Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OPT Week 5 Day 2

A. Back squat with chains 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2; rest 2 min (Weighed the chains and they are 41.8lbs at the top of the squat and 26.8lbs at the bottom)  I used the chains last week and felt great, however, I started with with too much weigit today for the reps of 6.  In fact I was still breathing hard two minutes later when I would start the next set.  I was planning on ending with 315 or more but, with starting as heavy as I did, I just did not have it on the final sets.
1st set = 265 + chains, 2nd set = 265 + chains, 3rd set = 275 + chains, 4th = 275 + chains, 5th = 285 + chains, 6th = 295 =  = chains

B. Squat snatch from high blocks 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Once again, SNATCH!  I used to be very scared of this lift as it always messed up my back for weeks or months.  I would just skip crossfit WODs that had it and get a workout from another sight.  My back has been good for months now since I have given up heavy deadlift with a normal bar and switched to the trap bar.  My back is strong enough to actually do the snatch and not injure myself, but I am tiptoeing into this lift.  On top of that, I have never done snach from high blocks until today.  So today was once again a "form and movement" day for this lift.  I did three or four at 95lbs before starting part B of this WOD.
1st = 105lbs, 2nd = 115lbs, 3rd = 125lbs


All done @100%

3 min AMRAP:
10 no push up burpee box jumps 20
10 power clean and jerk 95/65
1 round + 16 reps - I have to speed up my bar movement.

Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
10 deadlift 185/115
10 burpee lateral hop over bar
3 rounds + 1 rep

Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
15 hang power snatch from below knee 75/33
15 box jumps 20"
2 rounds + 5 reps

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

OPT Week 5, Day 1

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; rest 90 seconds x5 complexes
95, 105, 115, 125, 130, all were easier than I thought and I need to put on a little more weight next time 
B. Strict press 10, 10, 10; rest 75 seconds
95, 100, 105 This however, was pushing my limit.
10 rounds for time:
10 hand release push ups
8 knees to elbow
6 box jumps 24/20
4 CTB chin ups
2 wall walks

Rd 1 - 1:10
Rd 2 - 1:21
Rd 3 - 1:26
Rd 4 - 1:25
Rd 5 - 1:29
Rd 6 - 1:31 (tied my shoe)
Rd 7 - 1:26
Rd 8 - 1:29
Rd 9 - 1:30
Rd 10-1:15
Total time was 14:06

This WOD just fit me well.  I was winded but not dead when I was done.  Felt good.

OPT Week 4, Day 3

I forgot to post this WOD from last Saturday.

A. Power clean clusters 1.1.1x5; rest 10 seconds/rest 3 min
195, 195, 200, 205, 205 did not do well on this.  Early in the morning and my body was not working like I wanted.

B. Deficit DL
Did this standing on 45lb bumper weights using the trap bar.  315, 335, 355

12 min amrap:
5 squat clean 165#
5 power clean 155#
10 squat clean 145#
10 power clean 135#
20 squat clean 115#
20 power snatch 105#
30 squat snatch 95#
30 power snatch 75#

I got 58 total reps

Monday, January 28, 2013

Turkish Get-ups, core WOD

Heavy Turkish Get-ups
I got up to 105lbs and nailed it on my right side.  Got to a standing postion on left side but then lost control.  Never actually got it on left side which is now a goal.

Then 3 rounds for time:
10 GHD
25 yards farmer carry left
25 yards farmer carry right15 sledge hammer left
15 sledge hammer right
40 yard bear crawl
50 double unders
Thirty seconds crazy rope
One minute rest

Round 1 = 3:52
Round 2 = 3:30 (faster because I only missed once with double unders)
Round 3 = 3:50
Total = 13:13

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tire Slams - KBS

Tire Slams
KB Swings 70lbs/2 Pood
Tire Slams


Tire Slams 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
KBS 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
Tire Slams 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15

I went after Ron and saw him struggle after crossing the anabolic threshold so my goal was to stay steady and consistent.  First round was real easy but the KBS pushed me pretty hard.  I was very winded but still feeling good at the end.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OPT Week 4 Day 2

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x14 sets @55-75% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets improving my form and I am most excited that this is not hurting my back!)

B. 12 muscle ups for time x4; rest 4 min (I broke every set up like 7,5,3 and every set was a little under 1:30 but I was not watching the time very close because I did notice the part of the WOD was for time.)


10 rounds for time:
2 power snatch @85% 1rm (115lbs for me)
10 knees to elbow

Rd - 1 =   :37
Rd - 2 =   :46
Rd - 3 =   :51
Rd - 4 =   :54
Rd - 5 =   :57
Rd - 6 = 1:09
Rd - 7 = 1:00
Rd - 8 = 1:13
Rd - 9 = 1:05
Rd -10=   :47
Total time of 9:25

My hands were raw when I started the metcon and very raw when I was done.  All in all a good day.  I think my form has improved enough that I can test myself a little more on snatch.  I think my max has bumped up a bit.  I will take it slow because I have been enjoying a good back lately and I don't want to screw with my streak.

Short Sprints

Complete the following sprints:

4 x 20 Meter Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
6 x 30 Meter Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
10 x 10 Meter Flying Starts (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*take 10 meters to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.

Lots of good quick burst with just the right amount of recovery.  I was pushed but not not close to death.  Fun one to do with Ron were about stride for stride.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

OPT Week 4 Day 1

A. Strict press clusters3.3.3x5; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 minuts (I did this at 125lbs for each set but did not pay attention and only rested 2 minutes

B. JM press 12-15x3; rest 2 min (I used 100 lbs just to stay in triple didgets,  I could have done more if I was not leading with my rist like the video showed but I stayed to true to proper form.  I think my triceps will talk to me about it tomorroe)
3 rounds for time:
20 thrusters at 85lbs*
15 chin ups
50 SDHP (sub for Row 500m)

*I did not pay attention, this was supposed to be 75lbs.  I noticed the weight in th middle of the WOD but decided to just push through with the extra weight.)

Round 1 = 2:32, Round 2 = 4:37, Round 3 = 3:59 for a total time of 11:09

Farmer's walk and sprints

Complete 6 rounds for time:
50 yard Farmer's Walk
Sprint 50 yards
*Go as heavy as possible for Farmer's Walk
*Start by walking 50 yards for farmers walk, set weight down and sprint 50 yards
*For rest, walk back to dumbbells

I did this about 9:00 last night.  It is kind of a joke the WOD is way to easy, probably the easiest WOD I have ever gotten off the crossfitfootball sight.  However, I was okay with it because it was late.  I had been in a car most of the day so even though I did not feel like I did much, I was happy to breath hard and do SOMETHING before eating my nachos.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Family Fun

Fitness is Family Fun!

To be honest, the kids drive me crazy most of the time I am working out.  However, I do love the fact that they love spending time in the weight room.  Jenni has been coming in and working out more lately and that means the kids are with us.  We take time running interference for each other so the other one can do a WOD in peace but I am cool with that.  It is really good on days when it is too cold for them to play outside; they can run around on the turf and swing on the rope and doing plate pushes.  As you can see they like to play in the jump box.  The other day I was hitting it pretty hard and took of my t-shirt.  Two minutes later they all had their shirts off so this proud Papa had to take a picture. 

OPT: Wk 3 Day 3

A. Back squat 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
I messed this up.  I thought it was supposed to be with heavy chains.  It was not.  However in the long run it probably worked out better because I ended up squatting more than I would have anyway since I did not have a spotter.  Ben and I think the chains add about forty pounds when the bar is high and I I bet about half of that when the bar is low.  So add 20-40 pounds to each of these weights and it is pretty good for me...   295, 305, 315, 315

B. Paused below the knee squat snatch 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Don't remember where I started but finished with 135 or 145.  Missed my last rep. but widened my grip and got it.  Ben and Clayton gave me some advice and I am going to work on widining my grip.

30 seconds max reps power snatch 95
30 seconds max reps burpees
30 seconds max reps kbs 2 pood
30 seconds max reps box jumps 24
1 min max calories airdyne (plate pushes)
Rest 12 min x4 

Round 1 = 7, 10, 11, 12, 2(down and backs)
Round 2 = 8, 10, 12, 14, 2(D&B)
Round 3 = 8, 11, 12, 16, 2
Round 4 = 9, 11, 13, 16, 2

Total Reps per round: 1= 42, 2 = 46, 3 = 49, 4 = 51
Hard burn on these short little burst.  I am giving my legs a rest!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OPT: Week Three, Day Two

A. Bench press 1.1.1x3; rest 20 seconds/rest 2 min (235, 240, 240)

B. Split jerk; build to a tough single (135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205) I thought about more but after listening to Ben I decided to stay there.  This was the right call

C. Drop to 80% of B and perform 6 sets of 2; rest as needed bw sets (I did 185 for all sets and showed up early enough this morning that I more then enough rest in between each set.)

For time:
50 meter farmers walk 2/1.5 pood
25 hspu
50 meter farmers walk
25 CTB chin ups
50 wall balls
25 toes to bar
50 wall balls
25 hspu

... clock starts immediately upon completion and scored as a second workout :

300 double unders for time

I did the METCON in 14:55 (bogged down in wall ball) and the double unders in 9:28 which made a total time of 24:24.  Good WOD I just was cruzing along and the bang! I hit the wall.  Had to push hard throught the double unders.


Tuesday 1-15:

3Rounds of:

10 Back to back Med Ball hand offs
5 Ball Burst
10 Sledge Hammer Lf
10 Sledge Hammer Rt
50 Heavy Rope Jedi Whips
20 Back Extensions
20 yards farmer carry Lf
20 yards farmer carry Rt
10 GHD
10 55lb KBS
10 Decline Sit-ups
50 High Knees in Rack
One minute rest
I forgot to take a picture of my splits but I kind of remember them
5:40something (I had to adjust the GHD chair)
Total = 18:40 something

Five Minutes rest
40m Sprint or 20m Harness pulls on the minute for 8 minutes
These were a lot of fun and I want to do them again.  We accidental forgot to rest on the first two and I about blacked out which added to the fun.

Deadlift, Power Clean, -Squat Clean METCON

A. Deadlift 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min (375, 405, 430 PR all were with trap bar)
B. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min 195, 205, 215, 230 fail and went straight to 225 - this lift felt good after the heavy dead lift)
C. Hang squat clean from below the knee 3 reps x10 sets; rest 45 seconds bw sets (50-65% 1rm for all sets, high speed - perfect mechanics  (got a good sweat rolling here)


12 min AMRAP: (this might get interesting...)
20 squat clean 95/65
20 squat clean 135/95
20 squat clean 165/115
20 squat clean 195/145
AMRAP squat clean 225/175 in remaining time

I got up to the first rep of 195.  I felt strong but my back is still tired two days later.  Not injured, just very tired.

Push Press, Ball Burst - Plate Pushes

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:

3 Push Press
5 Slamb burst under

I got 10 full rounds + All Plate Push and 3 Ball Burst

6 x Plate Pushes
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Legs got a good burn here but Ron beat me on everyone of these.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Snatch, Muscle ups, Toes to bar, Cleans-Burpees

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x12 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load. (100, 100, 105, 105, 105, 105, 110, 110, 115, 115, 115, 115) I felt like my motion is getting smoother on this lift.

B. 2 muscle ups on the minute for 14 min  This was pretty much cake and just kept me warm for the next step.

C. Toes to bar; 50 for time  Time was 2:35  I planed on breaking it 25, 15, 10 but I ended up doing 25, 11, 9, 6  The 25 was easer than expected but then I fell off the wagon.
Power clean 185/115
Bar facing burpees

Splits: 2:57, 2:59, 2:18, 1:40, :25 Overall time:10:20  I went straight from the 4th set into the 5th.  The cleans were a challenge but this WOD felt like it was about over after the second set.

Push Jerk, Deadlift-Push-ups-Box jumps

Find Max Push Jerk:

I started at 185 and just kept bumping up the weigth until I attempted 230 which I failed on.  However, I nailed 225.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
155 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Deficit push-ups, hands on 25 pound plates
15 Box jumps, 24" box

I got seven rounds with the following splits:

Bogged down a little on the deadlifts but as a whole I feel real good.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dips, Chin ups, Box Jumps-Double unders- Snatch- Burpees

A1. Weighted dip 3-4x4; rest 10 seconds  = 70lbs x4, 75lbs x4, 80lbs x4  (only did three sets, I don't know what I was thinking)

A2. Amrap unbroken ring dips x4; rest 3 min 22, 14, 11 (again only three sets, need to pay better attention)

B1. Weighted chin up 2-3 tough reps x4; rest 10 seconds - 70lbs x3, 80lbs x3, 80lbs x2 ( only 3 sets)
B2. 15 unbroken CTB chin ups x4; rest 3 min - Unbroken, Unbroken, 10+5 (Chest hit bar every time)


For time:
25 box jumps 24""
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (right)
50 double unders
25 calories rowing (burpees)
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (left)
50 double unders"

Time was 12:45
I had the most trouble with the KB snatch.  Just not very fimiluar with it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Turkish Get-ups, SDHP

Heavy Turkish Get-ups:  I started with 55lbs and just kept adding a little weight until I got to 95lbs.  This is not a PR and I may have been able to do more but I failed once and was ready to get on to the WOD.

Metcon was:

Row Sprints

10 x 150m ( Rest ratio 1:2 )

1- 15.30
2- 16.54
3- 15.1
4- 16.78
5- 16.37
6- 15.67
7- 15.51
8- 15.20
9- 15.56
Total time of 7:22.2

Nice little workout had me breathing hard but not dead.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Squat, KBS-Burpee Box Jump

Back Squat 3, 1, 3, 1, Rest 2min 295, 315, 305, 335  This was very easy.  I thought with the short rest that it would be harder.  I will add a little more weight next time.  I really felt strong after an off day.


  • KBS @ 1.5 pood
  • Burpee Box Jump 24"/20"
Don't have my watch with me as I am posting right now.  My time was 9:30 something.  I was pretty consistant because my first round of 30 took about the same amount of time as the second two rounds of 20 and 20.  I like this little WOD

Friday, January 4, 2013

Deadlift, Clean, Bench, Push Press, Push Jerk, HSPU - Snatch GHD

A. Deadlift 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min  365, 375, 385(only got two shed 10lbs and did last rep)
B1. Power clean 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min 195, 205, 215 but I did not get under it.  I would have rather squat cleaned it instead.
B2. Bench press 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min 225, 235, 245 Bench was a little too easy, should have gone heaver.  I am not used to reading OPT workouts I messed up and did all the Power Cleans and then all the Bench(3,2,1,3,2,1) where I should have switched between the two (3,3,2,2,1,1) 

C1. Push press 6, 6, 6; rest 10 seconds 145 every time
C2. Push jerk 12, 12, 12; rest 10 seconds 145 every time
C3. HSPU; 20 for time x3;1:15, 1:35 1:54 I did not have my head touch the floor every time.  I should have made myself do this.
  rest 3-4 min

5 rounds for time: 5 power snatch @ 80% 1rm*
10 GHD sit ups

I did this in 7 minutes flat.

I still dislike working out in the morning but I enjoyed starting the day off right good company. Thanks Clayton and Ben for the camaraderie.

Box Jump, Power Clean - CTB Pull-ups, Sprints

Box jump max - Went through all the boxes with 20lb weight vest. Then went through all the boxes with the vest and a heavy chain doubled over.  I then droped the vest and chain and put the little

On the minute

Complete the following on the minute for 12 minutes:

1 Power Clean @ 3 RM from 12-18-12
5 CTB Pull Ups

*CTB = Chest to Bar
Easy little WOD.  I only did 185 for the power clean since I knew I would turn around and do it again on the following day.  I switched my grip up on the CTB Pull-ups.

Every 30 seconds

Complete one 60 yard sprint every 30 seconds for 6 mins.  This was not easy, had me on the ground when we were done.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snatch, Clean, Muscle ups, Deadlift-box jumps-toes to bar

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x10 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load (I went with 115lbs)
B. Squat clean; 2 reps x10 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load (I had 155lbs)
C. 2 muscle ups on the minute for 10 min (I enjoyed this, right down my ally)

10 min AMRAP:
3 deadlift 275/185
5 box jumps 36/30
10 toes to bar
I got eight rounds with no time to spare.

Rd 1 - :52
Rd 2 -1:10
Rd 3 - 1:29
Rd 4 - 1:29
Rd 5 - 1:18
Rd 6 - 1:19
Rd 7 - 1:12
Rd 8 - 1:11