Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Leg workout

Back at school around a computer more and will hopefully start posting with more consistency.  Monday I worked legs which is limited now that I have stopped doing a lot of lifts to keep from having back problems. 

Started with five rounds of five for heavy box step ups on a 25 inch box.  I held 45# dumbbells.

I then went to Jumping goblet squats which I paired up with plate pushes.  This was a good gasser and I think I will make up a WOD with this combination later.

I finished with This  Crossfit football WOD:

10 70# KBS followed by a 40 yard sprint.

Good stuff, defiantly had the heart beating fast.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Squat - Overhead walking lung and GHD

I started out with the Power Matrix for Squat.  I think the rounds went like this, I am sure about the singles:

190 x 8
235 x 5
255 x 3
290 x 1
290 x 1
290 x 1
230 x 5

I followed each set with the same number of high box jumps.

Ron and I followed the squats with this WOD:
45lb Overhead Walking Lunge
My over all time was 8:05.  I need to get a stronger core to break eight minutes on this one.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Weighted pull-ups, "Death by ball slam"

Started out with power matrix for pull-ups.  I a sure the power patrix is not made for pull-ups but oh well.

8 x 60
5 x 65
3 x 70
1 x 75
1 x 75
1 x 75
7 x 70

The first and last rounds were by far the hardest.

Death by ball slams
2 Burpee buy in each min.
First min 1 slam
Second min 2 slams and progressing.

I got 41 rounds which makes 861 ball slams and 82 burpees.  I did not really hit the wall like I normaly do on "Death by" WODs in stead it was like sprinting up a increasly steep slop.  I was really hurting after 37 and the skin came off my middle finger some where around 38.  Very good workout.  I wanted to do more than Ron and he just kept going and going.  Good job Ron.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Squat with box jumps, SDHP-Push Jerk

Started out with Power Matrix sets of Back Squat

8 x 190
5 x 230
3 x 250? (can't remember of the top of my head)
1 x 280
1 x 280
1 x 280
5 - 225

I did high box jumps after each set, jumping the same number of times as reps in each set.  It felt real good.  Then I did the following blaster with Ron.

For time:
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Sumo-deadlift High Pull
Push Jerk


This was killer on my forearms and my sholders are toast today.  Great WOD.  Heart rate was 180 after 30 seconds, 160 after 60 and 140 after 90. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Box Jump - Dumbell Thrusterd, Muscle-ups

I Started out with some box jumps.  I got up to jumping on the tallest box with a 45 and 25lb bumper stacked on it.  After that Ron and I did this WOD:

For Time:
15 - 12 - 9
45lb Dumbell Thrusters

My first round was 3:03 but I did not hit my split button to break up round 2 and 3.  My overall time was 9:27.

I was happy with the fact that I did not burn out on muscle-ups.  I did not blast through them but every muscle-up attempted was attained.  Usually, I burn out in the second round of these things.  My chest is very tight after this and bench on Monday.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Started out with bench matrix.

Did a few at 135 to warm up

185 x 8
215 x 5
225 x 3
260 x 1
260 x 1
260 x 1
215 x 5

I did all this on my own but struggled with the 260.  I am pretty happy with this considering I had next to no sleep two nights before and my lats were still a little sore.  I think I am ready to go up in weight but not up to the reps of 270 so I will try just adding five.


50-40-30-20-10 of Double uneders and butterfly sit-ups

My time was 6:02

I had a terrible time getting the double unders in the first round but they were all unbroken after that.

Friday, June 14, 2013

7 Minutes Left, Down by 6

I was sick the day before so I did not do a heavy lift before the WOD. Ron and I just jumped into this one.

7 Minutes Left, Down by 6

Complete 2 rounds:

1 minute - Max Rep 50 lbs DB Push Press Round 1 = 32, Round 2 = 24
Rest 1 minute
1 minute - Max Rep 50 lbs Weighted Pull Ups Round 1 = 12, Round 2 = 9

Rest 1 minute
1 minute - Row for Calories (Sub with S.D.H.P.) Round 1 = 49, Round 2 = 50

Rest 1 minute
1 minute - Max Rep Burpees
Round 1 = 23, Round 2 = 24

*Rest 1 minute between rounds

This thing was tough! The rest time was not enough to blast again, just enough to survive which made it a kind of water boarding type workout. I did not have the strength I needed for the DB Push Press and I would have really been in big trouble except the Pull-ups were next and I could catch my breath while doing them.

On a side note Jenni did this one after me. Except she used 20lb DBs, assisted pull-ups and a 35lb KB for the S.D.H.P. Here is how here rounds went

Rd 1 - DB PP=26, Pull-ups=19, S.D.H.P.=31, Burpees= 18

Rd 2 - DB PP=21, Pull-ups=20, S.D.H.P.=29, Burpees=17

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bench -- Squat, Pull-ups, Push-ups.

I started the day with the Power Matrix. 

I don't remember the specifics but the most weight was singles of 260.  I hit a peg on the first single and Ron helped by touching the bar.  That is not "dominating the weight"  So I will do it again at this level which is a 280lb max.

The WOD was:

AMRAP in 9 min
3 x Back Squat 135lbs
6 x Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups

I got 10 full rounds + all three squats.  I finished out the eleventh round.

I had to hurry on to the trophy shop which was closed anyway.  When I got home I still had not recovered I crashed on the floor and just never got to feeling better.  I think I had a touch of Carver's stomac Flu.  I made myself eat a ceral bowl of popcorn and than didn't eat anything for over 24 hours.  I took the next day off which was yesterday.  Today I feel better and will get one in.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Squats and sprints

Over the weekend I did Squats on the power index.  I picked a low max (300lbs) to build on.  I want to take lots of time and care to putting weight back on my back. finished the day with 10 60m sprints doing one every two minutes.  Probably a little too much recovery.

Captain America

This was my post last time I did the Captain America WOD.
Handstand Hold - 30 seconds
Max Handstand Push Ups
11, 9, 13, 10, 11
Static Pull or Chin Up Hold at top - 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull or Chin Ups
15, 15, 11, 11, 10
Hold Top of Ring Dip - 30 seconds
Max Ring Dips
17, 15, 12, 12, 11

*Perform isometric hold for 30 seconds, kick down, shake out your hands and perform max reps of given exercise.
*There is no time component for this workout other than the 30 sec holds.
*The goal of this workout is to develop stability in these movements through the use of isometric holds

I loved this WOD. It defiantly puts a swell on. I felt like Captain America after he stepped out of the capsule for the first time in his new body. It is set up for full recovery but I kind of timed my recovery so I would be done before Jenni brought our circus to the weight room. This is how I did it...

  • Set up the watch on 30 second intervals
  • Started isometric hold the instant the watch first beeped and kept it until it beeped again
  • Shook out arms while the watch was beeping (it beeps for 10 seconds)
  • Did the burn out on the exercise
  • Rested the amount of time it took the watch to beep twice and started again on the third beep
  • Rested for three or four beeps after each round
I did go a little longer on the rest times for the last round because I could tell I was going to finish before Jenni and the kids showed up. When I do it again, I am going to measure my rest time more closely. I think 90 seconds between sets and three minutes between rounds will work best.

This time around I was stricter on the rest time.  I still live the WOD this is how it went

Handstand Push-ups 12, 12, 11, 11, 11
Strict Pull-ups 16, 11, 13, 11, 10
Ring Dips 19, 14, 14, 11, 10

I amount went down faster this time, but I think it is because I was stricter on my time and started off with higher reps.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

400s, Arm Hangs, Turkish Get-ups

Warmed up with dragon planks or what ever they are called.

The WOD was:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
Single arm hang, right arm, 15 seconds
45lb barbell Turkish Get-up, left arm, 5 reps
Single arm hang left arm, 15 seconds
45lb barbell Turkish Get-up, left arm 5 reps
30 second L-sit hold

My time was 18:06

My L-sit sucked, more like 120 degrees than 90.  Legs were sore before I started but the running went better than I thought it would.  Good WOD to end the three day cycle on.  It had lots of movement to get out soreness and lungs could catch up on the hangs and get-ups.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Trying to get back to blogging.

With track season and me on the road back from my back injury, I have been hit and miss in the weight room.  Probably one or two a week for the last five or six weeks.  Now summer is here and I have gotten back into my regular three one and one off schedule.  However, I have not posted in a long while.  I will try to catch up on the last few WODs I have done:

Power Matrix for Pull ups at 80lbs

2 Rounds for time:
50 Tire Slams small bar, RT side
50 Tire Slams small bar, LT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs RT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs LT side
2 minute rest

Finished first round at 4:20 and finished last round at 10:20 after taking the two minute rest which gave me a negative split.

Power  Matrix for Bench at 280

8 x 185
5 x 215
3 x 225
1 x 255
1 x 255
1 x 255
5 x 215

For Time:
10 - 95lb Thrusters
15 - Bar facing Burpees
20 - 95lb Thrusters
25 - Bar facing Burpees
30 - 95lb Thrusters
35 - Bar facing Burpees

I finished in 14:29

Ring Supine Rows, feet up on bench and weighted. used power matrix. Interesting.
I think this is the progression



This did not seem to do as much for me as I had hoped.

Moved to Single arm ABB
Very technique oriented.  We did five rounds of five.

5 Rounds For time:
1 x 15ft rope assent
10 x KB swings 55lbs
10 x Toes to bar
1 x Heavy plate push down and back 50 yards total 90lbs
1 min rest

I don't have my watch but my splits were something like this:

I thought this little met con would go quick but it was a killer.  One of the best burns I have had in a while.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bench Power Matrix and Double-under WOD

I started the day with the power matrix for a max of 260-265 which was:

175 x 8
205 x 5
215 x 3
245 x 1
245 x 1
245 x 1
205 x 5

My but left the bench on the second 245 rep but just because I lost focus.  It stayed down on the last one.  Felt solid and will move up a notch next time.  I finished with the following met con WOD:

Two rounds for time of"
10 muscle-ups
50 double-unders
7 muscle-ups
1 down and back with 100lbs on the sled
4 muscle-ups
1 40m sprint with a jog back
1 muscle up
Two minutes recovery

Good one got my heart rate up but still had to keep head in and burst just right for the muscle-ups.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Push-up Burner

Did this a few days ago

Three rounds for time of:
10 jumping jack push-ups
10 GHD
10 Lawnmower push-ups with 25lb dumb bells
10 back extensions
10 med ball push-ups
10 toes to bar
10 break dance push-ups
90 seconds rest

Don't have my splits but remember they were all under three minutes each.

Good little workout.  My lats were talking for a few days from the lawnmower and break dance push-ups. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Comming back (AGAIN)

I have taken a few weeks completely off for two reasons.  I decided to just let my back completely rest and recover.  I also have been totally swamped with coaching.  I am going to start with stuff that does not involve  my back, which is not very much, and ease into a full body WODs.  This is how it went today.

Bench 225 x 3, 235 x 3, 235 x 3, 235 x 3(spot on last rep)


I was going to do muscle-ups into hand stand push-ups on the rings but it hurt in my back and leg just a little when I turned upside down so I will hold off on that a while.

I warmed up and then did 30 muscle-ups with out a kip as fast as possible expect I had an extra 15 lbs for the first 15, a 5lb jump rope around my neck for the second ten and only body weight for the last ten. I did this WOD in just under 12 minutes.

Finished by doing some down and back sprints on the prowler sled with three plates and threw in some KB swings for good measure.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Back Friendly WOD #3

While I am outta whack I am staying from a lot of heavy lifts.  However, I can do bench so I started with that after a little stretching.

225 x 4
235 x 3
245 x 2
255 x 1

Last two sets were pretty hard.

I put on the 20lb vest and did the following WOD.

three rounds for time of the following:
10 ring push-ups
10 GHD
zig zag through 5 or 6 benches
10 dips
Down and back with 140lbs on Prowler sled
one minute rest

Round 1 - 1:53
Round 2 - 2:13
Round 3 - 2:20
Total time of WOD was 8:28

Back Friendly WOD #2

This is another WOD from last week.

Three rounds for time with 20lb weight vest:
20 Box Jumps on 30in box
50 Jedi swings
15 KB swings with 55lbs
10 GHD
Down and Back with Prowler Sled at 135lbs
90 second Rest

Round 1 - 3:27
Round 2 - 2:29
Round 3 - 3:34
Total time was 12:30

Second round was great but paid for it in round 3. 

Back Frindly WOD

Last week I was just too busy to post anything.  However, I kept a few WODs on my phone.  Working out in the morning means that I go through the day with very little back pain.  Getting better is the goal right now.

3 Rounds for time of:
10 20lb med ball squat cleans
5 wall walks
10 toe touches
20m down and 20 meters back of Prowler Push with 135lbs
90 seconds rest

I don't have splits but did the whole thing in 9:45.

Toe Touch was hurting my back.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mean Mamma Jamma

Well I have had a rough time of it lately with my back and pain down my leg.  I took a week off to try and heel up.  I think I have enough nerve damage that it will take much longer to get to feeling 100%.  I actually laid flat on my back in the bed of a truck all the way from Kansas to East Texas because I did not want to sit that long.  However, walking and hunting constantly was good for it and I started working out after the hog hunt.  I have lost most of the workouts I did because we were on break and I was not posting.  This is the first on I had recorded.  I did this with Ron and it was a "Mean Mamma Jamma!"

5 Rounds for time with 20lb vest
15 Wall Slams w/ 20lb ball
15 KB Toss @ 35lbs
15 Heavy Rope Jumps
15 Ring Dips
1 Prowler Push - Down and Back - 300lbs on sled
Rest while partner is on, constant movement while waiting for partner to finish. Dynamic Stretching movements if possible.

Most of my splits and rest/easy movement times were a little under four minutes.  I don't have my phone today with splits written down.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Deadlift and Sprint

I started out looking for the mat for slams and could not find it so I did some med. ball wall crushes like I saw Clayton showing his throwers.  It was a good warm up on my core.  I did sets of 20 standing about 10 feet away from the wall.

I picked this WOD because I thought it would be a good light workout for my back:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
185 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
Sprint 100 yards

Rd 1 - :36
Rd 2 - :53
Rd 3 - :54
Rd 4 - :53
Rd 5 - :54
Rd 6 - :53

Rd 7 - :54 
Rd 8 - :54
Rd 9 - :41
Rd 10 -:42
Rd 11 -:47
Rd 12 - :47

I didn't exactly attack this like gang busters to start but I turned it up as I thought my back was doing well.  I was feeling real good until the last round.  I was pushing real hard and bam don't know what happened but started shooting pain down my leg.  I finished  the round with a little time to spare.  Pain is shooting down my leg right now and I am fighting not to limp as I walk. SUCKS!
A. Weighted chin up 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B. Bent over barbell rows 4-6x3; rest 2 min I subbed with dumbell rowes to save back
For time:
30 front squat 115/85#
10 CTB chin ups
20 front squat
20 CTB chin ups
10 front squat
30 CTB chin ups

Monday, March 11, 2013


Seven rounds for time of:
3 Forward rolls
5 Wall climbs
7 Toes to bar
9 Box jumps, 30" box

Wanted to do something a little different since I was by myself today.

Rd 1 - 1:55
Rd 2 - 1:52
Rd 3 - 1:51
Rd 4 - 1:54
Rd 5 - 1:52
Rd 6 - 1:57 (Accidently did an extra box jump)
Rd 7 - 1:44

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Heavy Step ups - Double-unders, Snatch

I took the day off from OPT today because I am focusing on healing.  For the past week I have not set down except to drive or eat lunch.  If I am watching TV, I am laying on my back.  If I am eating at home, I am standing at the bar.  My computer time is spent standing in the library, like I am doing right now.  I have learned to keep my pelvis straight and the OPT WOD did not match up.  It also had pistol squats which not only puts a big bend in my back but also would inflame my right knee that keeps crackling and has been sending me a little pain too.  So this was a main page WOD that I added weighted step-ups to.  The steps-ups were on a 24" box.  I would step up but keep my trail leg straight which kept my pelvis straight also.  The OPT WOD called for snatch.  I did not want to go heavy but I don't want to lose the progress I have made either.  I thought this main page WOD would be a good sub.

(Load the bar by snatch and lower to shoulders)
Step-ups at 95lbs on a 24" box
Three sets of Six alternating (3 left and 3 right) with two minutes recovery

Seven rounds of:

35 Double-unders
1 Snatch (115lbs)

Rd 1 - :54
Rd 2 - 1:11
Rd 3 - 1:10
Rd 4 - 1:45
Rd 5 - 1:24
Rd 6 - 1:46
Rd 7 - :49
Total time - 9:02

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Opt Week 9 Day 1

A. Push press; build to a 3rm
     I kept my legs locked after the 1st push and heels on the ground for this 3rm.  I failed at 165 but got 160 pretty well. 
B. 50 push press for time 155/95 = 24:55 I allowed my heals to leave the ground on this but never bent my knees.


15 min amrap: 14 Rounds + 15 CTB and 5 box jumps

1 CTB chin ups

1 box jumps (24/20)

2 CTB chin ups

2 box jumps

3 CTB chin ups

3 box jumps


Turkish Get Ups - Snatch, burpee

Started with Turkish Get Ups 6 - 4 - 2
55lbs, 75lbs, 95lbs (Left went up easy, failed on right and did it with only 85lbs)

12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

95 pound Power snatch

Rd 1 - 1:12
Rd 2 and 3 took 2:04 (did not hit my split)
Rd 4 - :22
Total time was 3:39

Run, Lunge, Squat

Three rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
100 meter Walking lunge
50 Squats

I did this on Saturday since I did not go on the hog hunt.  I lost my time but it was just a bit over 15 minutes.

Monday, February 25, 2013


20 leg lift/throws
Sprint 100 yards or 50 yard prowler push w/ 135 lbs

*Your recovery is your walk or jog back to the pull up bar for sprints. If using a prowler, take 60 seconds between rounds.

Did this in ice and mud at house. FUN

OPT Week 8 Day 3

I skipped chain squats becaue I already subed weighted chain step ups the day before to save my back.
B. Squat snatch 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min

140, 145, 150(f)  140
For time:
75 power snatch - 75#
This took me 7:55 and kicked my butt big time.  Broke it up like so 25, 20, 15, 15 (I honestly did not know if I would get the last 15 unbroken.
50 burpees
Took me 5:16 doing five slow and ten fast
Total time was 13:11

Weighted Chain Box step ups - Double Unders, Shoulder to over head, Toes to bar

Weighted chain box step ups.

4 sets of 2 each leg
Finished with 40lbs in each hand.  My back is jacked.  I wanted to work legs while I gave my back a break so this is what we came up with.  I guess it was a success because my back was not any worse when I was done.

2 rounds for time:
100 double under
50 Shoulder to over head
25 Toes to bar

Rd - 1 = 6:08
Rd - 2 = 7:36
Total = 13:44

I was flying through the double unders.  I scored a PR in doing 70 unbroken.  However, that was a mistake because I HIT THE WALL in the first round.  Second round actually felt easier.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

OPT Week 8 Day 2

A1. Weighted chin up; 2-3 tough reps x3; rest 10 seconds

A2. 10-20 unbroken CTB chin ups x3; rest 3 min
90lbs + 13 CTB, 90lbs +14CTB, 90lbs +15CTB  I guess I had to wake my arms up because I was able to do a little more every time.  all the weighted chin ups were two reps.  I went for three once or twice but did not get it.
10 min amrap:
Squat clean 135
(perform 4 toes to bar on the top of each minute)

RD 1 - 8
RD 2 - 5
RD 3 - 5
RD 4 - 5
RD 5 - 5
RD 6 - 5
RD 7 - 5
RD 8 - 5
RD 9 - 5
RD 10 - 6
Total reps of Squat cleans = 54


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:

135 pound Squat snatch(wanted to go full weight but weak back and I am not just there yet.  I went with 125lbs and it was still a load for me but I was able to work on my form as I did the WOD.  I think I can use 135 in the furture.

RD 1 - 2:40
RD 2 - 2:51
RD 3 - 1:02
Total time was 6:33

OPT week 8 Day 1

A. Hang power snatch; build to a 3rm from below the knee
My 3rm was 135.  I went for 140 but it was not there today.  Back was tight from all the sitting I did at the state wrestling meet.

B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
I started light (305)because I was tender and it was so easy I felt like bumping up to 355 which was not a problem eather.  I thought I was still safe at 375 but I shot pain across my lower back and down my left leg on the way up.  Walked away but the damage was done.  I am still tender four days later.
Deadlift 275/155(Planed on using straight bar for this but went with trap bar because of my back)

I lost the splits

Tire Slams, Ball Slams Duck unders, Jedi Ropes, Dynamic Push-ups, Mason/Russian Twists

For time:

15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Tire Slams LT side
Ball Slam duck unders
Tire Slams RT side
Jedi Rope Swings
Dynamic Push-ups
Russian/Mason Twists
Rest the same number of seconds of reps preformed - ex 15sec, 12sec so on

1 - 2:43
rest 15sec
2 - 2:27
rest 12sec
3 - 1:46
rest 9sec
4 - 1:12
rest 6sec
5 - :35
Total time with rest - 9:28

OPT week 7 day 3

A. Power Snatch/Snatch Tech work - PS + S @ < 70%

I am inching up more and more, little by little.  I am now up to 135 pretty consistently.
For time:
100 KBS - 55#
200 Double Unders
Total time was 10:43.  Not too happy with this time.  Got bogged down in double unders.  I am confident I can go faster.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

OPT Week 7 Day 2

A. Strict press clusters; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
Warmed up
1st Cluster was 125
2nd Cluster was 125
3rd Cluster was 130
4th Cluster was 130
5th Cluster was 135
Played it a little safe, probably should have finished the last cluster at 140.

B. Ring dips; 50 for time(1:30 broke it up 15, 15, 10, 10 not bad until the last 10)
For time:
Thrusters 115/65#
CTB chin ups

Round 1 = 2:10 (Thrusters unbroken - 11-9 on CTB chin ups)
Round 2 = 2:44 (Thrusters and CTB were 8-7)
Round 3 = 1:37 (unbroken)
Round 4 = :45 (unbroken)
Total time was 7:19

I don't know if I should have broken up the first set of thrusters or not.  I was huffing pretty hard when I started CTB chin ups but on the other hand when I put the bar down some times I just take too long getting back on it. 

KB Swings and Sprints

12min on the minute perform

10 KB Swings - 2 Pood
60 yard sprint

I would say each one took about 26-27 seconds.  After the thrid round I thought I was done but Ron was still trucking right along so I stayed in it and my body setelled in. It seems like any time we do a repeat WOD with running in it Ron is always ready for the next one while I am just hanging on.  No doubt his body remembers college years of training and he just locks in.

Monday, February 11, 2013

OPT week 7 day 1

A. Back squat with chains 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min(245, 265, 275, 285, 305, 315x1)  Back felt real tight on last rep so I just racked it.  Chains weigh 40 something pounds at top and 20 something pounds at bottom.

B. Squat snatch from blocks (below knee) 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min (125, 125, 130 extremely green with starting below knee)
7 rounds for time:
7 power clean 135/75
7 no push up burpee lateral hops over bar

Rd - 1 = :43
Rd - 2 = :59
Rd - 3 = 1:45
Rd - 4 = 1:29
Rd - 5 = 1:29
Rd - 6 = 1:29
Rd - 7 = :35
Total time 8:31

I fell apart worrying about my back in round 3 and then just told myself to stay under 1:30 after that.  I should tried to stay under 1:15.  Blasted through round 7.

Heavy bench, Seated Box Jumps - 40m sprints

Heavy Bench press
235 x 3
240 x 3
245 x 1
255 x 1


Complete 7 rounds:

3 Seated Box Jumps @ 85% of 1 RM SB Jump from 1-18-13
Sprint 40 yards

*Rest a minimum of 2 minutes beween rounds
Rd - 1 = 30
Rd - 2 = 25
Rd - 3 = 23
Rd - 4 = 22
Rd - 5 = 21
Rd - 6 = 20
Rd - 7 = 18
Total time = 14:34
I did not run faster, just got more comfortable with the seated box jumps.  I used the tallest box in the weight room.

OPT Week 6 Day 3

A. Split jerk 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min Warmed up like this since I am new to split jerk 135 - 155 - 175 - 185 - 200
205 x 2
205 x 2
205 x 2
210 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 1(f) then nailed it
B. Parallete hspu; 30 for time (if can't perform then, do eccentrics at a 5 second count and kick back to top)I did the first five on 45lb bumpers with a kip and then I could not even get that.  I finished the next 25 in 3:14
For time:
100 wall balls(4:12, felt like forever broke up 50, 30, 20)
75 chin ups(3:09, not bad, brok up 35, 25, 15)
50 wall balls(2:56, 26, 24)
25 chin ups(1:04, unbroken)
50 sit ups(??? for got to hit the split button between this and double-unders)
75 double unders(???)
100 air squats(2:26)

Total time 17:54

Friday, February 8, 2013

OPT Week 6 Day 2

A. Hang power clean; build to a 1rm(Wow, never found a max on this lift. I nailed 205 and got close on 210 a few times but could not quite get under it enough to hold it.  Felt back shoot somethin down my leg and that is all I needed to stop)

B. Deficit DL (2-3" platform) 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
365 x 1
I shot too far on the last set, then I was huffing an puffing when I tried 390 and could not get it.  I shed more weight as fast as I could because not my rest time was way too long. I picked up 365 once and felt my back pulling a little and walked away.  Back is sore today but I will live.
For time:
30 hang power clean (73% of A for males, 78% of A for females)150lbs for me
50 pistols
2k row - (200 SDLHP)
Cleans - 1:58
Pistols - 3:10
SDHP - 6:30
Total time = 11:39

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Captain America WOD

Complete 5 rounds:

Handstand Hold - 30 seconds
Max Handstand Push Ups
11, 9, 13, 10, 11
Static Pull or Chin Up Hold at top - 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull or Chin Ups
15, 15, 11, 11, 10
Hold Top of Ring Dip - 30 seconds
Max Ring Dips
17, 15, 12, 12, 11

*Perform isometric hold for 30 seconds, kick down, shake out your hands and perform max reps of given exercise.
*There is no time component for this workout other than the 30 sec holds.
*The goal of this workout is to develop stability in these movements through the use of isometric holds

I loved this WOD.  It defiantly puts a swell on.  I felt like Captain America after he stepped out of the capsule for the first time in his new body.  It is set up for full recovery but I kind of timed my recovery so I would be done before Jenni brought our circus to the weight room.  This is how I did it...

  • Set up the watch on 30 second intervals
  • Started isometric hold the instant the watch first beeped and kept it until it beeped again
  • Shook out arms while the watch was beeping (it beeps for 10 seconds)
  • Did the burn out on the exercise
  • Rested the amount of time it took the watch to beep twice and started again on the third beep
  • Rested for three or four beeps after each round
I did go a little longer on the rest times for the last round because I could tell I was going to finish before Jenni and the kids showed up.  When I do it again, I am going to measure my rest time more closely.  I think 90 seconds between sets and three minutes between rounds will work best.

I did 6 50m sprints on the minute after Jenni and the kids left.  One side note Jenni PRed on deadlift at 170lbs!

Monday, February 4, 2013

OPT Week 6, Day 1

A. Squat/Power snatch tech work 15-20 min (all below 70% 1rm, let your body and technique dictate the loads used for session, high speed/perfect form is focus)
I am defiantly improving in this.  I worked on it and finished with 125 which is very easy now.  I think I will look for a new max weight as 125lbs is way over 70% of my old max and probably under 70% of my actual max. 

B. On a 90 seconds countdown clock: Perform 7 burpees and amrap muscle ups in remaining time; rest 2 min x4 sets
I got 11, 10, 10, 7.  Just burned out in the end.

4 rounds for time:
12 kb snatch (6/arm) 1.5/1 pood
48 double unders

Rd = 1:38
Rd = 1:57
Rd = 1:56
Rd = 1:30
Total time = 7:03

I gamed this one too much. I gave  the 1.5 poods a little too much respect.  I would have liked to have some one to race on this one.  I think I could have done better.

Filthy Fifty

50 Box jump, 24 inch box (1:29)

50 Jumping pull-ups (???)
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (???)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps(???)
50 Knees to elbows(???)
50 Push press, 45 pounds (1:28)
50 Back extensions (1:22)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball(2:42)
50 Burpees(5:30)
50 Double unders(:48)
Total time = 20:22

This is just about a PR.  My only faster time was back in 2009.  Back then I only taped my feet on the box instead of pushing my hips all the way through at the top of the jump and I think I subbed 100 jump-ropes for the double under back then because I could not do double unders four years ago.  So this is a PR as RXed.  I obviously did not his my split on each round but I think I can get faster in the wall ball and back extensions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

OPT Week 5 Day 3

A. Strict press clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 2:30
115, 115, 120, 120, 125

B. HSPU; accumulate AMRAP sets of 3 unbroken in 8 min
21 sets of three (Lost my balance and my toe touched on one set but just for a second and I counted it anyway)
5 rounds for time:
12 OHS 95/55
6 toes to bar
12 DB thrusters 30/15#
6 chin ups

Round 1 = 1:41
Round 2 = 1:59
Round 3 = 1:47
Round 4 = 1:57
Round 5 = 1:41
Total time = 9:06

Did not bog down in any one lift it was just a steady grind.

Evil Wheels and plate push

50 yard prowler or dog sled push w/ 180 lbs - we did 90lb Plate Push - Down and back

10 Evil Wheels - Curl bar, with 25lb plates on either side. (on knees and extend arms straight out in front of you, chest to floor and pull back to knees.)

I cleared my watch this morning so I don't have my time but judging from Ron's blog I was around 14:30.  This thing killed my tryceps yesterday and today's WOD was in the back of my mind the whole time but I don't think it affected me today so that is good.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OPT Week 5 Day 2

A. Back squat with chains 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2; rest 2 min (Weighed the chains and they are 41.8lbs at the top of the squat and 26.8lbs at the bottom)  I used the chains last week and felt great, however, I started with with too much weigit today for the reps of 6.  In fact I was still breathing hard two minutes later when I would start the next set.  I was planning on ending with 315 or more but, with starting as heavy as I did, I just did not have it on the final sets.
1st set = 265 + chains, 2nd set = 265 + chains, 3rd set = 275 + chains, 4th = 275 + chains, 5th = 285 + chains, 6th = 295 =  = chains

B. Squat snatch from high blocks 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Once again, SNATCH!  I used to be very scared of this lift as it always messed up my back for weeks or months.  I would just skip crossfit WODs that had it and get a workout from another sight.  My back has been good for months now since I have given up heavy deadlift with a normal bar and switched to the trap bar.  My back is strong enough to actually do the snatch and not injure myself, but I am tiptoeing into this lift.  On top of that, I have never done snach from high blocks until today.  So today was once again a "form and movement" day for this lift.  I did three or four at 95lbs before starting part B of this WOD.
1st = 105lbs, 2nd = 115lbs, 3rd = 125lbs


All done @100%

3 min AMRAP:
10 no push up burpee box jumps 20
10 power clean and jerk 95/65
1 round + 16 reps - I have to speed up my bar movement.

Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
10 deadlift 185/115
10 burpee lateral hop over bar
3 rounds + 1 rep

Rest 10 min

3 min AMRAP:
15 hang power snatch from below knee 75/33
15 box jumps 20"
2 rounds + 5 reps

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

OPT Week 5, Day 1

A. Push press x5/Push jerk x3/Split jerk x1; rest 90 seconds x5 complexes
95, 105, 115, 125, 130, all were easier than I thought and I need to put on a little more weight next time 
B. Strict press 10, 10, 10; rest 75 seconds
95, 100, 105 This however, was pushing my limit.
10 rounds for time:
10 hand release push ups
8 knees to elbow
6 box jumps 24/20
4 CTB chin ups
2 wall walks

Rd 1 - 1:10
Rd 2 - 1:21
Rd 3 - 1:26
Rd 4 - 1:25
Rd 5 - 1:29
Rd 6 - 1:31 (tied my shoe)
Rd 7 - 1:26
Rd 8 - 1:29
Rd 9 - 1:30
Rd 10-1:15
Total time was 14:06

This WOD just fit me well.  I was winded but not dead when I was done.  Felt good.

OPT Week 4, Day 3

I forgot to post this WOD from last Saturday.

A. Power clean clusters 1.1.1x5; rest 10 seconds/rest 3 min
195, 195, 200, 205, 205 did not do well on this.  Early in the morning and my body was not working like I wanted.

B. Deficit DL
Did this standing on 45lb bumper weights using the trap bar.  315, 335, 355

12 min amrap:
5 squat clean 165#
5 power clean 155#
10 squat clean 145#
10 power clean 135#
20 squat clean 115#
20 power snatch 105#
30 squat snatch 95#
30 power snatch 75#

I got 58 total reps

Monday, January 28, 2013

Turkish Get-ups, core WOD

Heavy Turkish Get-ups
I got up to 105lbs and nailed it on my right side.  Got to a standing postion on left side but then lost control.  Never actually got it on left side which is now a goal.

Then 3 rounds for time:
10 GHD
25 yards farmer carry left
25 yards farmer carry right15 sledge hammer left
15 sledge hammer right
40 yard bear crawl
50 double unders
Thirty seconds crazy rope
One minute rest

Round 1 = 3:52
Round 2 = 3:30 (faster because I only missed once with double unders)
Round 3 = 3:50
Total = 13:13

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tire Slams - KBS

Tire Slams
KB Swings 70lbs/2 Pood
Tire Slams


Tire Slams 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
KBS 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
Tire Slams 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15

I went after Ron and saw him struggle after crossing the anabolic threshold so my goal was to stay steady and consistent.  First round was real easy but the KBS pushed me pretty hard.  I was very winded but still feeling good at the end.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OPT Week 4 Day 2

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x14 sets @55-75% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets improving my form and I am most excited that this is not hurting my back!)

B. 12 muscle ups for time x4; rest 4 min (I broke every set up like 7,5,3 and every set was a little under 1:30 but I was not watching the time very close because I did notice the part of the WOD was for time.)


10 rounds for time:
2 power snatch @85% 1rm (115lbs for me)
10 knees to elbow

Rd - 1 =   :37
Rd - 2 =   :46
Rd - 3 =   :51
Rd - 4 =   :54
Rd - 5 =   :57
Rd - 6 = 1:09
Rd - 7 = 1:00
Rd - 8 = 1:13
Rd - 9 = 1:05
Rd -10=   :47
Total time of 9:25

My hands were raw when I started the metcon and very raw when I was done.  All in all a good day.  I think my form has improved enough that I can test myself a little more on snatch.  I think my max has bumped up a bit.  I will take it slow because I have been enjoying a good back lately and I don't want to screw with my streak.

Short Sprints

Complete the following sprints:

4 x 20 Meter Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
6 x 30 Meter Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then...
10 x 10 Meter Flying Starts (rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*take 10 meters to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.

Lots of good quick burst with just the right amount of recovery.  I was pushed but not not close to death.  Fun one to do with Ron were about stride for stride.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

OPT Week 4 Day 1

A. Strict press clusters3.3.3x5; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 minuts (I did this at 125lbs for each set but did not pay attention and only rested 2 minutes

B. JM press 12-15x3; rest 2 min (I used 100 lbs just to stay in triple didgets,  I could have done more if I was not leading with my rist like the video showed but I stayed to true to proper form.  I think my triceps will talk to me about it tomorroe)
3 rounds for time:
20 thrusters at 85lbs*
15 chin ups
50 SDHP (sub for Row 500m)

*I did not pay attention, this was supposed to be 75lbs.  I noticed the weight in th middle of the WOD but decided to just push through with the extra weight.)

Round 1 = 2:32, Round 2 = 4:37, Round 3 = 3:59 for a total time of 11:09

Farmer's walk and sprints

Complete 6 rounds for time:
50 yard Farmer's Walk
Sprint 50 yards
*Go as heavy as possible for Farmer's Walk
*Start by walking 50 yards for farmers walk, set weight down and sprint 50 yards
*For rest, walk back to dumbbells

I did this about 9:00 last night.  It is kind of a joke the WOD is way to easy, probably the easiest WOD I have ever gotten off the crossfitfootball sight.  However, I was okay with it because it was late.  I had been in a car most of the day so even though I did not feel like I did much, I was happy to breath hard and do SOMETHING before eating my nachos.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Family Fun

Fitness is Family Fun!

To be honest, the kids drive me crazy most of the time I am working out.  However, I do love the fact that they love spending time in the weight room.  Jenni has been coming in and working out more lately and that means the kids are with us.  We take time running interference for each other so the other one can do a WOD in peace but I am cool with that.  It is really good on days when it is too cold for them to play outside; they can run around on the turf and swing on the rope and doing plate pushes.  As you can see they like to play in the jump box.  The other day I was hitting it pretty hard and took of my t-shirt.  Two minutes later they all had their shirts off so this proud Papa had to take a picture. 

OPT: Wk 3 Day 3

A. Back squat 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
I messed this up.  I thought it was supposed to be with heavy chains.  It was not.  However in the long run it probably worked out better because I ended up squatting more than I would have anyway since I did not have a spotter.  Ben and I think the chains add about forty pounds when the bar is high and I I bet about half of that when the bar is low.  So add 20-40 pounds to each of these weights and it is pretty good for me...   295, 305, 315, 315

B. Paused below the knee squat snatch 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
Don't remember where I started but finished with 135 or 145.  Missed my last rep. but widened my grip and got it.  Ben and Clayton gave me some advice and I am going to work on widining my grip.

30 seconds max reps power snatch 95
30 seconds max reps burpees
30 seconds max reps kbs 2 pood
30 seconds max reps box jumps 24
1 min max calories airdyne (plate pushes)
Rest 12 min x4 

Round 1 = 7, 10, 11, 12, 2(down and backs)
Round 2 = 8, 10, 12, 14, 2(D&B)
Round 3 = 8, 11, 12, 16, 2
Round 4 = 9, 11, 13, 16, 2

Total Reps per round: 1= 42, 2 = 46, 3 = 49, 4 = 51
Hard burn on these short little burst.  I am giving my legs a rest!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OPT: Week Three, Day Two

A. Bench press 1.1.1x3; rest 20 seconds/rest 2 min (235, 240, 240)

B. Split jerk; build to a tough single (135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205) I thought about more but after listening to Ben I decided to stay there.  This was the right call

C. Drop to 80% of B and perform 6 sets of 2; rest as needed bw sets (I did 185 for all sets and showed up early enough this morning that I more then enough rest in between each set.)

For time:
50 meter farmers walk 2/1.5 pood
25 hspu
50 meter farmers walk
25 CTB chin ups
50 wall balls
25 toes to bar
50 wall balls
25 hspu

... clock starts immediately upon completion and scored as a second workout :

300 double unders for time

I did the METCON in 14:55 (bogged down in wall ball) and the double unders in 9:28 which made a total time of 24:24.  Good WOD I just was cruzing along and the bang! I hit the wall.  Had to push hard throught the double unders.


Tuesday 1-15:

3Rounds of:

10 Back to back Med Ball hand offs
5 Ball Burst
10 Sledge Hammer Lf
10 Sledge Hammer Rt
50 Heavy Rope Jedi Whips
20 Back Extensions
20 yards farmer carry Lf
20 yards farmer carry Rt
10 GHD
10 55lb KBS
10 Decline Sit-ups
50 High Knees in Rack
One minute rest
I forgot to take a picture of my splits but I kind of remember them
5:40something (I had to adjust the GHD chair)
Total = 18:40 something

Five Minutes rest
40m Sprint or 20m Harness pulls on the minute for 8 minutes
These were a lot of fun and I want to do them again.  We accidental forgot to rest on the first two and I about blacked out which added to the fun.

Deadlift, Power Clean, -Squat Clean METCON

A. Deadlift 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min (375, 405, 430 PR all were with trap bar)
B. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min 195, 205, 215, 230 fail and went straight to 225 - this lift felt good after the heavy dead lift)
C. Hang squat clean from below the knee 3 reps x10 sets; rest 45 seconds bw sets (50-65% 1rm for all sets, high speed - perfect mechanics  (got a good sweat rolling here)


12 min AMRAP: (this might get interesting...)
20 squat clean 95/65
20 squat clean 135/95
20 squat clean 165/115
20 squat clean 195/145
AMRAP squat clean 225/175 in remaining time

I got up to the first rep of 195.  I felt strong but my back is still tired two days later.  Not injured, just very tired.

Push Press, Ball Burst - Plate Pushes

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:

3 Push Press
5 Slamb burst under

I got 10 full rounds + All Plate Push and 3 Ball Burst

6 x Plate Pushes
*rest 90 seconds between efforts.

Legs got a good burn here but Ron beat me on everyone of these.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Snatch, Muscle ups, Toes to bar, Cleans-Burpees

A. Squat snatch; 2 reps x12 sets @50-70% 1rm; rest 45 seconds bw sets - let high speed and perfect mechanics dictate load. (100, 100, 105, 105, 105, 105, 110, 110, 115, 115, 115, 115) I felt like my motion is getting smoother on this lift.

B. 2 muscle ups on the minute for 14 min  This was pretty much cake and just kept me warm for the next step.

C. Toes to bar; 50 for time  Time was 2:35  I planed on breaking it 25, 15, 10 but I ended up doing 25, 11, 9, 6  The 25 was easer than expected but then I fell off the wagon.
Power clean 185/115
Bar facing burpees

Splits: 2:57, 2:59, 2:18, 1:40, :25 Overall time:10:20  I went straight from the 4th set into the 5th.  The cleans were a challenge but this WOD felt like it was about over after the second set.

Push Jerk, Deadlift-Push-ups-Box jumps

Find Max Push Jerk:

I started at 185 and just kept bumping up the weigth until I attempted 230 which I failed on.  However, I nailed 225.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
155 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 Deficit push-ups, hands on 25 pound plates
15 Box jumps, 24" box

I got seven rounds with the following splits:

Bogged down a little on the deadlifts but as a whole I feel real good.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dips, Chin ups, Box Jumps-Double unders- Snatch- Burpees

A1. Weighted dip 3-4x4; rest 10 seconds  = 70lbs x4, 75lbs x4, 80lbs x4  (only did three sets, I don't know what I was thinking)

A2. Amrap unbroken ring dips x4; rest 3 min 22, 14, 11 (again only three sets, need to pay better attention)

B1. Weighted chin up 2-3 tough reps x4; rest 10 seconds - 70lbs x3, 80lbs x3, 80lbs x2 ( only 3 sets)
B2. 15 unbroken CTB chin ups x4; rest 3 min - Unbroken, Unbroken, 10+5 (Chest hit bar every time)


For time:
25 box jumps 24""
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (right)
50 double unders
25 calories rowing (burpees)
50 double unders
25 kb snatch 1.5/1 pood (left)
50 double unders"

Time was 12:45
I had the most trouble with the KB snatch.  Just not very fimiluar with it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Turkish Get-ups, SDHP

Heavy Turkish Get-ups:  I started with 55lbs and just kept adding a little weight until I got to 95lbs.  This is not a PR and I may have been able to do more but I failed once and was ready to get on to the WOD.

Metcon was:

Row Sprints

10 x 150m ( Rest ratio 1:2 )

1- 15.30
2- 16.54
3- 15.1
4- 16.78
5- 16.37
6- 15.67
7- 15.51
8- 15.20
9- 15.56
Total time of 7:22.2

Nice little workout had me breathing hard but not dead.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Squat, KBS-Burpee Box Jump

Back Squat 3, 1, 3, 1, Rest 2min 295, 315, 305, 335  This was very easy.  I thought with the short rest that it would be harder.  I will add a little more weight next time.  I really felt strong after an off day.


  • KBS @ 1.5 pood
  • Burpee Box Jump 24"/20"
Don't have my watch with me as I am posting right now.  My time was 9:30 something.  I was pretty consistant because my first round of 30 took about the same amount of time as the second two rounds of 20 and 20.  I like this little WOD

Friday, January 4, 2013

Deadlift, Clean, Bench, Push Press, Push Jerk, HSPU - Snatch GHD

A. Deadlift 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min  365, 375, 385(only got two shed 10lbs and did last rep)
B1. Power clean 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min 195, 205, 215 but I did not get under it.  I would have rather squat cleaned it instead.
B2. Bench press 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min 225, 235, 245 Bench was a little too easy, should have gone heaver.  I am not used to reading OPT workouts I messed up and did all the Power Cleans and then all the Bench(3,2,1,3,2,1) where I should have switched between the two (3,3,2,2,1,1) 

C1. Push press 6, 6, 6; rest 10 seconds 145 every time
C2. Push jerk 12, 12, 12; rest 10 seconds 145 every time
C3. HSPU; 20 for time x3;1:15, 1:35 1:54 I did not have my head touch the floor every time.  I should have made myself do this.
  rest 3-4 min

5 rounds for time: 5 power snatch @ 80% 1rm*
10 GHD sit ups

I did this in 7 minutes flat.

I still dislike working out in the morning but I enjoyed starting the day off right good company. Thanks Clayton and Ben for the camaraderie.