Saturday, December 31, 2011

I found some rings in the truck and made this one up. I did it in the playground a block from the Mac house.

7 Rounds of:

5 Ring Handstand Push-ups
20m Lunges
20m Sprint
50 sit-ups

1- 2:13
2- 2:57
3- 3:32
4- 3:29
5- 4:04
6- 3:41
7- 2:54
Total - 22:53

I did the sit-ups on a all weather track type stuff and it was chewing my back up so I moved over to astro-turff in round 3. This took a little extra time but kept my back from bleeding. This WOD is like yesterday in that it did not just kill me but did get heart pumping. My lungs got rest on the lunges and sit-ups. I am still slow on sit-ups.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Stairs and Burpees at WWIM

Finally!  I can workout.  The kids went back to the farm yesterday so I was able to workout for the first time up here in K.C. I just made this one up and it seemed to be a good to start back on.  I ran stairs and did burpees at the WWI memorial.  This is link to a picture of what I ran: :,-94.585789&spn=0.001284,0.001859&t=h&z=19&vpsrc=6

I think the loop was about 1/4 a mile and it was 115 steps up and 115 steps down.  The steps were not all at once but went in sets from 3 to 20.  I started at the bottom, or north side, which would be the top of the picure, and ran up on the west side, across, and down on the east.  I finnished each loop with 25 burpees.  I took an easy run over to the memorial and walk most of the way back.  So, on the main page the post for WOD would like this:

3 Rounds for time:
1/4 a mile of 115 steps up and 115 down
25 burpees

Splist went like this:
1 - 3:48
2- 5:30
3- 5:01
Total time of 14:19

I did not start out too strong.  I was just a little gassed on round 2 and 3 because they started right after 25 burpees.  I did not kill myself on this one but used it more as a WOD to get back into things.  However, I do remember urnning this lap (without Burpees) back when we were living here when Granton was sick.  This was when I was about 205lbs and really out of shape.  In fact, the time of his illness is when I started working out again.  Anyway, then it only took one run to the top to bring me to that "I'm about to pass out feeling."  Now I haven't done a bit of working out for over a week and I can do three laps with burpees and still feel pretty good.  I feel GREAT right now.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Muscle-ups, Dumbell Thrusters

Three rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-ups
35 pound Dumbbell thruster, 21 reps

1 - 1:31
2 - 3:16
3 - 3:47

Total time - 8:35

I did most of the muscle-ups unbroken in the first round but one at a time in the two other rounds.  That is why they were so much slower.  All thrusters were unbroken.  Benched earlier today and could feel it in my chest on the thrusters.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Bench Press

Bench two reps one the minute for 10 minutes

1 - 185

2 - 195
3 - 195
4 - 205
5 - 205
6 - 215
7 - 215
8 - 225
9 - 225
10 - 235 (took so long on the last rep I got a cramp in my leg)

Just something quick I could do in order to get two in today.


10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
200 Double-unders = Subbed in 400 singles
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate
Exercise Splits
1 and  2?- 1:23
3 - 1:20
4 - 2:26
5 - 6:29
6 - 8:11
7 - 3:44

Total Time =23:35.14
Big PR but I did "Nutts" I did not eat on the first day I did this so I fell apart then and the second time was on farm and equipment was makeshift and I think I ran too far with the plate that time.  Still, I am pretty happy with this one. Finished in the rain and lightening.

Hanging extensions, Rolls, Sots Press

Five rounds for time of:

5 Hanging ring extensions (right arm + left arm = 1)
5 Forward rolls
5 Backward rolls
45 pound Sots press, 10 reps
I think my time was 6:12.  It has been too long since I posted but I do remember hating the Sots press and flying through the rest.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deadlift and handstand walk

21 deadlift 225lbs
21 yards of handstand walk
15 deadlift 225lbs
15 yards of handstand walk
9 deadlift 225lbs
9 yards handstand walk

Round 1 finished at 1:38
Round 2 finished at 3:54
Round 3 finished at 4:55

Ron kicked my butt on this one. Good job brother, you were flyin' man. I repped off the deadlifts with no break and only had one little fall on walks on first round and you still beat me by ten seconds. I broke up second round of deadlifts but rocked the walk and flew threw the last round. I am going so stop dinking around with this iPad for the stop watch I had to wake up and unlock the screen on the second round which took some time. Also, instead of doing handstand walk down and back I only went on way and then ran back to the deadlift stand. I had to do the 21 yards diagonally for this to work but no big deal. Fun little burnner.

Bench Press after Duel

5 x 205
5 x 215
5 x 220
3 x 225 (did two and got stuck 3/4th of the way up on third
1 x 235

I think I am getting stronger at this lift again. Hills and valleys.

100 Burpee Pull-ups

100 Burpee Pull-ups in 11:59 (1:38PR)

I think I am just getting smarter on this one.  I only tried to do 9 a minute instead of 10.  I messed up on round 6 this time just like last but it was because I missed the bar and I had to turn the screen back on with the iPad stopwatch.  I was not totally gassed (but close) I had a real bad round in minute 7 but picked it back up a bit and then really pushed hard on minute 10 and 11 when I did my last 19.  Stayed on the ground a while when it was over.

GHD Wall Ball, 2-fer-1s

21-15-9 reps for time of:

GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Round 1 - 3:56
Round 2 - 2:51
Round 3 - 1:36

Total time = 8:24

Row, Box Jump, Sit-ups, Jumping Pull-ups, Back extensions, Dips, Turkish Get-ups

Row 500 meters

20 inch Box jump, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
Jumping pull-ups, 50 reps
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps
1.5 pood Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms

I did this a long time ago in 18:00 something.  I kept splits but lost them.