Thursday, June 21, 2012

Squats, Push-ups - Sprints

Started with Squats:

Warm-up with 225

275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 Did not finish
When I got to 355 and looked in the mirror my back was way out of line, BAD, I may have been able to do the lift but I did not think it was wise. I went down a little and tried to shift my hips and it did not work so I racked it. Tried again, same result. Wanted to feel something heavy so I put 405 on the bar and just held it on my back. It was out of line standing straight up. So I striped the bar down to 135 and did one legged squats. I noticed my left side is much weaker than my right which makes since because I shift to my right when I get a lot of weight on my back and my left side is the same side where pain shoots down my leg. This is a little disappointing but my back popped big time today and I went for a walk and looked down as I was taking steps and there was no pain in my leg or back where there has been. I hope yesterday's squats loosened me up enough that my back has shifted and I am better. I will keep trying. We finished with this WOD:

10 rounds, each for time of:
15 Push-ups
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 60 seconds

Total time was 12:41 wearing a 20lb vest

After the one legged squats, my ham strings were talking to me big time on first sprint. I thought I might pull something but they loosened up. Stayed pretty consistent for the entire workout.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Clean, Hang Squat Clean - Handstand Push-ups

Just started light and kept adding weight:
220 (PR)
Since my cleans are now squat clean and the were not when I was bigger this is an all time PR!  Additionally, it was easy.  After I caught the weight at the bottom and was on my way up I thought "Wow, this is cake!"  Felt so good at the top I went ahead and jerked it above my head.  I have been working this a lot and next to shoulder press it has been my most frustrating lift.  So a PR in this is very satisfying.  I did a lot of hang squat cleans in a WOD last week and I think I kind of found the right groove for this lift which helps.  Also, my back seems much better.  I really wanted to put more weight on and PR again but I decided my back was messed up last week and I don't want to go back to that.  So I quit while I was ahead.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang squat clean, 50 pound dumbbells
Handstand push-ups

Rd 1 - 2:30
Rd 2 - 2:44
Rd 3 - 1:53
Total = 7:09
I thought the cleans would be the hard part but I did them unbroken where I had to break up the handstand push-up.

Wrapped it up with plate pushes alternating the plate down and back with Ron
(4 down and backs apiece - 60 seconds rest - 4 down and backs apiece) and a little ab bounding with Jenni.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bench, and a mix of stuff.

I finally got to the weight room at about 9:00 last night.  By that time I was much less motivated.
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
230 x 4
245 x 1

I wanted to go for more reps with the 230 and 245 but I did not have a spotter and played it safe.  I then did five rounds of fifty doubl-unders.  My goal was to do them with no mistakes but I tripped up two or three times on each round.  Still finished them as fast as possible with about two minutes rest in between each round.  I wrapped things up with some jumping jack push-ups and kettle bell swings for the back.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Deadlift, Dragon Fly, Power Cleans-Front Squats-Bar facing burpees, Sprints

I started out with Deadlift.  My back felt better today but it is very week.  Couldn't pick anything up.  However,  I worked on the roof with Todd and it still felt fine and feels better than it has in weeks today.  At least I did not hurt it.

Dragon Fly's 3 x 10 I 2 x 10
This is a fun new ab exercise for me.  Mu upper abs are sore to to touch from this today. Cool stuff.

Weighted Pull-ups 3 sets of 10
All sets were with 30lbs. Racked myself on first set.  Hung weight from the back on second set and did dead-hang pull-ups on third set.
3 rounds for time
10 x Power Cleans
5 x Front Squat 165lbs
15 x Bar facing burpees
1 - 3:12
2 - 3:21
3 - 3:28
Total time - 12:01
I did this all on the same bar.  I would go straight from the power cleans to the Front squats.  Then I would drop it and do the burpees.

Drive to granny hills 5 x 50 yard up hill sprints walk backward down hill for recovery.  These felt fast for running up-hill.  I run faster if someone is right next to me.  Thanks Ron

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hammer Gone Bad

3 Rounds
Sledge Hammer Right Side 1 min
Box Jumps 20in 1 min
Sledge Hammer Left Side 1 min
Dumbell Hang Clean 45lb Dumbells 1 min
1 minute rest
WOD is constructed exactly like Fight Gone Bad. 4 rounds counting max number of reps per exercise. Your score is your total number of reps completed.
Exercise Reps R1 Reps R2 Reps R3
Sledge Hammer RS ------36------------36----------37 = 109
Box Jumps ----------------40------------41----------42 = 115
Sledge Hammer LS ------34------------34----------36 = 109
Dumbell Hang Clean ----21------------22-----------22 = 65
Total number of reps = 133-----------135----------138 = 406

Short Rest
Mat slams - We alternated for 1 minute slamming the same direction facing each other. As many reps as possible in 1 min. We did 4 rounds. We did 2 rounds slamming with right arm and 2 rounds slamming with left arm.


Total time - Just under 42 minutes 

On the minute
Complete 5 Burpees and complete max reps of 135lb thrusters on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 Thrusters
At the beginning of every minute complete 5 burpees, for the rest of the minuted perform as many 135lb thrusters as you can in remainder of minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 thrusters. Post total number of minutes it took to complete 100 thrusters.
Inside of workout:
Total thrusters - 100
Total burpees - 210
Total squat cleans - 33

One goal was to always do more than one thruster each time I got on the bar so I would limit the number of cleans.  The following is my running total.  If I only did the thrusters in a round I have identified it like this "__"
I pushed out five in the end to avoid more burpees.  I am pretty happy with this.  I remember the first time I saw it I thought I can't do that and when I was at sixty something thruster I was questioning my self. Now I have done it.  Feels good to have that one under my belt.   I like the way I have changed up my workouts with the MEBB touch.  I can still do a long grinder but the 135lb thrusters were not too much weight.  Also, I am faster at the short burners than ever.   I am pretty sore from this thing but also proud and happy I finished it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

225 x 5
245 x 5
265 x 5
285 x 5
305 x5

Back was sore from L-sits.  I did not want to push it so I went light weight x 5.  My spine looked like a question mark on the first set.  However, it got better and better as I added weight

Complete 6 rounds:
You have 1 minute to complete the following:

5 KB Swings - 2 pood
1 40 yard Suicide Run

*rest 60 seconds between rounds
*if you do not make the 1 minute mark count a penalty. Each penalty is worth 20 burpees.

All my splits were in the 50 second range.  I gamed it a little on round 3 and 4.  Pushed hard on 5.  My legs felt pretty rubbery every time I cut to go back.  I am sure that was from the squats.

Finished with 5x10 mat slams with 30 seconds recovery.  This got me huffing and puffing but it felt great.  I want to do this exercise more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bench, All singles: 205, 225, 245, 265,275-F
Did not feel strong on bench.  I think I felt the Bench from the WOD three days earlier.  I am going for 275 in a few weeks on a fresh chest.

A) L-sit 4 x 15's ( Any scale: Tuck, L or V-sit)
I suck at these, especally compared to Ron.  They kill my back which is still sore from this exercise.  My sits were kind of an tuck-Lsit.  I will start working on my flexability more.

B)3 x 15 Weighted Ring dips (Scale as needed)
I did all set unbroken with a 20lb KB.  Harder than I thought so I did not add weight

C) 5-10-15
Hang Squat cleans @ 155/115lbs
Double unders (x5) [25-50-75]
Headstand Pushups

Rd 1 - 1:09
Rd 2 - 3:17
Rd 3 - 7:07
Total - 11:35
Hang Squat cleans were hardest but I feel my from is better than ever.

We finnished with 5 20ft rope climbs as fast as possible with 60 seconds recovery.  All mine were 6-10 seconds to the beam execpt the last one which was an L roap climb.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cleans, "Helen" with vest, Sprints

135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
210 x 1
220 x f (got under it but dumped it forward)
220 x r (made up my mind that it would not dump forward, got under it pretty good but fell back as I started to go up)

I used to have to phych myself up for 195 not is is cake and I didn't need much time to get ready for 210.  I don't think I could have been much closer to getting 220 with out accomplishing the lift.  We did not clean growing up and in college we only did power cleans, not true cleans with the squat.  Once I get this, it will be an all time PR even though powercleanded a lot more when I was younger and bigger.  I wanted to end on a positive note so I did some clean and jerks:
185 x 1
200 x 1
Easy!  I am starting to think I can jerk what ever I can clean.

"Helen" (with vest and 90 seconds recovery after each round)

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups

Rd - 1 2:44
Rd - 2 2:45
Rd - 3 3:03

I haven't ran as much and it got me, especially running with the vest.  I had heavy labored breathing on round two but was able to push through.  It caught up with me on round 3, especially when I had to pause and pick up a weight that fell out of the vest.  I lost my pace at that spot and did not get it back.

Ron and I finished a little later with 40's on the minute for 10 minutes.  I was sucking a little air when we were were on the last few but was able to sprint every one all out.  I felt like a million dollars about 30 minutes after we finished.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Volkswagen 3.0

15, 12, 9 reps of:
Bench Press @ body weight + 10 lbs
Towel Pull Ups

Time was a little over seven minutes. I am guessing because I did 12 bench presses at 180 and looked at my watch to find out I hit the wrong button.  I kind of had a ho hum attitude on this one with the kids running around and what not but it was a fun little WOD.  Used the big roap for a towel.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ron and I were feeling pretty sore and broken down so we got a little creative today.  The goal was to work out the pain and strengthen the core.

We did everything with 20lb weight vest today.

Started with heavy chain box jumps.  I did seven or eight not including the ones where I missed the box.  Started with just the vest on the second tallest box, then switched to the tallest, added two chains, added two more but could not land on the top of the box.  I did a few on the second tallest box, added one more chain and did a few more, dropped back down to four chains and finished with a solid land on the tallest box with the weight vest and four heavy chains.  That's a PR.

Then we went to a crazy WOD I made up for the state we were in:

Five rounds of the following wearing 20lb weight vest:
15 yards Lunging Thrusters (65lbs)
5 GHDs
15 yards 45lb plate push
5 left and 5 right sledge hammer swings
15 yards farmer walk left hand (100lbs)
5 pull-ups from a dead hang with no kip
15 yard farmer walk right hand (100lbs)
10 sun-ups switching directions (5 to the left, 5 to the right)
2 minutes rest

This is how it went for me:
Rd 1 - 1:58
Rd 2 - ??? (accidantly hit stop button in the round)
Rd 3 - 3:41
Rd 4 - 3:51
Rd 5 - 3:42

This was a total drain on my body and I used every bit of each break but it served its purpose.  I was tired but feeling healthy when it was done.  Most of the soreness is gone today.