Friday, June 18, 2010

SDHP and Wall-ball

For time:

Row 2K
50 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 1K
35 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 500 meters
20 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball

Subbed SDHP for Rowing 1-10


My strategy was to do 75, 75, 50 for the 200 SDHP and that felt real good.  I can't remember how I broke up the wall-ball.  I was pretty weak on that and need to push through more. I think I did 30, 40, 30 for the 100 SDHP and I am pretty sure I lost count on last set and did extra.  I had two breaks for wall ball which is one to many for me.  Went 25,25 for last set of SDHP.  Then I went 10, 10 for wall ball.  I should have pushed through.  This is where I know I can improve the most. I could have done it faster but I was still very gassed when this thing was over.  Just laid there forever.  Jenni showed up and I had to carry Kaylynn around while she did the workout or else Kaylynn would cry.  I thought about letting her cry but I knew that would affect Jenni.  I have decided Kaylynn does not want us to workout and be in shape.  Anyway, felt weak until after super than I got my energy back.  My hat is of to Clayton and the animal on the Crossfit site that did this thing in 16:17.

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