Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bench, Shoulder Press - Body weight squat and handstand push-ups

I had time and want to go heavy on bench.  This is how it went:
Warm-up with 135
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 3
235 x 3 (everything felt light to this point and I thought trying a triple of 245.  I felt so good that I probably could have got it.  But, I decided my goal today was to lift as much weight as possible on the final rep so I went to singles from that point on.)
245 x 1
255 x 1 (This was a PR and I knew I could do more I almost went straight to 265, but I decided to go up to it in two steps
260 x 1
265 x 1 (went up slow but solid without Dustin even touching the bar.

I promised Dustin and myself that I would be satisfied and stop once I hit 265 but I really think my adrenaline was up enough that I could have put up 10 more pounds.  I took the 265 of the rack for the picture and it felt so light where it felt heavy when I was doing the lift before.  15lb PR!  Everything felt great.

I went on to shoulder press.  It was seated instead of standing because of the low ceiling in the workout room:
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 3
140 x 3
145 x 2 (went for three but only got it half way up on the last rep)

Finished with crossfit football wod about 10 minutes later:
15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps of:
Bench Press @ body weight
Handstand Push Ups

Rd 1 - 2:26 (unbroken, 5-5-5)
Rd 2 - 3:07 (arms were toast 4-4-4, 4,4,4)
Rd 3 - 3:33 (5-4, 5-4)
Rd 4 - 2:01 (3-2-1, 3,3)
Rd 5 - 1:10 (unbroken, unbroken)
Total time was 12:53

There is so much junk leaning on the walls I could not do handstand push-ups like normal.  Instead I did freestanding handstand push-ups with my little brother holding my ankles to help me balance.  I am sure this is a little harder.  I loved today. It feels good to have the time to workout right.

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