed and 245 was not bad at all the second time.  I still don't think I have reached my limit on this lift.  It seems like it gets easier with more weight, almost like the weight pushes me down to parallel quicker and easier.  Don't know how to explaine but it just feels better.  I decided to stop on a good note and I was out of time anyway. 

Went home and did Clayton's Double under ladder:
I did it a little different then him in that I timed the recovery.  5 double-unders = 5 seconds rest 10=10 and so on.  I would not count a jump if I did not get more than two in a row.  It went pretty well usually messed up only once or twice with each round.  The rounds of 20 to 35 were the hardest because there was not much rest time.  The ladder including the rest time took 15:35

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thrusters, Weighted Pull-ups

135 pound Thruster, 15 reps

35 pound weighted Pull-up, 15 reps
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
20 pound weighted Pull-up, 21 reps
65 pound Thruster, 36 reps
36 Pull-ups

Time: 12:45

I thought this one would suck and I was correct.  This is how I broke down the sets:
15 th - 8,7
15pu - 5,5,5 weight kept slipping out of feet
21th - 11, 10
21pu - 11,10
36th - 20, 16
36pu- 18, 8, 8

Yesterday I was a little over 13 minutes and felt like I could have been faster so today when I saw 12 something I pushed hard to get under.  Very good WOD.  Walked away very shaky.  I messed up my off day and I am now one day ahead.  So I will have to do my own thing tomorrow.  Probably bench.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

205(Lost balance on last rep and fell back a little on the way up out of the squat)

All were deep squat cleans.  I kind of hurried through this since I did two in one day.  I am pretty sure I would not have lost my balance on a lifting platform but I was on an uneven floor in the barn with some weights that were raddleing on the bar.  I can tell I have improved on this lift.  I want to max out on it now because I am pretty sure I had a PR. I think my old max was 210  but I don't think I have ever done over 195 more than once and honestly I wasn't even that focused on it because I was thinking about the other WOD.  Which was:

For time:

225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
400 meter Run
225 pound Deadlift, 18 reps
400 meter Run
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
400 meter Run
225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
400 meter Run

Time 13:02

All dead lifts sets were unbroken except for the second one which was 10+8.  I am pretty happy with that.  The running was very slow but a big part of that was the snow I was running in.  I did not blast my lungs like I thought I would have.  I should have run faster but I just kind of tiptoed around in the snow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Holbrook" - Turkish get-ups

Ten rounds, each for time of:
115 pound Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint
Rest 1 minute


We cheated on this one but I don't feel too bad about it.  I subbed the 100M for 5 burpees which takes about 14 seconds because I did not want to sprint in the foot of snow on the ground outside.  I can see where this was easier because it takes a lot more energy to keep doing 100m sprints at a set time where I don't think it would take that much for the burpees.   I worked on Turkish get-ups after we finished the main page WOD.  I PRed with 90lbs!