Monday, December 27, 2010

"Randy" - Supine Ring Pull Ups, True Push Ups

75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time.
Time 4:24 (29 Second PR!)

Did it on 6-4-10 with a time of 4:53

Did it on 7-6-09 with a time of 5:44

I actually remember doing this back in June.  I knew it would be fast and hurt a lot.  I was really happy with my PR back then and I am just as happy today.  This time I did the first 40 unbroken as fast as I could but my arms and grip were giving out at 30-40. I just pushed through. At 40 put it down, took about 5 breaths and blasted through 10, put it down and took about three breaths and blasted 10 more.  I took 3 breaths and blasted 10, took a breath or two and did last five.  Next time I would like to push through the last 15 or do 45-15-15 to = 75.  I just want to PR again.  Did randy at about 11:00 went back to the barn at about 4:00 and did this crossfit football WOD:

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:

10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
10 True Push Ups

Post total rounds completed.

*Definition of Supine - The supine position is a position of the body; lying down with the face up.
*To perform Sup Ring PUs, set the rings so your back is off the ground, place heels on a box and pull your chest to your hands.
*True Push Ups are done with both hands and feet balancing on parallets, make sure you get your chest below parallel.

I got 13 rounds + 7 Supine Ring Pull Ups

The S.R. Pull-Ups were a lot harder than I thought.  Burned out at about 6 after first few rounds.  I am sure Randy from this morning had something to do with that.  The true push ups were easier than I thought and a lot of fun.  I slid steel bars through cinder blocks for parallets.  It gave me a true "Rocky - Eye of the Tiger" feeling.  Loved it!!!

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