Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer Workouts "Back on the Wagon" Day 10

Morning Walk with Jenni was 1.4 miles

Power Matrix Shoulder Press

105 x 8
115 x 5
125 x 3
140 x 1
140 x 1
140 x 1
115 x 5

This was easy.  I am better at this lift for sure and will add weight next time.

Metcon was a Follow-The-Leader WOD.  It consisted of three men, me along with Ron and Darin doing three rounds of the workout.  Each man would lead the each round by doing the exercise that end destination while the other two men held a position in a isolation exercise.  This means each guy would do destination, isolation, isolation, destination, isolation, isolation when he was the leader and the other guys would do the same exercises except the destination exercise would be in the middle of the isolations or at the end.  We took a three minute rest after each round.

The exercises were: (Destination, Isolation)

Two down and backs on the sled with 50lbs + 3 Burpees
Back extension holding chest up
Ring dips holding in the top straight arm position
30 butterfly sit-ups
Hold in the top of a push-up
L sit hanging hold

I thought this was a good idea but don't know how much I really got out of it.  I definatly felt a some pain in the holds but did not feel gassed when I was done.  However, I don't know if every workout should make me gassed.  I was pretty worn out yesterday before I worked out and I feel fine today.  Who knows, this kind of workout may have been just what I needed. 

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