Monday, May 17, 2010

Clean and Jerk

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Warm up with 135

200 - 5lb PR
205 YES! 10lb PR!!!

My old PR is 195 but that was power clean, not squat clean. I have to admit I caught the weight before I got to the full squat position and then I just dropped down into the full squat. 195 felt real good so I thought I would bump all the way up to 205. Then everything fell apart. I don't know if I would have got it had not I seen a kid doing a terrible excuse for clean. I showed him the proper form and I think that got my mind right so I could pr by 5lbs and then 10lbs. I don't really think I am much stronger but I know I am doing the lifts better.

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