185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 4
245 (F) I am just still weak after being sick
We did a quick WOD after that looked like this:
4 Rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Body squats
Rd 1 = 54.57
Rd 2 = 54.67
Rd 3 = 52.4
Rd 4 = 48.55
Slowly coming back.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Do 30 Squat Cleans as fast as Possible.
I did it if 4:56.
My back is tost. It hurts every time I cough and that is still quite a bit. I will have to give it more of a break.
I did it if 4:56.
My back is tost. It hurts every time I cough and that is still quite a bit. I will have to give it more of a break.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Rope, Wallball, KB, Double-unders
Seven rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders
RD 1- 1:40
RD 2- 1:54
RD 3- 2:36
RD 4- 1:51
RD 5- 3:30
RD 6- 2:33
RD 7- 1:44
Total time = 15:51
Lungs were starting to burn pretty bad so I took some time in round 5. I got pretty sore from this little WOD. I know it is more from the flu than the WOD.
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders
RD 1- 1:40
RD 2- 1:54
RD 3- 2:36
RD 4- 1:51
RD 5- 3:30
RD 6- 2:33
RD 7- 1:44
Total time = 15:51
Lungs were starting to burn pretty bad so I took some time in round 5. I got pretty sore from this little WOD. I know it is more from the flu than the WOD.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
one hour warm-up pluss work out
I am sick. I wanted to be ready to do a WOD with Ron. So I started warming up an hour before he got there. I did not get much of a workout but I did get the soreness out of my bones and joints. I walked our of the weight room much better than I walked in. I almost did a few free standing handstand push-ups and I have got much better at bar pull-overs. They are much easier on a bar instead of a thick pipe. Still not feeling great temp was 102 this morning.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Bar Pull-overs - dead hang pull-ups - Death by sit-ups
Well I was about sore everywhere but lats and abs today. So I worked on bar pull-overs from the crossfit gymnastics page. This was about my third and not very good but I got better. I probably did 15 to 20. Then I did fifty dead hang pull-ups usually about six or so at a time. Pull-ups are harder on a two inch pipe than the bar I am used to. A few hours later I did "Death by sit-ups" These were sit-ups and not crunches. I always had fingers laced behind the head and always came up to a 90 degree angle. Doing that made me slow at something I am already slow at. At 25 sit-ups I was taking the entire minute so that is where I called it quits. Not a very intense day but felt good for what I wanted and worked well with babysitting the kids with colds.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Bench - Lunges and ring dips - sprints
Started the day with bench:
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 3
240 x 2
I was on my own without a spotter so I did not risk it on the heavy sets. Might have been able to get another rep at 235 or 240. I would have liked to put more weight on and gone for a one rep max but again, no spotter.
After a nice walk with Kaney I did Ron's WOD from the day before:
AMRAP in 12 min:
30 x 45lb overhead lunges, 15 right leg, 15 left leg, alternating legs, arms must be locked out and knee must touch ground.
15 Ring dips (I subbed two thick lead ropes with big hoops hanging from a tree with thick work gloves)
I got five rounds with twelve seconds left over -
Rd 1- 1:28
Rd 2- 2:05
Rd 3- 2:46
Rd 4- 2:42
Rd 5- 2:45
I was surprised at how tired my arms got. I don't know if it was from the strange thing I had subbed for the rings or if it was the benching earlier or both but I had to focus on keeping my arms locked which I thought would be the easiest thing in the WOD, wrong.
About ten minutes I finished with sprints. I did 6 50 yard sprints up hill with 50 seconds rest in between each one. Did not feel very fast but not surprised with heavy squats yesterday and lunges in the WOD today.
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 3
240 x 2
I was on my own without a spotter so I did not risk it on the heavy sets. Might have been able to get another rep at 235 or 240. I would have liked to put more weight on and gone for a one rep max but again, no spotter.
After a nice walk with Kaney I did Ron's WOD from the day before:
AMRAP in 12 min:
30 x 45lb overhead lunges, 15 right leg, 15 left leg, alternating legs, arms must be locked out and knee must touch ground.
15 Ring dips (I subbed two thick lead ropes with big hoops hanging from a tree with thick work gloves)
I got five rounds with twelve seconds left over -
Rd 1- 1:28
Rd 2- 2:05
Rd 3- 2:46
Rd 4- 2:42
Rd 5- 2:45
I was surprised at how tired my arms got. I don't know if it was from the strange thing I had subbed for the rings or if it was the benching earlier or both but I had to focus on keeping my arms locked which I thought would be the easiest thing in the WOD, wrong.
About ten minutes I finished with sprints. I did 6 50 yard sprints up hill with 50 seconds rest in between each one. Did not feel very fast but not surprised with heavy squats yesterday and lunges in the WOD today.
Only had about 25 free minutes today so I squeezed in some squats
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 3
315 x 3
325 x 3
They all felt great and were deep. I could have gone higher if I had the time.
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 3
315 x 3
325 x 3
They all felt great and were deep. I could have gone higher if I had the time.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Deadlift and Double unders
Three rounds for time of:
225lb deadlift x 10
50 double unders
Rd 1 - 1:36
Rd 2 - 2:28
Rd 3 - 2:34
Total time - 6:39
I was not sure how my back would handle the deadlifts. I had no problems. I could not get a good run on the double unders on the last round so time was off a little but I felt like I had a lot of gas.
225lb deadlift x 10
50 double unders
Rd 1 - 1:36
Rd 2 - 2:28
Rd 3 - 2:34
Total time - 6:39
I was not sure how my back would handle the deadlifts. I had no problems. I could not get a good run on the double unders on the last round so time was off a little but I felt like I had a lot of gas.
Cleans - Turkish Get-ups - HSPU, Pull-ups, KB Swings, Sit-ups, Burpees

I had a snow day and was on my own so had plenty of time in the weight room. I started the morning with cleans:
135 x a few (I don't remember how many, just warming up)
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 (fail on first try, thought about what I was doing and had no trouble
205 x 1 (PR a while)
210 x 1 (nailed it, no problem)
215 - Fail (did not get under it) Fail (got under it and caught the weight with legs well under 90 degrees started standing up and got legs to about 110 degree angle and fell backwards before I stood straight up) Fail again (got under it but was leaning too far forward)
I felt very close every time at 215 and I know I will get it. Jenni had called me about some insurance problems and I was having a hard thinking only of the lift.
Later that day I went in to work turkish get-ups before my WOD with Ron:
55 x 1
65 x 1
75 x 1
85 x 1
95 x 1 (old PR was 90!) (failed on right side the first time, but got it)
100 x 1 (failed on both sides a few times but got it on both sides eventually)
Big PR for me. I have not done this with heavy weight in a year. My old PR was after a WOD and this was before but this is still a big deal for me. I actually did the left side twice so Ron could take the pictures the second time. My right shoulder is talking to me a bit but I will be just fine.
This was the WOD with Ron:
For time:
30 Handstand push-ups (I did 16,11, 3)
40 Pull-ups (unbroken)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods (30, 20)
60 Sit-ups (paused here and there)
70 Burpees (did first 10 fast, and the rest were 2 or 3 slow followed by 7 or 8 fast)
Time was 12:52 (PR was 14:55)
The only other time I had hit this WOD was nearly two years ago. I beat that time by over two minutes. I am happy to see I am in much better shape than I was back then, nearly a year into Crossfit.
Three work-outs and three personal records in one day!
I feel Great!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Push Press, Overhead squat, GHD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
135 pound Push press, 7 reps
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
I got five full rounds with a few seconds left over.
Ron could not work out and he hates overhead squats so I thought this one would be good to do on my own. I did not go crazy on this one. I had just got out of the car after driving for over two hours and I was a little stiff. I push pressed some and jerked some but that went much better than I thought it would. I have not done any overhead squats since I hurt my back in May. It used to be my best lift. I was a little rusty but each set got easier and more ballanced. GHD were fine first two rounds but that same old sharp pain started shooting through my left leg on the way up on the final sets. Hurt pretty bad in set four and five. I feel fine today though. I did not push my self to near colaps on this one. I just got of the GHD chair and walked around with my hands on my hips for a few minutes when I was done. Put stuff up and headed out the door.
135 pound Push press, 7 reps
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
I got five full rounds with a few seconds left over.
Ron could not work out and he hates overhead squats so I thought this one would be good to do on my own. I did not go crazy on this one. I had just got out of the car after driving for over two hours and I was a little stiff. I push pressed some and jerked some but that went much better than I thought it would. I have not done any overhead squats since I hurt my back in May. It used to be my best lift. I was a little rusty but each set got easier and more ballanced. GHD were fine first two rounds but that same old sharp pain started shooting through my left leg on the way up on the final sets. Hurt pretty bad in set four and five. I feel fine today though. I did not push my self to near colaps on this one. I just got of the GHD chair and walked around with my hands on my hips for a few minutes when I was done. Put stuff up and headed out the door.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Off day but I was heading to K.C. where there are no bars to work with so I slipped in a little bench workout between PD meetings.
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5
The five reps of 225 is a PR for longer than I would like to admit. But it felt real good as my have been bring my bench back from some pretty pitiful numbers. I did burn out a little on that set as I only got 235 twice. I am pretty sure I could have got it three times but did not have a spotter or time to wrestle around stuck under a bar as it was time to get to another meeting. I did two racked and striped the bar and called it good enough.
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5
The five reps of 225 is a PR for longer than I would like to admit. But it felt real good as my have been bring my bench back from some pretty pitiful numbers. I did burn out a little on that set as I only got 235 twice. I am pretty sure I could have got it three times but did not have a spotter or time to wrestle around stuck under a bar as it was time to get to another meeting. I did two racked and striped the bar and called it good enough.
Box Jumps, Thrusters, Bar Facing Burpees
Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes:
12 - 24" Box Jumps
6 - 95lb Thrusters
6 - Bar facing Burpees
I got seven full rounds plus all the Box Jumps and one thruster. This was a nice quick one as Ron was Short on time. We started with a deadlift WOD and my back feels great but I had done a lot of back stuff and it was just muscle sore. I did not want to risk it and take a bunch of steps backwards. So we did this one. Watch was in K.C. so I did not get splits but I know the first one was way too fast. Things got easier the more time went on.
12 - 24" Box Jumps
6 - 95lb Thrusters
6 - Bar facing Burpees
I got seven full rounds plus all the Box Jumps and one thruster. This was a nice quick one as Ron was Short on time. We started with a deadlift WOD and my back feels great but I had done a lot of back stuff and it was just muscle sore. I did not want to risk it and take a bunch of steps backwards. So we did this one. Watch was in K.C. so I did not get splits but I know the first one was way too fast. Things got easier the more time went on.
Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 reps 95lb Sumo-deadlift high-pull
1 = 1:30
2 = 3:03
3 = 3:12
4 = 3:25
5 = 3:25
Total time for Tyler = 14:35
Fun WOD! I like things with muscle-ups even if I have back slid on them a bit. The first round was so fast because I muscle-ups were unbroken. On the the other rounds I has to pause in between each one to complete on completely. I missed a few and had to do them over on round five but time did not suffer because I did SDHPs unbroken. I did not know if I could go unbroken or not but I tried because I was trying to catch Ron. I did not pull it off but I did push harder because he was there. Thanks Bro.
7 Muscle-ups
21 reps 95lb Sumo-deadlift high-pull
1 = 1:30
2 = 3:03
3 = 3:12
4 = 3:25
5 = 3:25
Total time for Tyler = 14:35
Fun WOD! I like things with muscle-ups even if I have back slid on them a bit. The first round was so fast because I muscle-ups were unbroken. On the the other rounds I has to pause in between each one to complete on completely. I missed a few and had to do them over on round five but time did not suffer because I did SDHPs unbroken. I did not know if I could go unbroken or not but I tried because I was trying to catch Ron. I did not pull it off but I did push harder because he was there. Thanks Bro.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Squat and Desforges
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 1
All reps were deep and went up easy. Good back makes all the difference! Wanted to do more but wanted to walk away healthy more.
Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
20 Pull-ups
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
20 Knees to elbows
Total time = 39:41
Hats of to desforges. I am glad we did this. We have just been doing little WODs for a while due to always being low on time. Both Ron and I had two rest days so our bodies were as good as ever. Man, my body is used to the quick burners. I totally fell apart in the forth round. But, I saw the clock as I started the last round. The main page time was 36:59 and I wanted to be in the 30's. I was happy with my last round. Got my heart well up in the 170's iam sure. I did the crossfit flop and roll around thing when I was done. I was most happy with my back. It has been great and feels just fine now after heavy squats and a killer WOD.
135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 1
All reps were deep and went up easy. Good back makes all the difference! Wanted to do more but wanted to walk away healthy more.
Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
20 Pull-ups
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
20 Knees to elbows
Total time = 39:41
Hats of to desforges. I am glad we did this. We have just been doing little WODs for a while due to always being low on time. Both Ron and I had two rest days so our bodies were as good as ever. Man, my body is used to the quick burners. I totally fell apart in the forth round. But, I saw the clock as I started the last round. The main page time was 36:59 and I wanted to be in the 30's. I was happy with my last round. Got my heart well up in the 170's iam sure. I did the crossfit flop and roll around thing when I was done. I was most happy with my back. It has been great and feels just fine now after heavy squats and a killer WOD.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Ronny Mac Heart Attack
Five rounds for time;
5 handstand push-ups
10 jumping Jack push-ups
15 Fireman Body Squats
20 Burpees
25 sit-ups
30 high-knees
35 Butt-kicks
--One minute Rest--
Rd 1 - 4:05
Rd 2 - 4:39
Rd 3 - 4:41
Rd 4 - 4:45
Rd 5 - 4:57
Total time (including rest periods) - 27:07
This thing was harder than I thought, but that is good because most of my workouts here have been pretty candy back and I wanted to push it a little harder. About 15 minutes after I finished I crash on the bed and put my feet up on a bit bag and started to read. I had been there for about five minutes and Jenni called me into the other room for some help. I poped right up and walked in. I did not tell her but I was very light headed and vision was going pale. I won't jump up so fast next time. Pretty cooWOD.
5 handstand push-ups
10 jumping Jack push-ups
15 Fireman Body Squats
20 Burpees
25 sit-ups
30 high-knees
35 Butt-kicks
--One minute Rest--
Rd 1 - 4:05
Rd 2 - 4:39
Rd 3 - 4:41
Rd 4 - 4:45
Rd 5 - 4:57
Total time (including rest periods) - 27:07
This thing was harder than I thought, but that is good because most of my workouts here have been pretty candy back and I wanted to push it a little harder. About 15 minutes after I finished I crash on the bed and put my feet up on a bit bag and started to read. I had been there for about five minutes and Jenni called me into the other room for some help. I poped right up and walked in. I did not tell her but I was very light headed and vision was going pale. I won't jump up so fast next time. Pretty cooWOD.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Push Press and Ball Slams
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams
*for push press use between 185 - 225 lbs - USED 185lbs
*for ball slams use between 40-60 lbs - USED 40lbs stuffed 2, 20lb med balls in a sack. Worked well.
6 x 25 yard prowler pushes w/ 180 lbs - Did Sled pulls here with 180lbs
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.
Rounds in 8 min
Finished 7 Rounds in 7:45 and had the bar loaded when the watch started beeping.
I did jerks instead of shoulder press as this is pretty heavy for me. But it is cool because I have been wanting to do jerks lately. I tried to rig up a sled to push but was not successful. The sled pull was a little different and a lot of fun. Also, I did spend a lot of working core before the WOD which worked well for me. I am going to try to find more time to start like this.
3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams
*for push press use between 185 - 225 lbs - USED 185lbs
*for ball slams use between 40-60 lbs - USED 40lbs stuffed 2, 20lb med balls in a sack. Worked well.
6 x 25 yard prowler pushes w/ 180 lbs - Did Sled pulls here with 180lbs
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.
Rounds in 8 min
Finished 7 Rounds in 7:45 and had the bar loaded when the watch started beeping.
I did jerks instead of shoulder press as this is pretty heavy for me. But it is cool because I have been wanting to do jerks lately. I tried to rig up a sled to push but was not successful. The sled pull was a little different and a lot of fun. Also, I did spend a lot of working core before the WOD which worked well for me. I am going to try to find more time to start like this.
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