Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bar Pull-overs - dead hang pull-ups - Death by sit-ups

Well I was about sore everywhere but lats and abs today.  So I worked on bar pull-overs from the crossfit gymnastics page.  This was about my third and not very good but I got better.  I probably did 15 to 20.  Then I did fifty dead hang pull-ups usually about six or so at a time.  Pull-ups are harder on a two inch pipe than the bar I am used to.  A few hours later I did "Death by sit-ups" These were sit-ups and not crunches.  I always had fingers laced behind the head and always came up to a 90 degree angle.  Doing that made me slow at something I am already slow at.  At 25 sit-ups I was taking the entire minute so that is where I called it quits.  Not a very intense day but felt good for what I wanted and worked well with babysitting the kids with colds.

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