Monday, December 24, 2012

Bench, Gymnastic WOD and Football WOD

Okay, I am ready to get back on the wagon with posting my workouts.  I have kept some consistency with workouts, about 3 or 4 a week but have not found the time to post, however I think I can handle posting again. 

My last WOD was Saturday.  I walked two miles with a 50lb feed sack in 34:12.  I did three sets of 40 yard  farmer's walks and max dead hang pull-ups the day before.  Yesterday I was sick as a dog with a fever and did not do anything.  Feeling much better today, especially this afternoon and did the following.

Bench press 225x8, 225x3, 225x3

A) Gymnastic Strength
6 series:
  • (0:20's Handstand hold + 7 Clapping Push-ups)
5 Series
  • 2 Ring Pullups + 1 Strict Muscle up + 2 Dips

  • 15's L-sit Hold  (did this in the rings)

The Gymnastic WOD was pretty easy and I wanted to finish with a  blast.  Derek, my little brother who is rank #1 in the state of Kansas at 170 did Fran yesterday (5:14, not bad for the first time ever) wanted to workout with me.  So we did this football WOD-
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
30 Overhead Walking Lunge 45 lb plate
10 Ball Slams - 40 lbs
 We did not have a ball so we used a two and a half 8" culvert which weighed about 40lbs.

Derek did 6 rounds even and I did 6 rounds + all the lunges and 8 of the slams.  I obviously finished the round.

Friday, November 23, 2012


I hope you had a lot of turkey and a happy Thanksgiving.  Here is your workout:

Five rounds, each for time of:
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
60 Jumping Jacks

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Have Fun!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving.  Okay, I think you do your workout before you fill up on turkey.

First, step of 15 of the biggest steps you can take and mark the distance. 

Second, get a stopwatch and press "start"

Now, Sprint the distance as fast as you can one time in the first minute, 2 times in the second minute, 3 times in the third minute 4 in the fourth and so on.

Do this workout as long as you can.  I will be surprised if any of us can do it longer than 10 minutes.

Good luck and have fun!

Bench - "The Ensign"

I benched today to start out.  I wanted to get 255 three times but only got it 2 and 3/4th.  Finished with: 225 x 4, 225 x 4, 225 x 3.  Then I did this WOD and really liked it.  Ron, we will do this one together.

The Ensign
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
3 Power Clean 155 lbs
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats / 9 Ring Dips
Perform Air Squats on Rounds 1, 3, 5 and Ring Dips on Rounds 2, 4, 6.
Repeat this sequence 6 times (6 rounds). Rest for 1 minutes between the 3 minute rounds.

My rounds were 3,4,3,4,3,4   It was a good workout.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BMS Wrestling Workout for Wednesday.

Okay Guys we will make this one simple.  Do 150 burpees as fast as you can.  Make sure your chest touches the ground and make sure you clap above your head at the top of your jump.  Post your times here at the comments.  One more thing, thanksgiving is a time to enjoy family.  Your family will enjoy you more if you have a good attitude.  Find something nice to do for your mom or dad today.  That's it for now.  Hit those burpees hard and have fun!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bench - Thrusters, Toes-to-bar, 200

I am still increasing bench press weight by 5 pounds a week and maxing out on the reps.  This time I got 3 reps of 250lbs.  Shoulders are feeling better all the time.  I am now finishing bench with two plates and pump out as many reps in a set as I can for a few sets which was about five.  It is good to feel a tired chest but still have the power to do good sets with this weight.

I finished with this W.O.D.  It was Friday night and I was spent when I started and did not keep time because I left my phone/stopwatch at the wrestling room.  I did finish pretty strong even if I did not start out that way.

Seven rounds for time of:
75 pound Thruster, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
Run 200 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball (I forgot the Med ball which is what caught my eye in the first place!)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Squat Cleans and a quick WOD

I did a bunch of squat cleans, went for 230 and did not get it.  I did whatever lift it is I see Ben and Clayton doing a lot where the bar is pulled up to the upper chest or armpits from the floor.  I closed out with this WOD

Complete 10 rounds:
3 Power Cleans - 155 lbs
1 Max Height Box Jump
20 yard Flying Start - take 10 yards to accelerate
*Recover as needed between efforts
*For the flying starts mark off 30 yards. Take 10 yards to accelerate to full speed and sprint 20 yards.

Pretty easy I took less and less recovery time with each round.

Bench - Push-ups, pulls, toes-to-bar

Saturday I started with Bench.  I went for 240 five times.  I got 4 good reps and racked the bar on the left side on rep five but I let things fall apart of the right.  If I could have got 5 good reps it would have been 280 on the max calculator.  I will go for 245 four times next time.  I finished with the follow football WOD.

AMRAP in 8 minutes of the following:

10 perfect true push-ups
10 supine pulls
10 toes to bar

I got 5 rounds plus all the push-ups and pulls, finished the toes to bar to get a full sixth set.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Only had time to deadlift yesterday.

I have been trying to get back to 375lbs ever since I messed up my back.  That was about 20 months ago.  I felt great today and picked it up pretty easy.  I went for 380 and only got it a few inches off the ground.  I think I will get it pretty soon.  I want 400lbs.

Finished with a one and a half mile walk after supper carring a 40lb sandbag.  I did it in 26 minutes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weighted pull-ups - Telen

Sunday I started the day with weighted pull-ups.  I did 5 sets of three with about 45seconds to one minute rest after each at 75lbs.  I finished up with this:


Complete 8 rounds for time:

100 yard Shuttle Run
8 KB Swings - 2 pood
5 Towel Pull Ups

Bench - GHD, Muscle-ups

On Saturday I started with bench.  I did not have a spotter and could not push myself as hard as I would have liked
235 x 5 (recent PR)
235 x 3
235 x 1

Finished up with this quick little WOD:
For time:

25 GHD sit-ups
1 Muscle-up
20 GHD sit-ups
2 Muscle-ups
15 GHD sit-ups
3 Muscle-ups
10 GHD sit-ups
4 Muscle-ups
5 GHD sit-ups
5 Muscle-ups

Squat - SDHP, Lateral Jumps

I did the following last Friday but have not been able to post until now.

Started with Squat.  It felt great.  My back was great.  I wanted to keep adding weight but decided against it to insure I stoped on a good note.  All reps were deep to parallel.

225 x 5
265 x 3
295 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 3

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

95 pound Sumo deadlift high pull
Lateral jumps, over 24" obstacle

I forgot my time.  This was a gasser.  My jumping was not like normal after the squats.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hang clean & Jerk - Burpee muscle-ups

I did something different for a core lift today - Weighted ring dips - except I held the weight with my curled legs.  I put the bar right behind my knee and my bent legs held it up.  This was pretty awkward and I pulled something in my back doing it but at least I can say I have tried it now.  I did 4 sets of 3 with 55 lbs.  After that I did the following WOD form the Gymnastic sight:

A)•3 x 0:15's Back lever ( Tuck Position)

B)Ring Series:
•5 x ( 10 Ring Push up + 5 ring fly ) * Ring fly performed with straight arms!
•6 x ( 2 False grip chin up + 1 Muscle up transition) No dip will be performed, just a transition over the top of the rings

•Hang clean & Jerk @ 135lbs
•Burpee muscle-ups

As for the Hang clean and Burpee muscle-ups, it took me a lot longer than I thought, 17:00.  My chest was toast when this was over.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bench - The Volkswagen

Started with Bench.  Last week I did:

225 x 6
225 x 4
225 x 3
225 x 3
I had way too much rest time between sets.  I am trying a new idea to get to a 275 bench.  I am adding 5lbs every week and trying to bench it as many times a possible.  So this week I did
230 x 6
230 x 4 but spotter helped on last one
230 x 3
230 x 1 I was burned out
According to the bench calcuculator I should be able to bench 276.  230 six times is probably a resent PR for me.  I will go for 235 next week.

Finished with this WOD:

The Volkswagen 4.0

15, 12, 9 reps of:
Bench Press @ bodyweight + 5 lbs  (170lbs)
Weighted Pull Ups w/ 50 lbs

Chest was toast on this one.  I also had trouble holding the weight with my feet on Pull-ups and never did more than six at a time.

Forgot the exact time but it was 12 something.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Deadlift - Squats, Burpee Box Jumps

It has been way too long since I recorded anything on this blog.  I have remained somewhat regular at working out.  I would say I do about four WODs a week and about three heavy lifts a week as well.  Today I actually have time to make a post.  I started with heavy deadlift.  I got 375 off the ground on the right but not the left.  My back is better but not as strong.  Also, at 165 I just don't have the weight to push, or pick up, the weight like I did.  However, I am happy with how I look.  I was in a hurry so did a little WOD from crossfitfootball that went like this:

Complete 5 rounds for time:

7 Squats - bodyweight
7 Burpee Box Jumps 20"

Total time was 4:55  Round three was over a minute but all the others were under.  This was a good little WOD that really got my heart pumping.  I will probably do it again.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

210 is 212 on this one

I have been able to stay kind of regular with my workouts but I have not found the time to post for a while.  My WOD's have all been short since football started.  I have lost some of my crossfit shape because I have been skipping these type workouts.  However, I hit this hard after heavy squats yesterday and got my heart rate up to 210!  It felt AWFUL  good.

For time:
Row 500 meters
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 400 meters
40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 300 meters
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 200 meters
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Row 100 meters
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Time was 16:27

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Power Cleans, Double Unders, Mat Slams

I have about decided to skip a heavy lift on day three of my three day run.  I am always sore in a core area and I think four heavy lifts a week work pretty well.  My left quad had some considerable pain today.  I was going to change this WOD to normal cleans but the squat hurt my leg so I just did it as Rxed.

5 Power Cleans 185 lbs
20 Double Unders

Time was 7:11

I finished up with mat slams 5x10 with 30 seconds recovery.

Squats, One arm KB Power Snatch, Pull-ups

I did heavy squats reps of five and then this WOD from the Football page.

7 One arm KB power snatch (RT) 2 pood
7 One arm KB power snatch (LT) 2 pood
7 Strict pull ups

Don't remember my time but everything was unbroken and pull-ups were from dead hang with thumbs out on odd rounds and thumbs in on even rounds.

A lot of stuff

Back on Saturday I started with heavy bench and topped out at 265.  Then I did the following from the gymnastic and football sight:

Ring Strength series

A) 4 Series:

  • 8 Ring Push ups ( Always finish Rings turned out)
  • 5 ring flys, ( Straight arms )

B) 5 series:


10 KB Swings - 2 pood
15 Toes to Bar
Sprint 25 yards
*Rest 45 seconds between rounds

I don't remember the time.  I just know it was a great workout and I loved it.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Deadlift and burpees

started with deadlift.

got up to 355 and picked it up real easy but for some reason I could not get 365.  Only tried once because I was in a real hurry.  I want to deadlift 200 lbs over my body weight and it will happen pretty soon as my back is getting stronger.  Then I jumped into this wod and headed home.

Five rounds for time of:
275 pound Deadlift, 5 rep
10 Burpees

Overall time was 7:15

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lunges, knees to elbows

Body was a little sore all over so I skipped doing a heavy lift.

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 25 feet
15 Knees to elbows
Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

Time was 9:26

Finished with 4 80yard sprints, two up hill and two down hill.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pull-ups, rope climb, curls - Wall-ball, Pull-ups, Double-unders

I started with heavy pull-ups all were from a dead hang and pause at the bottom.

35lbs x 5 thumbs out
35lnd x 5 thumbs back (on parallel bars)
35lbs x 5 thumbs in

climbed the rope with 35lbs and did not use my legs

40lbs x 5 thumbs out
40lnd x 5 thumbs back (on parallel bars)
40lbs x 5 thumbs in

I finished by tying a rope to power stand 15 yards away and climbing the rope hand over hand going backwards until I got to the knot at the top.  I did not make it with the weight so I dropped down to twenty lbs and got closer.  I finished by going all the way with no extra weight.  It gets much harder at the end.  I then went to curls on the bar with the balls one each end.

Finished with the following WOD.

50-35-20 reps of:
Wall balls

Time was 12:26

Back was, and still is, toast.  Pull-ups took much longer than normal.  I never put more then 20 together.

Clean - Jump and touch, Deadlift, Handstand push-ups

I started with squat cleans.  I have some kind of mental block at 225 because I just wasn't able to get it.  I droped a little weight and did a bunch of clean and jerks to work on form.  I am able to consistantly clean weight that I could not get before and jerk it also so there is progress.  It is just slow.

Finished with this WOD:

Attach an object at precisely 12" above your maximum reach with rope or cord, and complete 4 rounds for time of:
30 Jump and touch
185 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
10 Handstand push-ups

time was 9:11

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sled Drag

Walk as far as possible in 45 mins with a 40-60 lbs weight vest, sand bag, plate or dragging a sled.
*You can wear a weight vest, carry a sand bag or plate. You can load up a back pack with 40-60 lbs.
*You can drag a sled with 45 lbs on it for max distance in 45 mins.
*Remember to walk, not run.

I did this at the middle school.  I am pretty sure I went over 2 miles.  I had over 8 laps covering the practice football field and walking along the fence of the new trail.  I pulled 54lbs (weight vest and two 12lb shots.  Had to stop a few times and adjust the shots but was pretty steady.  After 45minutes of dragging over dry grass the bottom of the sled was well polished.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bench and lots of stuff for shoulders and upper back

Started with bench

205 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3
240 x 2+F (Was on my way up and got hooked on the bottom of the peg.)
245 x 1(as fast as I could change the weight and go after the failed set of 3)

Gymnastic WOD:

  • 4 x 12 HSPU ( Chest facing wall )
  • 4 x 15 Push ups ( Hands & elbows facing towards feet )
  • 2 x 10 Ring dips ( Pause at top for 5's each rep with rings turned out )  This was much harder than I thought it would be.  I did 4 x 5 but did them right.

4 Rounds for time
  • 5 Power Snatch @ 135lbs (Subbed 95lbs)
  • 10 toes to bar
  • 15 Ring rows with feet on a 20" Box
It has been a long time since I scaled down weight, but I have not done snatch since about two years ago when it really messed my back up.  Wow, I am glad I did.  My upper back and shoulders were toast from the other two exercises and I would have really messed up my lower back if I had not pulled back the weight. This way I am still healthy and well.
Time was 8:14
  • 100 Double unders
  • Rest 90's
  • 200 Double unders
I hurred through all this stuff on my lunch hour so by this time my shoulders and back were fried.  I finished in 10:48

Bear Crawl, Deadlift, Lateral Bar Burpees

Back on Monday I wanted to do heavy singles on deadlift and did not have time.  So I did this WOD instead.

Complete 5 rounds for time:
20 yd Bear Crawl - Crawl 10 yds turn and crawl back 10 yds
3 Deadlifts - 315 lbs
10 Lateral Burpees over the bar

Took me 8:14

I have been shy of squat and deadlift for the last month or so because my back has been a little jacked up.  The deadlifts were feeling very heavy and back is sore today but not injured.  This was a good fit for me.  Cashed out with KB swings. They always seem to put my spine in line.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Started with heavy bench.  Felt real good.  I locked out 275 on my left side but my brother touched it on the right side and I felt he a little help on that side but I am very close.  Also, I am back down to 165 so I am glad am keeping my strength even if I can't keep my body weight at 170.

I finished with this WOD
  • 5 x 10 Ring Push ups
  • 3 x 8 Ring Flys
B) 4 x 8's Front lever (Any scale)
C) 4 x 8's Back Lever (Any Scale)
D) For time
  • 200 Double unders
  • 20 Burpee Pull ups
  • 100 Double unders
  • 15 Burpee Pull ups
  • 50 Double unders
  • 10 Burpee Pull ups
My upper body is feeling it today.  The timed part of the WOD sucked.  The jump rope was not a speed rope like mine and I would do about three and then whip my legs and the rope would slap my arms, not fun. The bar four the burpee pull-ups was a two inch pipe that was at least eight feet high which made the exercise real hard. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

For time:
185 pound Clean & jerk, 10 reps
Sprint 100 yards
20 foot Rope climb, 7 ascents
Sprint 100 yards
185 pound Clean & jerk, 1 rep

Total time 14:52

I did this yesterday after heavy squat cleans and Jerk. I am lifting more weight consistantly at this lift. Back feels great one day after WOD. All cleans were squat cleans.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sit-ups, KB Swings, Push-ups, lunges, Trunk Twist, Grass Hoppers.

4 Rounds For Time:
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
30 KB Swings
20 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Lunges
30 Trunk Twist Knee Elevations
20 Grass Hoppers

My time was 22:something, close to 23

This is the one the CC team did this morning without the running.  It was a long one, longer than I have done in a while.


Deadlift - 1.5 body weight 255
Bench Press - body weight 170
Squat Clean - 3/4 body weight 130

My time was 25:48 which is a 4 minute PR

First round was 3 minutes
Second was 7
Third was 10 and I don't remember after that.

I weighed 165 yesterday but wanted to stick to the 170 weight because I plan on getting back up to it.

It has been a long time since I posted but I have been working out pretty regularly.  I do want to record an easy PR from a few weeks back of shoulder press at 155 and my deadlift is slowly climbing back up also.  It will feel good to get back into a steady routine.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Squats, Push-ups - Sprints

Started with Squats:

Warm-up with 225

275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 Did not finish
When I got to 355 and looked in the mirror my back was way out of line, BAD, I may have been able to do the lift but I did not think it was wise. I went down a little and tried to shift my hips and it did not work so I racked it. Tried again, same result. Wanted to feel something heavy so I put 405 on the bar and just held it on my back. It was out of line standing straight up. So I striped the bar down to 135 and did one legged squats. I noticed my left side is much weaker than my right which makes since because I shift to my right when I get a lot of weight on my back and my left side is the same side where pain shoots down my leg. This is a little disappointing but my back popped big time today and I went for a walk and looked down as I was taking steps and there was no pain in my leg or back where there has been. I hope yesterday's squats loosened me up enough that my back has shifted and I am better. I will keep trying. We finished with this WOD:

10 rounds, each for time of:
15 Push-ups
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 60 seconds

Total time was 12:41 wearing a 20lb vest

After the one legged squats, my ham strings were talking to me big time on first sprint. I thought I might pull something but they loosened up. Stayed pretty consistent for the entire workout.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Clean, Hang Squat Clean - Handstand Push-ups

Just started light and kept adding weight:
220 (PR)
Since my cleans are now squat clean and the were not when I was bigger this is an all time PR!  Additionally, it was easy.  After I caught the weight at the bottom and was on my way up I thought "Wow, this is cake!"  Felt so good at the top I went ahead and jerked it above my head.  I have been working this a lot and next to shoulder press it has been my most frustrating lift.  So a PR in this is very satisfying.  I did a lot of hang squat cleans in a WOD last week and I think I kind of found the right groove for this lift which helps.  Also, my back seems much better.  I really wanted to put more weight on and PR again but I decided my back was messed up last week and I don't want to go back to that.  So I quit while I was ahead.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang squat clean, 50 pound dumbbells
Handstand push-ups

Rd 1 - 2:30
Rd 2 - 2:44
Rd 3 - 1:53
Total = 7:09
I thought the cleans would be the hard part but I did them unbroken where I had to break up the handstand push-up.

Wrapped it up with plate pushes alternating the plate down and back with Ron
(4 down and backs apiece - 60 seconds rest - 4 down and backs apiece) and a little ab bounding with Jenni.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bench, and a mix of stuff.

I finally got to the weight room at about 9:00 last night.  By that time I was much less motivated.
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
230 x 4
245 x 1

I wanted to go for more reps with the 230 and 245 but I did not have a spotter and played it safe.  I then did five rounds of fifty doubl-unders.  My goal was to do them with no mistakes but I tripped up two or three times on each round.  Still finished them as fast as possible with about two minutes rest in between each round.  I wrapped things up with some jumping jack push-ups and kettle bell swings for the back.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Deadlift, Dragon Fly, Power Cleans-Front Squats-Bar facing burpees, Sprints

I started out with Deadlift.  My back felt better today but it is very week.  Couldn't pick anything up.  However,  I worked on the roof with Todd and it still felt fine and feels better than it has in weeks today.  At least I did not hurt it.

Dragon Fly's 3 x 10 I 2 x 10
This is a fun new ab exercise for me.  Mu upper abs are sore to to touch from this today. Cool stuff.

Weighted Pull-ups 3 sets of 10
All sets were with 30lbs. Racked myself on first set.  Hung weight from the back on second set and did dead-hang pull-ups on third set.
3 rounds for time
10 x Power Cleans
5 x Front Squat 165lbs
15 x Bar facing burpees
1 - 3:12
2 - 3:21
3 - 3:28
Total time - 12:01
I did this all on the same bar.  I would go straight from the power cleans to the Front squats.  Then I would drop it and do the burpees.

Drive to granny hills 5 x 50 yard up hill sprints walk backward down hill for recovery.  These felt fast for running up-hill.  I run faster if someone is right next to me.  Thanks Ron

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hammer Gone Bad

3 Rounds
Sledge Hammer Right Side 1 min
Box Jumps 20in 1 min
Sledge Hammer Left Side 1 min
Dumbell Hang Clean 45lb Dumbells 1 min
1 minute rest
WOD is constructed exactly like Fight Gone Bad. 4 rounds counting max number of reps per exercise. Your score is your total number of reps completed.
Exercise Reps R1 Reps R2 Reps R3
Sledge Hammer RS ------36------------36----------37 = 109
Box Jumps ----------------40------------41----------42 = 115
Sledge Hammer LS ------34------------34----------36 = 109
Dumbell Hang Clean ----21------------22-----------22 = 65
Total number of reps = 133-----------135----------138 = 406

Short Rest
Mat slams - We alternated for 1 minute slamming the same direction facing each other. As many reps as possible in 1 min. We did 4 rounds. We did 2 rounds slamming with right arm and 2 rounds slamming with left arm.


Total time - Just under 42 minutes 

On the minute
Complete 5 Burpees and complete max reps of 135lb thrusters on the minute.
The goal is to complete 100 Thrusters
At the beginning of every minute complete 5 burpees, for the rest of the minuted perform as many 135lb thrusters as you can in remainder of minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 thrusters. Post total number of minutes it took to complete 100 thrusters.
Inside of workout:
Total thrusters - 100
Total burpees - 210
Total squat cleans - 33

One goal was to always do more than one thruster each time I got on the bar so I would limit the number of cleans.  The following is my running total.  If I only did the thrusters in a round I have identified it like this "__"
I pushed out five in the end to avoid more burpees.  I am pretty happy with this.  I remember the first time I saw it I thought I can't do that and when I was at sixty something thruster I was questioning my self. Now I have done it.  Feels good to have that one under my belt.   I like the way I have changed up my workouts with the MEBB touch.  I can still do a long grinder but the 135lb thrusters were not too much weight.  Also, I am faster at the short burners than ever.   I am pretty sore from this thing but also proud and happy I finished it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

225 x 5
245 x 5
265 x 5
285 x 5
305 x5

Back was sore from L-sits.  I did not want to push it so I went light weight x 5.  My spine looked like a question mark on the first set.  However, it got better and better as I added weight

Complete 6 rounds:
You have 1 minute to complete the following:

5 KB Swings - 2 pood
1 40 yard Suicide Run

*rest 60 seconds between rounds
*if you do not make the 1 minute mark count a penalty. Each penalty is worth 20 burpees.

All my splits were in the 50 second range.  I gamed it a little on round 3 and 4.  Pushed hard on 5.  My legs felt pretty rubbery every time I cut to go back.  I am sure that was from the squats.

Finished with 5x10 mat slams with 30 seconds recovery.  This got me huffing and puffing but it felt great.  I want to do this exercise more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bench, All singles: 205, 225, 245, 265,275-F
Did not feel strong on bench.  I think I felt the Bench from the WOD three days earlier.  I am going for 275 in a few weeks on a fresh chest.

A) L-sit 4 x 15's ( Any scale: Tuck, L or V-sit)
I suck at these, especally compared to Ron.  They kill my back which is still sore from this exercise.  My sits were kind of an tuck-Lsit.  I will start working on my flexability more.

B)3 x 15 Weighted Ring dips (Scale as needed)
I did all set unbroken with a 20lb KB.  Harder than I thought so I did not add weight

C) 5-10-15
Hang Squat cleans @ 155/115lbs
Double unders (x5) [25-50-75]
Headstand Pushups

Rd 1 - 1:09
Rd 2 - 3:17
Rd 3 - 7:07
Total - 11:35
Hang Squat cleans were hardest but I feel my from is better than ever.

We finnished with 5 20ft rope climbs as fast as possible with 60 seconds recovery.  All mine were 6-10 seconds to the beam execpt the last one which was an L roap climb.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cleans, "Helen" with vest, Sprints

135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
210 x 1
220 x f (got under it but dumped it forward)
220 x r (made up my mind that it would not dump forward, got under it pretty good but fell back as I started to go up)

I used to have to phych myself up for 195 not is is cake and I didn't need much time to get ready for 210.  I don't think I could have been much closer to getting 220 with out accomplishing the lift.  We did not clean growing up and in college we only did power cleans, not true cleans with the squat.  Once I get this, it will be an all time PR even though powercleanded a lot more when I was younger and bigger.  I wanted to end on a positive note so I did some clean and jerks:
185 x 1
200 x 1
Easy!  I am starting to think I can jerk what ever I can clean.

"Helen" (with vest and 90 seconds recovery after each round)

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 Pull-ups

Rd - 1 2:44
Rd - 2 2:45
Rd - 3 3:03

I haven't ran as much and it got me, especially running with the vest.  I had heavy labored breathing on round two but was able to push through.  It caught up with me on round 3, especially when I had to pause and pick up a weight that fell out of the vest.  I lost my pace at that spot and did not get it back.

Ron and I finished a little later with 40's on the minute for 10 minutes.  I was sucking a little air when we were were on the last few but was able to sprint every one all out.  I felt like a million dollars about 30 minutes after we finished.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Volkswagen 3.0

15, 12, 9 reps of:
Bench Press @ body weight + 10 lbs
Towel Pull Ups

Time was a little over seven minutes. I am guessing because I did 12 bench presses at 180 and looked at my watch to find out I hit the wrong button.  I kind of had a ho hum attitude on this one with the kids running around and what not but it was a fun little WOD.  Used the big roap for a towel.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ron and I were feeling pretty sore and broken down so we got a little creative today.  The goal was to work out the pain and strengthen the core.

We did everything with 20lb weight vest today.

Started with heavy chain box jumps.  I did seven or eight not including the ones where I missed the box.  Started with just the vest on the second tallest box, then switched to the tallest, added two chains, added two more but could not land on the top of the box.  I did a few on the second tallest box, added one more chain and did a few more, dropped back down to four chains and finished with a solid land on the tallest box with the weight vest and four heavy chains.  That's a PR.

Then we went to a crazy WOD I made up for the state we were in:

Five rounds of the following wearing 20lb weight vest:
15 yards Lunging Thrusters (65lbs)
5 GHDs
15 yards 45lb plate push
5 left and 5 right sledge hammer swings
15 yards farmer walk left hand (100lbs)
5 pull-ups from a dead hang with no kip
15 yard farmer walk right hand (100lbs)
10 sun-ups switching directions (5 to the left, 5 to the right)
2 minutes rest

This is how it went for me:
Rd 1 - 1:58
Rd 2 - ??? (accidantly hit stop button in the round)
Rd 3 - 3:41
Rd 4 - 3:51
Rd 5 - 3:42

This was a total drain on my body and I used every bit of each break but it served its purpose.  I was tired but feeling healthy when it was done.  Most of the soreness is gone today.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bench, SDHP - Bench

Last time I benched it was pretty low volume reps so I decided to bring that up a bit.  I feel I am really gaining in this lift and happy with how it went
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
230 x 3
235 x 3
240 x 3
250 x 1

Ron and I then did the following WOD

50 SDLHP 45lbs
30 Body weight bench press 170lbs
100 SDLHP 45lbs
20 Body weight bench press 170lbs
200 SDLHP 45 lbs
10 Body weight bench press 170lbs

Rd 1 and Rd 2 splits are unknown because I forgot to hit the button on my watch.
Rd 3 = 11:26
Total time was 24:42

I thought the SDHP would be hard and the bench would be easy.  I was totally wrong on the first two rounds and wright on the last round.  My chest was already tired from the heavy benching I had just finished.  I had to break it up like crazy, sometimes only getting 3 reps at a time.  However, on the last round I went 7-3 pretty quick.  The first two rounds of SDHP were not bad but 200 on the last round sucked!  I did not do this WOD straight through.  I had more of a blast, rest, blast pace.  My chest is talking to me today.  My back had been real stiff from all the sitting on the road and at the state track meet but I think this got me moving again.

Friday, May 25, 2012

swim and push-ups

5 rounds for time:
 50 meter swim
25 Push-ups

Rd 1 - 1:02.59
Rd 2 - 1:18.37
Rd 3 - 1:21.3
Rd 4 - 1:38.3
Rd 5 - 1:26.67
Total time 6:47.23

This is a big PR from state last year.  I went with an american crawl stroke for the swim and it really makes the push-ups harder because it takes the juce out of my chest and arms.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Deadlift, Fran

I started with dead lift:
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1(Could not do this a couple months ago)
355 x 1(Could not do this a couple weeks ago)
365 f, f, f (I could get the inside weights offthe ground but not the whole bar.
I did not do that many reps and wanted to do more so I started thinging about Coach Wyrick and his bone dencity ideas with heavy weight so I went to the trap bar and did the following:
315 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 1
405 x 1  All felt good and solid
I have been tearing it up lately and felt good so I decided to hit FRAN.  I had a big PR; it went down like this:
Rd 1 - 21 thrusters in 34.87 + 21 Pull-ups in 34:02 = Total Round in 58:59
Rd 2 - 15 thrusters in 36.36 + 15 Pull-ups 19:09 = Total Round in 55.35
Rd 3 - 9 thrusters in 24.03 + 9 Pull-ups in 12.66 = Total Round in 36.69
Total time was 2:30.93 BIG BIG PR!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bench, Muscle-ups, Double-unders - Situps - Med Ball Cleans - Pull-ups - HSPU

I started with bench.  I didn't have much of a plan other than I wanted an adrenalin rush.  Here is what happened:
185 x 5 (actually felt heavy for some reason?)
215 x 3 (this went up easier than the 185 so I bumped up to 230 instead of my standard 225)
230 x 3 (again easy as cake. I PRed of triples last weak so I decided to go to singles)
245 x 1 (no problem)
255 x 1 (kind of slow but solid, I did not even ask for a spotter)
270 x 1 (5lb PR for the last 10 years or so!)
The pr took a long time to get up but the kid spotting me did not touch the bar.  Right side is still much slower than my left.  I definitely got an adrenalin rush.  But I knew I had about topped out on my  bench and did want to do more for my chest so I went over to muscle-ups with my weight vest.  I did a few and they were easy so I added weight until I got to 30lbs extra.  I still was feeling great so I started doing SLOW muscle ups with no kip.  I did a bunch of those and then decided to do L muscle-ups with no kip which is a PR for me because I have never done that before.  They were easy so I finished with three in a row without touching the ground.  I felt great and was totaly charged for the crossfit WOD with Ron which was:

3 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders - Subbed in 100 singles
40 sit-ups
30 med ball cleans 20lbs
20 Pull-ups
10 HSPU - Subbed in 10, 95lb shoulder press

I did it 13:13

I was feeling my bacon for sure.  Got a bunch on sale Saturday and it was my breakfast on Sunday and Monday!

Power Cleans - Wall Ball

5 rounds for time:
10 x 135lb Power Cleans
15 x 20lb Wall Ball
Total time was 7:44

I did not have my watch to take splits but this one was a hard burner and made my legs sore.

Iron Balls

We did weighted Pull-ups to finish a long but great day at sectionals.  The WOD was seven sets of two and this is how it went for me.

50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 85 - 90 - 95

Friday, May 18, 2012

Complete one, 60 yard sprint every 30 seconds for 6 minutes for a total of 12

For time:

50 Dips
100 Toes to bar
*Dips and Toes to bar can be broken into any number of sets or combinations.
I did 20 Toes to bar for every 10 dips but after second round I had to start breaking up the toes to bar.

My total time was 17:00

Wow, the sprints kicked my but I was feeling it at three minutes and at five I did not know if I would be able to keep a sprint up.  I did manage to sprint every time and not break to a run or jog but the last three minutes were not as fast sprinting as first.  Just tried to keep hammering the dips and Toes to bar.  Dips went pretty easy but toes to bar were a grind.  This WOD was a lot harder than it looked to me on paper.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Shoulder Press, L Pull-ups - Beighted Back Extensions

Started with one of my weakest lifts, Shoulder Press
150(This ties my PR which I did when I was 10-15 pounds heaver)
155 (Fail, weight slid off the bar on the way up)
155 (Fail, So So So close about had arms locked out and then nearly passed out)

I have to say it was freaking hilarious watching me as I about passed out.  I did get the weight to fall in the rack before I went down.  I tried to get back up and went down again in a crumbling ball, tried again and did not even get as high the second time after third attempt of which I made it about to 3 feet high I figured out what was happening and just got down to get better.  I was actually laughing at my self as I was laying on the ground.

21 - 15 - 9

L Pull-up
Weighted Back Extension - 25lbs

Rd - 1:33
Rd - 1:53
Rd - 1:14
Total - 4:42

This one went pretty fast. I burned out on the L-pull ups on the first round at 15 and burned out at 8 on the second and 5 on the third.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Clean - Diane

I started with cleans, reps of one.  I think my old PR (since I started crossfit) is 210 or 215 but those are power cleans which I hardly ever do anymore.  My record for cleans or squat cleans is 205.

175 (Weight got in front of me and it did not feel good. But all the other one felt solid until I got to 220)
210 (5lb PR)
215 (10lb PR)
220 (Fail Ron noticed the weight was too far infront of me
220 (Fail, hurried and unfocused but Ron said it was high enough to get under)

We went straight into Diane:

21 - 15 - 9
225lb Dead lift

Rd 1 - 1:15
Rd 2 - 1:52
Rd 3 - 1:01
Total 4:09

Felt very strong.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bench - Supine Ring Pull-ups, True Push-ups

215 x 3
225 x 3
230 x 3
235 x 3
240 x 3

Finished with Crossfit football WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 - Supine Ring Pull-ups
10 - True Push-ups
13 rounds each = 26 rounds total.

Ron and I did this one together.  I would rest while he did a round and he would Rest while I did a round.  I was wearing my 20lb weight vest.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Toes-to-Bar, Tire Slams, Tire Flips, Butterfly Sit-ups

4 Rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
20 tire slams
6 Tire flips
20 butterfly sit-ups

I did all this wearing the 20lb vest.

Rd 1 -2:42
Rd 2 - 2:38
Rd 3 -2:40
Rd 4 -2:22
Total - 10:23

Rounds 1 and 3 were longer because Ron and I were switching the tires we fliped and I had the heavy tire on those rounds.  The vest was really slowing me down on the sit-ups but I got er done.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Deadlift - Death by Tabata

Started late so only got a few heavy deadlifts while ron was going through the Tabata WOD:

All of these went up easy.  I took a little break to run the watch for Ron and probably tried to make to big of a jump to 365.  I failed and in a hurry went for 355 and failed again.  Anyway, on to the Tabata.

Death By Tabata

Alternating Tabata Deadlift and Burpee - 275 lbs

*Start the clock and perform as many reps as possible for 20 seconds of deadlifts. Rest 10 seconds. Then perform as many burpees as possible in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat this 14 more times for a total of 16 sets. Your score is counted by the total number of reps in 16 sets; 8 alternating sets of deadlifts and burpees .

The entire workout should take 8 minutes.

I did the following wearing a 20lb weight vest:
275 Deadlift - Burpees
4                    7
4                    7
3                    7
3                    7
3                    7
3                    7
3                    7
4                    8

I wanted to bounce the bar on the deadlifts but I was afraid of messing up my back.  I think dropping it and picking it up gave me a few more breaths than I would have had otherwise.  I was happy with the burpees but I wanted more reps on the deadlift.  Ron did this with just a little less weight but got over three times as many deadlift reps. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Squat - Sprint

I did this before church on the farm.  Went pretty good considering how I normally do in the morning.

Warmed up
205 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 3
320 x 3

All felt deep.  I ran out of weights in the barn so that seemed like a good place to stop.

Ten or fifteen minutes later I sprinted 10 fifties. 
First five were sprinting up hill, walk back down hill for rest
Last five were sprinting down hill, walk back up for rest

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bench, Shoulder Press - Body weight squat and handstand push-ups

I had time and want to go heavy on bench.  This is how it went:
Warm-up with 135
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 3
235 x 3 (everything felt light to this point and I thought trying a triple of 245.  I felt so good that I probably could have got it.  But, I decided my goal today was to lift as much weight as possible on the final rep so I went to singles from that point on.)
245 x 1
255 x 1 (This was a PR and I knew I could do more I almost went straight to 265, but I decided to go up to it in two steps
260 x 1
265 x 1 (went up slow but solid without Dustin even touching the bar.

I promised Dustin and myself that I would be satisfied and stop once I hit 265 but I really think my adrenaline was up enough that I could have put up 10 more pounds.  I took the 265 of the rack for the picture and it felt so light where it felt heavy when I was doing the lift before.  15lb PR!  Everything felt great.

I went on to shoulder press.  It was seated instead of standing because of the low ceiling in the workout room:
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 3
140 x 3
145 x 2 (went for three but only got it half way up on the last rep)

Finished with crossfit football wod about 10 minutes later:
15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
Bench Press @ body weight
Handstand Push Ups

Rd 1 - 2:26 (unbroken, 5-5-5)
Rd 2 - 3:07 (arms were toast 4-4-4, 4,4,4)
Rd 3 - 3:33 (5-4, 5-4)
Rd 4 - 2:01 (3-2-1, 3,3)
Rd 5 - 1:10 (unbroken, unbroken)
Total time was 12:53

There is so much junk leaning on the walls I could not do handstand push-ups like normal.  Instead I did freestanding handstand push-ups with my little brother holding my ankles to help me balance.  I am sure this is a little harder.  I loved today. It feels good to have the time to workout right.


At 11:30 last nigth I did eight 100m sprints with 90 seconds rest.  Four were up hill and four were down hill.  I finnished on the down hill.  Felt pretty fast for an old man with legs that still hurt from body squats.  I started late because I was playing a game the family and it took a long time.  However, it worked out pretty well because it was cool and we had a big full moon for light.

Friday, May 4, 2012

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Rd - 1=6
Rd - 2=6
Rd - 3=6
Rd - 4=6
Rd - 5=6

I kind of tip toed into this. Seven would have been doable in the first three rounds.  I thought about doing seven on one or two of the last rounds but by then I was starting to feel it.  This was a perfect WOD for a weight vest but we did not think of it and we were pretty spent when we started anyway.  However, it was just what we needed.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sprint, KB Swings, Plio push ups

8 rounds of
100m sprint
8 two pood KB swings
5 plio push ups

Rd - 1 = :54
Rd - 2 = :59
Rd - 3 = :57
Rd - 4 = :57
Rd - 5 = :56
Rd - 6 = :58
Rd - 7 = :57
Rd - 8 = :49
Total time = 7:30

I did this straight through.  I want to do it again with the weight vest and recovery periods after each round for more explosive burst.  I think I can make this a better WOD.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Push Press & Ring Dips

12, 9, 6, 3 for reps:

Push Press 185 lbs
Ring Dips

RD 1 - 3:18
RD 2 - 3:23
RD 3 - 2:28
RD 4 - 1:06
Total Time 10:16

The push press was actually push jerk for me.  I had trouble with the 185lbs and had to break the rounds up into the following sets:
5-4 (got a pretty bad cramp locking out on the fifth rep and had to stretch before I went on)

I did this at the end of the day after going to bed at 12:30 and getting up at 4:50 for an all day Garage sale we ran.  I only ate once that day and did not feel like a long WOD.  I knew Ron would not be able to do this one if we were working out together so it fit pretty.  I defiantly had to get my head straight for the Push Jerks.  I still have muscles in my back sore from this WOD.  These muscles are not sore very often so it is good to know I worked an area that does not get much work.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eight rounds for max reps of:

Muscle-ups, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
135 pound Clean and jerk, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 = 26

Clean and Jerk
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 24

Nice fast WOD.  It was a good fit for something to do after a long day at MSU.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

KB Swings, dumbell Thrusters, Pull-ups, GHD - Sprints

12, 9, 6, 3 of the following

2 pood kettle bell swings
2 pood dumbell thrusters
GHD situps

RD 1 - 3:47
RD 2 - 3:30
RD 3 - 2:22
RD 4 - 1:12
Total time 10:53

The dumbell thrusters were pretty hard.  I had trouble keeping my arms together in the top of the lift.  I had to break up the first two sets - 6,6 and 5-4.  That is why the time got so much faster in the last two rounds.  Good quick heart pounding WOD.  Definatly had to explode for the thrusters.  Everything else went pretty smooth.

I finished up with 8 40 yard sprints. with about 55 to 54 seconds rest between each.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sucky Deadlift - "Pheezy"

Started dead lift at about 6:30 before church and remembered how bad I am at lifting in the morning. My back feels great but it felt weak also in the morning.  I warmed up and things felt heavy.  Put on 275 and it felt heavy also.  I even had trouble pulling up 315.  Felt like I was going to pull my back out.  I got mad and walked away but my back still feels great.  I finished with "Pheezy" before church.

Three rounds for time of:

165 pound Front squat, 5 reps
18 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
18 Toes-to-bar (I accidental did 19, 10-9) on the first two rounds)
165 pound Push jerk, 5 reps
18 Hand-release push-ups(I forgot and did normal push-ups

Round 1 - 5:16
Round 2 - 6:24
Round 3 - 5:36
Total - 17:17

Not feeling it that morning.  I had to make myself get on the bar for reps of 5.  However, the reps of 18 all went smooth, even the Toes-to-Bar.  Normally, when I break sets into to pieces I do one extra in the first half than the second half.  Instead of 9-9 for toes-to-bar I felt so smooth that I did 10 in first half and with out thinking did 9 in the second half.  I worked on whipping my legs bent up and straight down on this kept me in a good swing.  I don't know if I was just out of it, which I shouldn't have been, or if this is just a tougher WOD than it looks like.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Snake Oil

Three rounds of the following:
Swinging ring pull-ups x 5
Horizontal heavy rope pull (3Poods) x 1
Lunges x 20m
Dips x 10
Scorpions x 14 (7 left, 7 right)
Tire slams x 20(10 left, 10 right)
Hug a Twinkie x 5
20 ft wallball (20lbs) x 3
Bench press (205lbs) x 5
Hanging bar swings 10
Back extensions x 15

RD 1 - 4:59
RD 2 - 5:54
RD 3 - 5:58

Total 16:52 With a twenty pound weight vest. (except for the bench press)

This WOD was okay.  I looked for a place to really be explosive and wallball was about the only spot this happened.  It did have some funky new movements and lifts which were kind of cool.  I was mainly annoyed with shedding the weight vest for bench.  I tried benching with it on and the weights pushed into my back and now I have a black and blue back.  I lost time and two weights on the second round fooling with it.  I I forgot to wright down my splits but this one wasn't really for me anyway.  I was trying to dream up a WOD that would be poultice for Ron's asking back.  Just like all other snake oils, it was much to do about nothing.  His back is not any better.  Oh well, I got my heart rate up.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clean - Clean and Jerk

I started with heavy Cleans

205 f
215 f
215 f
215 f

I felt so good about the 205 that I went straight to 215, a PR, I should have taken a smaller step.  I actually got under the weight every time but when I caught the weight in the bottom squat position I kept dumping it forward.  I need to get my elbows up faster.  Very frustrating.  However, this is where I have been lately and my back is great!  I have lost weight and I am looking to add to my max.  Now I just need to do it.

after about 5-10 minutes I did the following Crossfit WOD:

155 pound Squat Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

The barbell goes from ground to overhead, passing through a front squat in which the crease of the hip passes below the height of the kneecap. The finish position is with the arms, hips and knees fully extended, arms overhead, with at least a portion of the ear visible in front of the arm. Dropping the barbell is acceptable.

Time was 8:53

I did the first 5 in under a minute which was my goal to be done in six minutes but really lost pace after that.  I mainly got winded and legs a little tired, had no trouble with the Jerk.  In fact I want to see what my my jerk max is.  I think it is more than my clean.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bench - CTB pull-ups, Box Jumps, GHD

Started with bench
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 3
230 x 3
235 x 1 or 2 (I don't remember but it was not three)

Bench felt stronger than the last month or so.  I took about a ten minutes and did the following WOD.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Chest-to-bar pull-up
Box jump, 30 inch box
GHD sit-up

Total time 9:38

I lost my splits but luckly my time was still written on the board in the weight room.  I remember starting this one a too concertive.  I really think I can do it in under nine.


This was about 8:30 on Saturday night.  Ron has a messed up back so I came in and did some squats since I don't think he can.  All squats were deep and I felt strong and unmotivated at the same time as I did them.

225 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
285 x 5
305 x 3
315 x 1 This one was kind of weird.  I was shaky on the way down and smooth on the way up.  No spotter so I walked away instead of attempting 3.

Handstand Walk

5 Rounds for time: 25 yard Handstand Walk 50 Body Squats Rounds

I am so far behind with recording my WODs.  I did this last week.  It is made for me.  I was walking on my hands without falling on most of the rounds.  I lost my splits but I think I did the whole thing in 8 something minutes.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


150 Push-ups

You can rest in the pike position. If you have to rest on the floor at any time a penalty must be assessed. Run 40 yards.
Time - 4:22
I did 55 before resting in the pike.  I could have done more but knew if I burned out I would take longer.  I ended up having to run 3 40's before this was over.  Real fast WOD, wish I had time for more that day.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Log chain Box Jumps - "Sacrifice" - Sprints

It being a Sunday we actually had time to enjoy working out without being rushed.  I felt like we did everything the way it should be done instead of rushing through the WOD.

Started with Log chain Box Jumps.  We did two on the minute for ten minutes.  We had out two heaviest Log changes hanging from a weight belt.  I started with the weight vest and shorter boxes but decided to drop the vest and add another chain (making 3) and go to the biggest two boxes. On the last few rounds attempted both jumps on the tallest box.  I never really cleanly landed it.

I made this WOD up myself and really like it.  I decided it needed a name and it being Easter when we did it I think this is an appropriate name.

5 Rounds for time wearing a 20lb weight vest:

5 Dumbbell Burpees 40lbs
15 Yard plate push 45lbs
5 Ring Dips
2 Clean and Jerks at chosen weight (I decided on 155lbs which was about right)
15 Yard overhead Barbell Walking Lunge
20 Tire slams with bar, 10 each side
1 Heavy tire flip
1 minute rest

Rd 1 - 3:06
Rd 2 - 3:15
Rd 3 - 3:24
Rd 4 - 4:35
Rd 5 - 3:38
Total time 22 minutes flat.  Exactly the same as Ron.

Loved this, it did exactly what I wanted.  Did not have burn out on one muscle group but consistent total drain while we had to explode many times during the WOD at the DB burpees, ring dips, especially the clean and jerk and the heavy tire flip.  I was mentally weak in round 4 before the clean and jerk.  Speaking of that lift.  I did not prepare my head for this the first time and lost balance.  The weight was not super heavy but the DB burpees and plate push, not to mention the vest, did make it a harder than normal.  The lunges were actually much harder than I thought and I am sure this was due to the vest.  I loved this WOD.  Heart rate was still at 150 one minute after we finished and I was bent over dry heaving three or four minutes later.

Finished with 4 60yard sprints with 90 seconds rest.  I about puked again after the first one but I was able to hold it together.



3 Rounds for time:

Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Rd 1 - 6:15
Rd 2 - 6:10
Rd 3 - 6:06
Total time = 18:32

I was a little late on hitting the button so I am not sure if I actually had complete negative splits. My 800 were 3:30-3:45. Pretty slow running, this is where I need to speed up. Just haven't ran much for a while and did not feel very smooth on the second 400 of each.


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
Rd 1 - 6:15
Rd 2 - 6:10
Rd 3 - 6:06
Total time = 18:32

I was a little late on hitting the button so I am not sure if I actually had complete negative splits.  My 800 were 3:30-3:45.  Pretty slow running, this is where I need to speed up. Just haven't ran much for a while and did not feel very smooth on the second 400 of each.


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of the triplet for time:

Dead-lift 1.5 times body weight - 167 = 255
Bench press - Body weight 167 = 170
Clean (Did Squat Cleans) - 3/4 body weight - 167 = 130

10 - 5:56
9 - 5:02
8 - 4:50
7 - 4:47
6 - 3:48
5 - 3:28
4 - 2:52
3 - 1:48
2 - 1:11
1 - :36
Total time: 32:24

Not a PR but still a good WOD. I felt good when this was over.  My back is back to feeling great.  I was sore the next day but just muscle soreness.  After looking over the splits, I found some obvious places I lost focus and can do better nest time.  They are rounds of 8 reps and 7 reps.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bench and Shoulder press - CrossFit Games Open 12.4 or Wall Ball, Double-unders, Muscle-ups

Started off with bench:
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 3
225 x 2
235 x 1
Not very good but I am not walking away from this lift.  Went on to shoulder press since it is a main crossfit lift and I suck at it.
135 x 3
135 x 3
135 x 3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

I did all the Wall-ball and double-unders and 11 Muscle-ups.  I have never done this before but it was not too far from the post on main page so I will take is as a ok place to start.

Thrusters, Chest to bar pull-ups

AMRAP in 7 min

3 Thrusters 100lbs
3 Chest to bar pull-ups
6 same as above
6 same as above
Continue to increase by 3 reps each round Until time runs out.

I did this one wearing the 20lb vest and got four full rounds.

Did this one on Sunday night.  I had very little time and was worn out.  I know I can do more.


5 Rounds for time:

155 Pound Dead lift, 12reps
155 Pound Hang Power Clean, 9reps
155 Pound Push Jerks, 6reps

Rd 1 - 1:57
Rd 2 - 3:09
Rd 3 - 3:37
Rd 4 - 3:32
Rd 5 - 3:15

Over all time 15:32

This was not a PR but I did the whole thing and did not hurt my back and I did not lower the weitght where I have in the past.  I need to be more consistant with rounds 2-5 I would like them around 2:30 or so.

Thrusters, Muscle ups

Reps 9 - 6 - 3 For time:

165lb Thrusters
Muscle ups - sub
Total time - 9:58

Did this about a week ago and don't remember much about it other than I had to really focus on the lift and exploding to be successful.

SDHP, GHD, Rope climb

Did this a while back, just now finding time to post.

3 Rounds for time:

500m Row - Subbed in 50 SDLHP
20 GHD Situps
2 Rope assents 15'

1 - 2:51
2 - 3:00
3 - 3:09
Total time - 9:01

Friday, March 23, 2012

Bench - J.T. - Sprints

I am trying to get back to bench again.  I feel better about this because my strength is coming back and I am still pretty light.  Got on the Dr. Scales at the farm and weighed 168lbs.  That ties my lowest weight in about 20 years.  Anyway, I rushed the bench but I am getting better again:
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 4
225 x 1 (could have done more but wanted to add weight)
235 x 1
245 x Fail (Ron just gave me a little bump up)

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Time 8:02

I was happy with this until I looked at my history which was , May 2010 = 9:58 and April 2011 = 5:33.  I will say the 5:33 time was fresh after a rest day and I was gunning for it and this time I was sore on the end of a three day cycle and I had just benched but still that is two and a half minutes.  I can do better.

Finished with 60m sprints with 90 seconds recovery.  I did not time them but they all felt great.  I really like ending a workout like this.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Big Boy Bayless Birthday WOD

Ron and I made this up.  We wanted to get a good workout but not jeopardise tomorrows WOD.  It ended up being inspired by my birthday, kinda.

3(March or 3rd month)  Rounds for time:

7 left side and 7 right side Turkish Get ups - 45lbs, (1977)
1 Plate push
1 Plate pull
22 Tire Slams, alternating arms (3-22-77)
1 Big tire flip

Time was 25:40

I really liked this.  Worked me hard but I walked around feeling great about 10 minutes after it was over. 

A lot of people sit around and complain about getting old as they get fatter and fatter.  GET OFF THE COUCH! I actually feel younger and younger.  I feel and look better at 35 then I did at 25.  What did I do for my birthday you ask?  Well I did a workout that most teenagers and twenty somethings could never keep up with me on.  I wish everyone would do this.  Stop complaining about getting old and fat!  Grow younger, you can if you just get off your can!  You are never too old to get younger.

Deadlift and Box Jumps, Push Press, Toes to bar

I weighed 173 this afternoon fully dressed.  I am still pretty lean from getting sick and watching what I eat.  I really like how I look but some of my lifts have paid for it a little as I am a little light on power.  However, I spend a lot of time getting rest in K.C. and I think my strength is on the way back.  I kind of PRed today in deadlift because my old PR was weighting 185.  Today I picked up more weight than ever at this weight.

Warm up with 135
225 a few times
275 x 5
315 x 3
335 x 1 "cake"
355 x 1
365 (Fail, 2 inches off the ground) (Fail)

18 minutes AMRAP:

15 Box Jumps 24"
12 Push Press 115lbs
9 Toes to bar

I got 8 rounds + all the box jumps while wearing a 20lb vest.

I got a new vest for my birthday and tried it out.  I love it.  The thing fits like a glove.  It is hot and I defiantly sweat a lot more with it on.  It feels great.  I feel great.  The Push press kicked my butt on this one.  I always seem to have trouble with this lift.  I did some set straight through and some were split up up 6-6.  Toes to bar were easier with a vest because it made the swing come out just right.  I went home and felt the WOD a few hours later, no pain just tire muscles.  I grinned to myself thinking "I am probably still burning fat from that workout just sitting here.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


4 rounds for time of: 27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds
Time = 24:10

This Klepto guy was probably one ruff dude.  I know this WOD is one ruff sucker.  He died on 4-27-2011.  That's where the strange reps come from.  I buzzed through the box jumps and Brupees alright but I was pretty slow on the Squat cleans.  My legs are talking to me today.  This is a good pre rest day WOD because it is nice to have a little more recovery time after this thing.

Clapping Ring Burpees

AMRAP - 7 minutes

Burpees - Ring set 6" above finger tips. Must clap up through ring.

I got 80.

I about forgot to post this one.  The main thing I remember was I had to go kind of slow and focus on the ring or else I would hit it and then it would swing all over the place and mess me up on the next clapping burpee.

Handstand Push-ups, Toes-to-bar, 800, Push Press, Double-unders

For time:

25 Handstand push-ups
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800 meters
75 pound Push press, 75 reps
150 Double-unders

Time 17:44

Fell apart on push press and was slow with double-unders.  I kept missing a lot of my jumps.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weighted Pull-ups and Weighted Muscle-ups

Came home from KC and was on my one. So I did this as I figured it was something Ron and I would not do together.

Weighted Pull-ups

45 x 1
55 x 1
65 x 1
75 x 1
90 x 1
95 x 1
100 x 1 (Chin touched bar but did not go over the bar)

I did not get all the way to the bottom of the pull-up the last three times.

I added weighted muscle ups. I have done muscle-ups with a weight vest on and it was easer because the weight was solid around my body. The dangeling weights would swing aroung and cause problems.

Warmed with a few muscle-ups then did one real slow
10lbs = fail
10lbs = fail
10lbs = fail
10lbs no problem
15lbs = fail
15 nailed it
Finished with doing a few slow.

Each time I got it there was no doubt. I know I could do more if I perfect my form. Should be something to play with down the road.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


For Time:
100 Pull-ups 34, 15, 11, 13, 12, 8,7
100 Push-ups 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
100 Sit-ups 25, 25, 25, 25
100 Body squats 34, 33, 11 + one second break 11 + one second break 11

Time = 12:46 (PR of 3:02)

Old PR was set back on farm in July of 2010 on a very hot day.  I being lighter sure helped me out on this one.

SDHP, Wall-Ball, Pull-ups

3 Rounds for time:

30 SDLHP 45lbs
20 Wall-ball 20lb ball
10 Pull-ups

Total time - 5:11

WOW one fast burn.  Ron and I were side by side on this one.

Power cleans and Thrusters

21-15-9 reps for time of:

115 pound Power clean
115 pound Thruster

Time 10:58

I did this about 9:30 at night right after my ride home from KC.  Should have warmed up some.  I was worried about my back but I actually think it made it better.  I have lost some weight and strength with being sick and I could really tell on this WOD.  I was sore for days.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

8 Rounds for Time:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating Lunges
20 Double-unders - Subbed in singles, doubled number
25 Yard shuttle run sprint (5 x 5)
90 seconds rest
1 - 1:18
2 - 1:09
3 - 1:05
4 - 1:08
5 - 1:15
6 - 1:06
7 - 1:00
8 - 1:00
Total time - 19:31

Got a little smoother with each round. Messed up on double-unders for round 1,2,4,5, and 8. Still getting better. This thing hadded a lot of rest built into in and my heart rate was still 160 two minutes after I finished. I am ready for my back to feel strong again so I can get back to picking up some weight.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bench - Pull-ups, Push-ups, squats

185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 4
245 (F) I am just still weak after being sick

We did a quick WOD after that looked like this:
4 Rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Body squats

Rd 1 = 54.57
Rd 2 = 54.67
Rd 3 = 52.4
Rd 4 = 48.55

Slowly coming back.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Do 30 Squat Cleans as fast as Possible.

I did it if 4:56. 

My back is tost.  It hurts every time I cough and that is still quite a bit.  I will have to give it more of a break.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rope, Wallball, KB, Double-unders

Seven rounds for time of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
15 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
20 Double-unders

RD 1- 1:40
RD 2- 1:54
RD 3- 2:36
RD 4- 1:51
RD 5- 3:30
RD 6- 2:33
RD 7- 1:44
Total time = 15:51

Lungs were starting to burn pretty bad so I took some time in round 5. I got pretty sore from this little WOD. I know it is more from the flu than the WOD.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

one hour warm-up pluss work out

I am sick.  I wanted to be ready to do a WOD with Ron.  So I started warming up an hour before he got there.  I did not get much of a workout but I did get the soreness out of my bones and joints.  I walked our of the weight room much better than I walked in.  I almost did a few free standing handstand push-ups and I have got much better at bar pull-overs.  They are much easier on a bar instead of a thick pipe.  Still not feeling great temp was 102 this morning.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bar Pull-overs - dead hang pull-ups - Death by sit-ups

Well I was about sore everywhere but lats and abs today.  So I worked on bar pull-overs from the crossfit gymnastics page.  This was about my third and not very good but I got better.  I probably did 15 to 20.  Then I did fifty dead hang pull-ups usually about six or so at a time.  Pull-ups are harder on a two inch pipe than the bar I am used to.  A few hours later I did "Death by sit-ups" These were sit-ups and not crunches.  I always had fingers laced behind the head and always came up to a 90 degree angle.  Doing that made me slow at something I am already slow at.  At 25 sit-ups I was taking the entire minute so that is where I called it quits.  Not a very intense day but felt good for what I wanted and worked well with babysitting the kids with colds.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Bench - Lunges and ring dips - sprints

Started the day with bench:
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 3
240 x 2

I was on my own without a spotter so I did not risk it on the heavy sets.  Might have been able to get another rep at 235 or 240.  I would have liked to put more weight on and gone for a one rep max but again, no spotter.

After a nice walk with Kaney I did Ron's WOD from the day before:

AMRAP in 12 min:

30 x 45lb overhead lunges, 15 right leg, 15 left leg, alternating legs, arms must be locked out and knee must touch ground.
15 Ring dips (I subbed two thick lead ropes with big hoops hanging from a tree with thick work gloves)

I got five rounds with twelve seconds left over -
Rd 1- 1:28
Rd 2- 2:05
Rd 3- 2:46
Rd 4- 2:42
Rd 5- 2:45

I was surprised at how tired my arms got.  I don't know if it was from the strange thing I had subbed for the rings or if it was the benching earlier or both but I had to focus on keeping my arms locked which I thought would be the easiest thing in the WOD, wrong.

About ten minutes I finished with sprints.  I did 6 50 yard sprints up hill with 50 seconds rest in between each one.  Did not feel very fast but not surprised with heavy squats yesterday and lunges in the WOD today.


Only had about 25 free minutes today so I squeezed in some squats

225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
305 x 3
315 x 3
325 x 3

They all felt great and were deep.  I could have gone higher if I had the time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Deadlift and Double unders

Three rounds for time of:
225lb deadlift x 10
50 double unders

Rd 1 - 1:36
Rd 2 - 2:28
Rd 3 - 2:34
Total time - 6:39

I was not sure how my back would handle the deadlifts. I had no problems. I could not get a good run on the double unders on the last round so time was off a little but I felt like I had a lot of gas.

Cleans - Turkish Get-ups - HSPU, Pull-ups, KB Swings, Sit-ups, Burpees


I had a snow day and was on my own so had plenty of time in the weight room.  I started the morning with cleans:
135 x a few (I don't remember how many, just warming up)
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 (fail on first try, thought about what I was doing and had no trouble
205 x 1 (PR a while)
210 x 1 (nailed it, no problem)
215 - Fail (did not get under it) Fail (got under it and caught the weight with legs well under 90 degrees started standing up and got legs to about 110 degree angle and fell backwards before I stood straight up) Fail again (got under it but was leaning too far forward)

I felt very close every time at 215 and I know I will get it.  Jenni had called me about some insurance problems and I was having a hard thinking only of the lift.

Later that day I went in to work turkish get-ups before my WOD with Ron:
55 x 1
65 x 1
75 x 1
85 x 1
95 x 1 (old PR was 90!) (failed on right side the first time, but got it)

100 x 1 (failed on both sides a few times but got it on both sides eventually)

Big PR for me.  I have not done this with heavy weight in a year.  My old PR was after a WOD and this was before but this is still a big deal for me.  I actually did the left side twice so Ron could take the pictures the second time. My right shoulder is talking to me a bit but I will be just fine.

This was the WOD with Ron:
For time:

30 Handstand push-ups (I did 16,11, 3)
40 Pull-ups (unbroken)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods (30, 20)
60 Sit-ups (paused here and there)
70 Burpees (did first 10 fast, and the rest were 2 or 3 slow followed by 7 or 8 fast)

Time was 12:52 (PR was 14:55)

The only other time I had hit this WOD was nearly two years ago.  I beat that time by over two minutes. I am happy to see I am in much better shape than I was back then, nearly a year into Crossfit. 

Three work-outs and three personal records in one day!

I feel Great!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Push Press, Overhead squat, GHD

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

135 pound Push press, 7 reps
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups

I got five full rounds with a few seconds left over.

Ron could not work out and he hates overhead squats so I thought this one would be good to do on my own. I did not go crazy on this one.  I had just got out of the car after driving for over two hours and I was a little stiff.  I push pressed some and jerked some but that went much better than I thought it would.  I have not done any overhead squats since I hurt my back in May.  It used to be my best lift.  I was a little rusty but each set got easier and more ballanced.  GHD were fine first two rounds but that same old sharp pain started shooting through my left leg on the way up on the final sets.  Hurt pretty bad in set four and five.  I feel fine today though.  I did not push my self to near colaps on this one.  I just got of the GHD chair and walked around with my hands on my hips for a few minutes when I was done.  Put stuff up and headed out the door.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Off day but I was heading to K.C. where there are no bars to work with so I slipped in a little bench workout between PD meetings.

135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5
235 x 5

The five reps of 225 is a PR for longer than I would like to admit.  But it felt real good as my have been bring my bench back from some pretty pitiful numbers.  I did burn out a little on that set as I only got 235 twice.  I am pretty sure I could have got it three times but did not have a spotter or time to wrestle around stuck under a bar as it was time to get to another meeting.  I did two racked and striped the bar and called it good enough. 

Box Jumps, Thrusters, Bar Facing Burpees

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes:

12 - 24" Box Jumps
6 - 95lb Thrusters
6 - Bar facing Burpees

I got seven full rounds plus all the Box Jumps and one thruster.  This was a nice quick one as Ron was Short on time.  We started with a deadlift WOD and my back feels great but I had done a lot of back stuff and it was just muscle sore.  I did not want to risk it and take a bunch of steps backwards.  So we did this one.  Watch was in K.C. so I did not get splits but I know the first one was way too fast.  Things got easier the more time went on.


Five rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-ups
21 reps 95lb Sumo-deadlift high-pull

1 = 1:30
2 = 3:03
3 = 3:12
4 = 3:25
5 = 3:25
Total time for Tyler = 14:35

Fun WOD!  I like things with muscle-ups even if I have back slid on them a bit.  The first round was so fast because I muscle-ups were unbroken.  On the the other rounds I has to pause in between each one to complete on completely. I missed a few and had to do them over on round five but time did not suffer because I did SDHPs unbroken. I did not know if I could go unbroken or not but I tried because I was trying to catch Ron.  I did not pull it off but I did push harder because he was there.  Thanks Bro.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Squat and Desforges

135 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
285 x 5
295 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 1
All reps were deep and went up easy. Good back makes all the difference! Wanted to do more but wanted to walk away healthy more.

Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
20 Pull-ups
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
20 Knees to elbows

Total time = 39:41

Hats of to desforges. I am glad we did this. We have just been doing little WODs for a while due to always being low on time. Both Ron and I had two rest days so our bodies were as good as ever. Man, my body is used to the quick burners. I totally fell apart in the forth round. But, I saw the clock as I started the last round. The main page time was 36:59 and I wanted to be in the 30's. I was happy with my last round. Got my heart well up in the 170's iam sure. I did the crossfit flop and roll around thing when I was done. I was most happy with my back. It has been great and feels just fine now after heavy squats and a killer WOD.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ronny Mac Heart Attack

Five rounds for time;
5 handstand push-ups
10 jumping Jack push-ups
15 Fireman Body Squats
20 Burpees
25 sit-ups
30 high-knees
35 Butt-kicks
--One minute Rest--

Rd 1 - 4:05
Rd 2 - 4:39
Rd 3 - 4:41
Rd 4 - 4:45
Rd 5 - 4:57
Total time (including rest periods) - 27:07

This thing was harder than I thought, but that is good because most of my workouts here have been pretty candy back and I wanted to push it a little harder.  About 15 minutes after I finished I crash on the bed and put my feet up on a bit bag and started to read.  I had been there for about five minutes and Jenni called me into the other room for some help.  I poped right up and walked in.  I did not tell her but I was very light headed and vision was going pale.  I won't jump up so fast next time.  Pretty cooWOD. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Push Press and Ball Slams

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:

3 Push Press
5 Ball Slams

*for push press use between 185 - 225 lbs - USED 185lbs
*for ball slams use between 40-60 lbs - USED 40lbs stuffed 2, 20lb med balls in a sack. Worked well.

6 x 25 yard prowler pushes w/ 180 lbs - Did Sled pulls here with 180lbs
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Rounds in 8 min

Finished 7 Rounds in 7:45 and had the bar loaded when the watch started beeping.

I did jerks instead of shoulder press as this is pretty heavy for me.  But it is cool because I have been wanting to do jerks lately.  I tried to rig up a sled to push but was not successful.  The sled pull was a little different and a lot of fun.  Also, I did spend a lot of working core before the WOD which worked well for me.  I am going to try to find more time to start like this.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Clean x 1's and Eva

I am getting behind on my post so I will put this one in before I forget.

1 x 135
1 x 155
1 x 175
1 x 195
1 x 205

I could not get 195 last week, but of course my back was less than perfect then. I wanted to go for more but it was already almost 10:00 at night. So I set up the rings and went after Eva:

21, 15, 9 of cleans and ring dips

1st RD - 4:38
2nd RD - 3:32
3rd Rd - 1:48
Total - 9:58

I was good to go heavy before I started made the cleans seem lighter. I also made my self go slow on the first set of cleans at about one each ten seconds. I did not have much trouble with my gas until the last round when I had to push pretty hard to stay in the single digets.