Wednesday, December 29, 2010

DT and Bench Press

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps
The following is what I wrote, the first time I did this, on Aug. 1, 2009:

My time: 18:24I did the first round as 
RXed but it would have taken me all day so I dropped the weight to 135 for the next four rounds. Next time I want to do the first two rounds as RXed, then three, then for four and then five. It would be great if I can do this and still keep the time pretty close to the same.
Then I wrote this on April 8th 2010:Well I bet I ran that morning on Aug. 1st where I did not this time and it probably took about a minute to take some weight off the bar but I still had a big improvement. I did all 5 rounds as RXed and my time was 14:59! I think my main improvement was in the Push jerk and now I need to just get better all around and not stop to breath as much. But, for now I am happy with my performance.

Today I PRed again.  My time was a very lucky 13:13.  I thought about this all night and was pumped for it.  I don't know why this WOD is so hard.  It does not look like that big a deal but it is a man maker.  Jason Kupla can to this thing in half of my time and my hat is off to him.  I will have to keep cutting my rest time to get faster.  I tried to do each round under 2:30 and the first one was under 1:50 but after that it just did not happen.   I went back about 45 minutes later and did 185lbs bench press at sets of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tabata "Bottom to Bottom" Squat

Tabata "Bottom to Bottom" Squat

Run 1 mile

Clock starts for run on rising from last squat.

The Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squat is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top is immediate - no pause. The ten-second rest for each interval is also held at the bottom of the squat as opposed to the top. Interestingly, this squat, in contrast to the "normal" Tabata squat, motivates full hip extension. Also, the ten second rests don't seem as short with this protocol!

Did 15 squats for each round and mile was 6:22

Resting at the bottom of the squat was not much rest at all.  Made it a not harder.  Legs were pretty dead at the start of the run.  I wish my time would have been less.  I need to get back to running in the morning.  After I did this, I helped Jenni with "Nutts" which took her 26:34 with 105 deadlift, an 18" box, jumping pull-ups, 12lb ball, 400 normal jumps, and running with 25lbs.  I am very proud of her.  After that, I did a Tabata set of sit-ups and then a bunch of crunches.

Monday, December 27, 2010

"Randy" - Supine Ring Pull Ups, True Push Ups

75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time.
Time 4:24 (29 Second PR!)

Did it on 6-4-10 with a time of 4:53

Did it on 7-6-09 with a time of 5:44

I actually remember doing this back in June.  I knew it would be fast and hurt a lot.  I was really happy with my PR back then and I am just as happy today.  This time I did the first 40 unbroken as fast as I could but my arms and grip were giving out at 30-40. I just pushed through. At 40 put it down, took about 5 breaths and blasted through 10, put it down and took about three breaths and blasted 10 more.  I took 3 breaths and blasted 10, took a breath or two and did last five.  Next time I would like to push through the last 15 or do 45-15-15 to = 75.  I just want to PR again.  Did randy at about 11:00 went back to the barn at about 4:00 and did this crossfit football WOD:

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:

10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
10 True Push Ups

Post total rounds completed.

*Definition of Supine - The supine position is a position of the body; lying down with the face up.
*To perform Sup Ring PUs, set the rings so your back is off the ground, place heels on a box and pull your chest to your hands.
*True Push Ups are done with both hands and feet balancing on parallets, make sure you get your chest below parallel.

I got 13 rounds + 7 Supine Ring Pull Ups

The S.R. Pull-Ups were a lot harder than I thought.  Burned out at about 6 after first few rounds.  I am sure Randy from this morning had something to do with that.  The true push ups were easier than I thought and a lot of fun.  I slid steel bars through cinder blocks for parallets.  It gave me a true "Rocky - Eye of the Tiger" feeling.  Loved it!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Back Squat


Legs are fried and sore from a bunch of overhead squats two days before.  Warmed up with stretching and quite a bit of reps at a lighter weights.


My legs are very sore.  I even thought about skipping today but I have had a good run lately and I don't want to loose my rhythm.  I actually ended up much better than I thought I would.  320lbs is all we have in the barn so I guess that is a good place to stop.  At one point it thought about counting the 255 set as a warm up but my left hamstring is talking to me so 255 counts this time.  Originally, I had planned to do 10 200m hill repeats today.  I may modify it, I may not do it at all.  We'll see.

Friday, December 24, 2010

"Nutts" and benchpress

For time: 10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10' (subbed thrusters, no wallball on the farm)
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

Time - 27:01 (PR by 4:46)

I did this on by myself in the barn.  I like it better in the weight room and with others better.  I did the box jumps on the tail gate of a truck with bad shocks.  I usually get a bounce and could not do that this time and I know that slowed me down.  Pull-ups were not bad; I did 20, 14, 11, 5.  The thrusters were a killer 45lbs is a big differenc from 20.  I broke them up into five sets of 20 where I am pretty sure I could do the wall ball in three sets.  The double unders took almost nine minutes which seemed like forever I have to get faster here.  However, I did take over four minutes off and even though I gave the WOD all I had, I think I can do it faster still.  After lunch I went back to the barn and did 5X5 of 205 on bench. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Ring Dips, Overhead Squat - Shuttle, KB, Push-ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
10 Ring Dips
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Total - 9 +2 Pull-ups

I would have liked a picture of this to send in to the main page.  I was hard at in in a freezing barn with steam coming of me and my breath smoking while pony took a nap watching.  The pull-up bar was slid between rafters and that made it tricky for the chest-to-bar part but I could do it.  Also, the rings were hanging from rafters and were a little wider than I would like but it worked.

Rested two hours and did this one of the crossfit football sight:

Sprint a 20 yds - 40 yds - 20 yds shuttle drill
8 kettlebell Swings 2 Pood
16 push Ups
*For shuttle drill, start by sprinting 20 yards, change directions and sprint back 40 yards. change direction and sprint back 20 yards through original starting point.  Perform 8kb swings and 16 push ups. Rest 1 minute and repeat...

Took my time on the first round getting into the swing of things.  With each round I was able two shave off a little time, ran faster, did not stop to collect myself for the KB swings, and by the last one I was in the dirt doing push-ups before the KB hit the ground.  This one was fun and a little easier than I thought it would be.  However, the first WOD was harder than I thought it would be.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Weighted pull-ups, back extensions, Farmer Walk

Three rounds of:

10 Weighted pull-ups
30 Back extensions

Time - 4:59 with 35lbs

Man I wish I had a vest for this one.  The weight was swing all over the place when I tried any kind of kip.  I ended up just basically doing dead hang pull-ups at 5+5.  I took a little time to recover and did a crossfit football WOD:

Complete 3 rounds:

One Arm Farmer Walk (RT) 40 yards - 1/3 body weight (60lbs)
One Arm Farmer Walk (LT) 40 yards - 1/3 body weight (60lbs
Max Rep Strict Chin Ups - 2 sec hold at the top of each rep

Rd 1 = 11, Rd 2 = 7, Rd 3 = 10

The farmer walk was a cake walk probably due to my extensive training in this area growing up.  However, it did affect my grip on the pull-ups.  I made sure to pause at the bottom and two seconds at the top.  The second set was thumbs in which I am good at kipping pull-ups here but not as good with this kind pull-up with the hold at the top.  I got some big bulging arms for me on this WOD so I cashed out with curls for old times sake.

I don't know, sometimes I feel like I am just not getting the WOD and both WODs were like this.  They were a work out but I wasn't ever very gassed and I did not lift a ton of weight so it just did not feel like a great day.  But it felt good get to workout for more than 10 minutes which made it a good day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, 200's

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Shoulder press = 115, 125, 130, 135, 145
Push press = 145, 135, 135, 135, 145
Push Jerk = 155, 165, 175, 180, 185

I was careful not to have any bounce at all on shoulder press.  I was also very careful not to have any jerk or double bounce on push press.  I was so careful that I was hardly even getting a push and that is why I had to bring my weight back down until I got the nack of things.  I can push jerk a lot more weight once but the forth and fifth time I was getting gassed.  I also did a crossfitfootball WOD it was:

Complete 6 rounds:

Sprint 200 yards
*Rest to Work - 3:1
30, 32, 31, 33, 31, 35

I added 25 yards to the road where we run for the 400 turn-a-round and only ran one way at a time to get the 200 with out having to turn in my running. I thought my legs were fine but when I started running they felt very heavy and slow, which after looking at my times they were exactly that.  Could be the squats or I could be getting old or both but I thought I was still faster than that.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Deadlift, GHD situps

Three rounds of:

10 Deadlifts
30 GHD situps

Ron did the splits for me:
Rd 1 = 1:52
Rd 2 = 2:26
Rd 3 = 2:38
Total = 6:57 with 265lbs

I himhawed around on the weight for the deadlift and finally brought it down to 265 but the dead lift was pretty much unbroken and I could have done more.  My weekness was the GHD's.  I used to do a warm-up every day before the WOD of 2 sets of 15 of GHD situps, 2 sets of 5-10 handstand push-ups, a couple sets of pull-ups and dips.  I have been pressed for time ever since school started and I quit doing that.  I think I will go back to it.  It is a good warm up and if I had been doing it the GHDs would not have kicked my butt so bad.  I thought the deadlift is what would take up my time but the GHDs is what ended up eating up the clock.  I cashed out with 4 or 5 sets of 5 on squat.  Not a lot of weight, just good solid deep squats.


Five rounds for time of:
22 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
22 Box jump, 24 inch box
Run 400 meters
22 Burpees
22 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball


Wow, this one is a man maker!  KB swings were all unbroken but that about broke me.  I took a pause after 8th and 15th rep on box jumps.  400 was not a run but a jog, a slow jog starting,  burpees were unbroken but I would usually do a few pretty slow in the middle and wall ball was unbroken.  I usually took a little time before each exercise except for the 400 to collect myself.  This was a very good WOD.  I cashed out with snatch and did not do much but did manage to get light headed again.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Five rounds for max reps of:

Body weight bench press

Bench - 20, 14, 11, 9, 8 Total = 62 (PR by 1)
Pull-ups - 46, 34, 35, 31, 31,  Total = 177 (PR by 33)
Old PR in January of 2010
Bench= 20 13 12 9 7 Total= 61
Pull-ups= 40 26 30 25 23 Total= 144

Pretty happy with this one.  More so now that I see how I did last time.

Filthy Fifty

For time:

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Time 21:51

Old PR was 19:53 I am not in as good of shape as I was in April.  I am getting back into it.  I took way too much time on burpees and Knees to elbows.  I also did not have a goal in my mind when I started and I know that affected my time.  Next filthy fifty needs to be under 19:53.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Resting 60 seconds between sets:

Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2


I wanted to do this one as soon as I saw it because I have felt stronger and stronger at this lift the last few months.  I can remember a few years ago I swore off this deadlift.  Thought I would never do it again because it aways hurt my back.  Now my back is much stronger.  The crazy thing is it slipped out of place in wrestling practice 10 days before I did this WOD.  I took 4 or 5 days off and babied my back for a while.  I came back to this WOD not knowing where to start because of my back.  But it felt good warming up so I put a little weight on.  I just kept putting it on and ended up with my max from about a year ago.  I still felt good so I put on 370, which I thought was over my old max but I was not sure.  It was, today I looked back and the old max was 365.  I felt very strong at 370 so I put on five more pounds and did 375.  I decided to stop but I KNOW I could do more.  I was out of time and besides I did have a hurt back only 10 days before.  However, I was very happy with how I did on this WOD.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Muscle-ups, Forward rolls, One Legged Squats, Handstand walk

Three rounds for time of:

10 Muscle-ups
10 Forward rolls
20 One legged squats, alternating
Handstand walk 20 yards

Time 11:58

This is 24 seconds over my PR.  I am not happy with this time.  I did this one early in the morning before Jenni and the kids got up to go to get around for church.  I never seem to do as well in the morning.  My weakness last time was the muscle-ups and I still had trouble with them.  Last time, by the last round I was doing one at a time.  This time I tried to do more than that but some times I would get stuck and strain and fight to get it without getting it.  This probably made me go slower because it took more time to recover due to my pooped out arms.  I also had trouble walking on my hands in the first round but that was just because it was early in the morning and I needed time to wake up.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Row, Thrusters

Five rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters (S.D.H.P.)
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps

Time 24:22

This thing kicked my butt.  I don't know why.  I probably started too fast.  I was having grip problems with the S.D.H.P. and that is a lot of weight for me on thrusters.  I guess the time off from hurting my back was catching up with me.  At one point the little man on my shoulder was saying "just do three rounds, you can quit and blame it on your back" but my back felt fine and still does.  I told the little man to kiss off and did all five of the rounds. 

400, Pull-ups, Squats

Three rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
15 Pull-ups
50 Squats
15 Pull-ups

Time 12:22

This is my first one back after a short bit of time off with my back.  I picketd it because it did not have any movements that would hurt my back.  I ran outside after dark in very cold air and burned my lungs a bit but other than that it was not bad.  I just wanted a better time.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Tabata Weighted pull-up, 30 pound dumbbell

Rest 1 minute
Tabata Weighted squat, 45 pound plate
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Weighted ring dip, 30 pound dumbbell
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Deadlift, 165 pound barbelll

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight

Tabata Weighted pull-up, 30 pound dumbbell

3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 =3  Total reps =24
Tabata Weighted squat, 45 pound plate
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, = 10  Total reps = 80
Tabata Weighted ring dip, 30 pound dumbbell
4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, = 4  Total reps 32

Tabata Deadlift, 165 pound barbell
10, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 = 7  Total reps = 53

Tabata Total = 24  Total reps = 189

I messed this one up.  I have never done it so I used the guy's results from the main page as a guide.  His Tabata total was 21 and I figured he, being on the main page, would be much better than me but he wasn't.  On the pull-ups three was real easy but I was waiting to burn out on the last 2 or 3 rounds like I have done on the other tabata workout but I did not at all.  So I did one more rep than the main page guy on the squats and I could have added more than that.  I did the same with the weighted ring dips and it was harder but I think I could have done 5.  My feet lost the weight on the last round and I still had plenty of time to pick it up and do the last rep.  I did have problems with the deadlift.  At this point I decided to forget the main page guy and just go for all I could since it was the last lift anyway.  However, I forgot to put the stopwatch where I could see it on the first round so I just guessed on the time and 10 reps probably took 21 seconds.  I quickly moved the watch and had no more time to rest and started a little late so I was only able to get 8 reps going as fast as I could.  Those two rounds gassed me a little and I was only able to get 7 on the next but I was able to keep that number.  I think I can do 8 consistently next time.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Time - 8:52

This was a PR but I was hoping for a better time.  It was dark and I passed the 400 mark on the first run.  On the last round the custodian locked me out of the weight room on my last run.  I banged on the door and no one heard inside due to the loud music so I had to pop the door which took a little extra energy.  This probably cost me another three seconds or so but, outside of that there is no way to get faster other than to just start running faster.  I went as fast as can be done with KB and Pull-ups and don't think these exercises can be done quicker without cheating the full motion.  Bottom line, I gotta run the 400 in around 80 seconds.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Time - 5:09

Last time I did this my back gave out on the second round and I limped through it.  I felt much better this time and I even started with sore legs.  All deadlifts were unbroken which is a big improvement.  I even did my first set of handstand push-ups unbroken which is is amazing considering my old PR is 12 in a row!  My arms did slid wider than I wanted for the last few but my head touched the ground on each one.  However, I was burned out pretty bad after that with the second set at 9-4-2 and the third at 7-2.  All in all I felt good with this WOD even though I started out sore.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Handstand push-ups, Deadlift, Chest to Bar pull-ups, Double-unders

Seven rounds for time of:

5 Handstand push-ups
185 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
20 Double-unders

Time - 20:52

Wow, this thing was a lot more difficult than expected.  All handstand push-ups and deadlifts were unbroken.  The Chest to bar pull-ups are what killed me.  I did not do a lot of pull-ups yesterday but I was gassed pretty bad when I did them and I could feel it this time even more so since I was pulling the bar to my chest.  Anyway, the pull-ups were broken in many different ways.  I need to do them straight through next time.  The double-unders were broken every time my rhythm got off.  I only did one unbroken.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


1000 meter row (subbed S.D.H.P.)
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Time = 5:37

Blasted through all the S.D.H.P.'s in about 2 minutes.  Broke up the Thrusters25-25 and pull-ups 16-14 using the butterfly kip. Lungs were actually in pain at end and I rested on the floor for a long time afterward.

BMS Wrestlers Thanksgiving Day Workout

50 Push-ups, 5 Jumping Jacks

45 Push-ups, 10 Jumping Jacks
40 Push-ups, 15 Jumping Jacks
35 Push-ups, 20 Jumping Jacks
30 Push-ups, 25 Jumping Jacks
25 Push-ups, 30 Jumping Jacks
20 Push-ups, 35 Jumping Jacks
15 Push-ups, 40 Jumping Jacks
10 Push-ups, 45 Jumping Jacks
5 Push-ups, 50 Jumping Jacks

Heavyweight - Joey Clark = 11:33

Middleweight - Jake Brown = 6:38

Lightweight - Brendan Roberts = 12:15


Good job, keep it up.  Hope everyone ate a lot of turky.  Tanner you sent in a time of "minutes and 45 seconds" so how many minutes?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

BMS Wrestlers Workout Deck Of Cards

Heavyweight - Joey Clark = 9:37

Middleweight - Jake Brown = 10:59

Lightweight - Sam Roweton = 17:00


Joey, I have always wondered if your playing with a full deck and now I am even more unsure.  You guys are all doing a great job!  Keep it up we have to stay in shape.  Don't forget to tell your parents you are thankful for them and that you love them today and remember to help with the dishes!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

BMS Wrestlers 150 Burpees Workout

Heavyweight Winner = Kent Weelbarger 15:24

Middleweight Winner = Jake Brown 8:24

Lightweight Winner = Brendan Roberts 8:42


I got lots of e-mails, which makes me happy.  I will post the Deck of Cards tomorrow if I can.  Great job guys, keep it up!  By the way I should mention that someone did send a time of six minutes, but they did not give me their name.  If you are that person, I would like to see you do that again.  That is 25 burpees a minute for six minutes without a break!  That is faster than me or Coach McCullah.  In fact, some professional crossfit athletes can't do that.

Push Press


Shoulder press

Push Press

I was in a hurry and thought this workout was shoulder press until I looked it over again during the workout.  So I switched over to Push press and I think it ended up being Push Jerk

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

BMS Wrestlers Thanksgiving Holiday Workout

OK guys, remember I will probably not be at a computer every day but I will post results as much as I can.  You will e-mail your times to  but this is where you go to find out how you matched up with the rest of the team.  Don't cheat on your workouts and good luck!

Tuesday: 150 burpees (feet must leave floor with clap above head at the top of the jump)

Wednesday: Deck of Cards – Take a deck of cards, shuffle,
Aces = 1, King = 13, Queen = 12 Jack =11 numbered cards are as valued. Flip each card over and perform the movement and the number of reps specified. Hearts = good mornings, Diamonds = mountain climbers, Clubs = body squats, Spades = Sit-ups,
Jokers = one minute of high-knees.

Thursday: First of all, it is Thanksgiving. Tell your parents you love them and you are thankful for them and all they do for you which is more than you will understand until you have kids of your own. BE THANKFUL and help with the dishes. As for your workout:
50 Push-ups, 5 Jumping Jacks
45 Push-ups, 10 Jumping Jacks
40 Push-ups, 15 Jumping Jacks
35 Push-ups, 20 Jumping Jacks
30 Push-ups, 25 Jumping Jacks
25 Push-ups, 30 Jumping Jacks
20 Push-ups, 35 Jumping Jacks
15 Push-ups, 40 Jumping Jacks
10 Push-ups, 45 Jumping Jacks
5 Push-ups, 50 Jumping Jacks
(I suggest you do this before you tank up on turkey) 

Friday: As many rounds as you can do in 20 minutes of:
10 sit-ups
15 body squats (Get Deep!)

Saturday: Five rounds of: 30yards bear crawl, 30 yards lunges

Sunday: This is the day of rest so REST!

Monday, November 22, 2010

400, Deadlift

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

400 meter run
5 Deadlifts

315lbs  4 rounds

I did this one after dark.  I think I was 10 meters short on the first 400.  Finished the last deadlift with just a few seconds to spare.  I need to run a little faster and I think I should add 10lbs next time I do this one.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hang power snatch

1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
warm-up - 95, 105


135 started out at about my max.  I just worked on form for a while.  I missed the lift 3-4 times but got it all 8 before I added weight.  Got 140 and 145 on the first try.  Fell forward after I was in the bottom of the squat position and on my way up on 145.


Four rounds for time of: 100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Handstand push-ups

This has not been a good week for crossfit.  I have been sick and had a lot going on with wrestling.  I only had a little time and felt terrible before I even started.  Legs died in the first minute and I dug deep only to find nothing.  Only did one round (4:48) and called it quits.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


5 rounds for time of: 400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Time - 13:43

July 15 2009 Time14:47
I did this one on the farm.  I have defiantly improved on overhead squat in the last year.

Overhead, Front, Back Squat

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets




This is 10lbs more on each lift than last time.  I would like to go up by 10lbs next time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

HSPU, KB swings, GHD situps

Max rounds and reps in eight minutes of:

4 Handstand push-ups
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 8 reps
12 GHD situps

7 rounds + 4HSPU

Last time back in February, I got 7 rounds + 4 HSPU + 1 KB swing so I was short of a PR.  I know why.  The GHD situp stand sliped where it would not hold my feet.  Some one else did not latch it correctly and I had to stop and fix it.  I also did an extra HSPU in my 7th round for some reason.  Has those things not happened I think I would have PR'd but not by much.  I did this thing straight though without any breaks.  I just have to get faster with each exercise, especially GHD Situps.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dumbbell Thrusters and Rope Climb

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

35 pound dumbbell Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent

10 rounds + 1 Thruster

Went a head and did 11 total rounds.  Started at a good pace and had 4 done in three minutes but really struggled mentally between minute 4 and minute 7-8.  I got it together and did one a minute for the last 4 or so. 

"Lumberjack 20"

20 Deadlifts (275lbs) Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

Time 30:24

I really took my time with the deadlift (Five minutes) just to play it safe with my back but it was just fine.  I started real slow on this one and ended much faster since I wasn't gassed.  My goal was under 30 and I know I can get it next time.  The dead lift was slow and steady and the Chest to Bar Pull-ups had a break but everything else was unbroken.


Snatch one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes


Went ahead and tried 160 a few minutes later but failed.  I wanted to try again but was out of time.  However, old PR was 150 so I am ok with this.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

2:44 (I was counting by 10 lost track and did an extra 10 to be safe,Pretty sure I did 60)
Total time working out 12:52

I was using the online stopwatch and the computer screen saver popped up between the 2nd and 3rd round.  That messed me up and I started the 3rd round 35 seconds late.  Other than that, I am very happy with the WOD.  I switched to butterfly kips on the pull-ups and I know that saved time.  I still struggle through the sit-ups but I am getting faster.  I took 35 seconds of my PR but I also accidentally got 35 extra seconds rest so that balanced out.  However, I did do 10 extra squats in the first round so I am satisfied with calling this a PR.

May 6, 2010
Total time working out: 13:27
Sept 23 2009:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Muscle-ups, Handstand push-ups, Burpee pull-ups

Five rounds for time of:

3 Muscle-up Handstand push-ups
10 Burpee pull-ups

Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach. If you cannot do the muscle-up handstand push-ups, do 7 muscle-ups and 12 handstand push-ups each round.

Time - 24:50

I had to do 7 normal muscle-ups and 12 handstand push-ups but I was a lot closer to doing the muscle-up Handstand push-ups than I thought.  I tired my shoulders a bit trying and it affected my time.  I know I can do this one faster. 

Squat Clean and Jerk

155 pound Squat Clean and Jerk, 30 reps

The barbell goes from ground to overhead, passing through a front squat in which the crease of the hip passes below the height of the kneecap. The finish position is with the arms, hips and knees fully extended, arms overhead, with at least a portion of the ear visible in front of the arm. Dropping the barbell is acceptable.

Time - 9:22

Not very fast but pretty steady.  Made sure not to cheat on form.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wallball, GHD Sit-ups, Back extensions

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back extensions

15 rounds + 10 wall ball + 2 GHD Sit-ups

Did not get too excited just kept pumping things out at a steady pace.  Never stopped and all unbroken.  Not a hard WOD but would have to find some way to get faster to get 16 rounds.

Squat snatch, Ring dips, Knees to elbows

Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:

95 pound Squat snatch, 10 reps
10 Ring dips
10 Knees to elbows

Five seconds short of 7 rounds

If someone would have filmed me they could have shown the film to demonstrate what an unmotivated workout looks like.  I did get it done at a steady pace but had no fire.  If I had, I know would have finished 7 rounds and at least been deep into my eighth before time ran out.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clean & Jerk, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Squats

Ten for load and time of:

1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Weight = 155
Time 8:47

My back feels fine thorough the day but after wrestling practice it is still hurting.  So I went real light on the weight.  I wish I would have gone heaver.  I also wish I had planned out my WOD a little better because I started out taking to many steps which between exercises.  I moved things around a little during the workout to be more efficient.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wallball, Pull-ups

Seven rounds for time of:

10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

Time 4:52

I feel pretty good about this one.  Blasted straight through.  The only rest was the time it took me get on the pull-up bar and the time it took to pick up the ball.  I butterfly kipped the pull-ups.  Jenni kept time for me on this one.


Five rounds for time of:
Bear crawl 100 feet
Standing broad-jump, 100 feet

Do three Burpees after every five broad-jumps. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Time 7:59

My goal was under 8 minutes so I could not cut it any closer than that.  Both of these things are strong points for me.  Bear crawls were punishment in weights class growing up, so I got to be an expert at them and I have always been a good jumper.  I made sure I jumped far enough that I only have to stop for burpees twice in the 100 feet.  I have been working on burpees and it is no big deal to rep off 3 at a time.  Jenni kept time for me on this one.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thruster + bench press

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Warmed up with a few reps of 95lbs.


My legs were a little sore from the front squats but I still may have been able to get a little more weight, but I wanted to bench and did not have a lot of time.

Bench = 185x5, 205x5, 215x5, 225x3, 225x3
This is embarrassing, but that is why I am working on it and I have to start some where.  I want to bench at least once a week.


Ten rounds for time of:
Run 150 meters
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
135 pound Front squat, 7 reps
7 Handstand push-ups

Time - 25:19

My biggest problem was the front squats.  They talked to my me with my sore back.  But the back is about healed up and it was not a big deal.  I just wish I was faster.  Liz and Hilary did this WOD with some modifications while I was doing it.  They started a little before me so it was a good for me to have a goal to pass them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Three rounds for time of: 20 L-pull-ups
30 Toes to bar
40 Burpees
Run 800 meters

Time 40:37

Missed my goal by 37 seconds.  This one is kind of deceiving as that I thought I was on pace to make my goal until the middle of the last round when I realized I slipped behind.  I did not slow down.  Actually, I don't know what happened.  Back is still tender but still improving.  Grip was a factor for about the last 10 reps of Toes to bar.  I am still bogging down in burpees I need to keep working on it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hang power cleans and burpees

Three rounds for time of:

135 pound Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 Burpees

Time 7:24

I just did not have it this morning.  My back muscles are still very sore and it caused a lot of pain to pick up the bar to start cleans.  It also hurt to get up from the ground with the burpees.  I did not have any "bounce" just felt like I was lifting dead weight.  I also have taken a few days off to get better and my body was not feeling it on the morning WOD.  I thought I might puke up my peanut butter oatmeal but I did keep it down.  My back is hurting but not as bad as last time.  I think I will skip the Crossfit total since it would be a waist of time anyway.  Still a long way from 100% but I think I am improving.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wall ball and Muscle-ups

For time:
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Muscle-ups
40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
8 Muscle-ups
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
6 Muscle-ups
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
4 Muscle-ups
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
2 Muscle-ups

Time 16:35

All the wall ball was unbroken and I am pretty happy with that because I did not know how my back would handle it after I hurt myself.  It is defenately talking to me right now and I can't get comfortable but I don't think it affected my WOD.  I did break up the muscle-ups but I was also able to string more together when I was gassed then I have in the past.  I switched around my rest day to recover from my little accident.  I felt very fresh today, hopefully I don't pay for in this four day stretch.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Snatch balance


Warmed up with the bar x5 and 95lbs


I have never done this lift with heavy weight.  I had know idea where to start.  Before I started I was hoping for 150 so I got more than I originally thought I would.  Actually, in a way it got easier as I added weight because the heaviness helped push me down into the correct squatting position.  185lbs was cake so I just threw on 10 more lbs like I had been.  I didn't have any trouble locking out my arms in the bottom of the lift but I lost balance and was not able to hold it in the bottom.  So I dumped the weight in the rack and fell backwards like I have done many times before but I had not pushed the bench back far enough and I slammed my back into the point of the bench which did not move because the other end was solid against the power stand.  It knocked the wend out of me so bad that I saw stars,felt sick and was a little bit shaky.  This triggered my adrenalin so I thought I would try it again with my heart pumping so hard.  That did not work either.  I am still very sore today especially when I put weight on my right foot.  Pretty frustrating when I'm sure I can do 195 and then some.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Tabata This!"

Tabata Row (subbed burpees) Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".

Burpees = 7 (8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7)
Squat = 20 (21, 21, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20, 20)
Pull-up = 10 (11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10)
Push-ups = 15 (18, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15)
Sit-ups = 13 (14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13)

Total = 65

I did not have anyone keeping count for me so I just kept track of my lowest rep and tried to remember the reps each set.  I am sure it is pretty close.

Back in February of this year I did:
SDHP14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 (112)
Squats21 21 20 19 19 19 19 19 (157)
Pull-ups11 11 11 10 10 8 8 8 (80)
Push-ups17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 (136)
Sit-ups14 14 14 13 13 10 10 10 (98)
Total Score = 68

This time I subbed burpees instead of SDHP.  I used to think SDHP were always the sub for rows,  however, I have learned they are the sub when rowing for distance but burpees is a more accurate sub when rowing for calories.  I have learned how to fly through SDHP and if that were my sub, I am sure I could have got at least 22 pretty easy and that would bumped my total up to a big PR of 80.  Instead the burpees are much slower and my total dropped to 65 but I am OK with that considering most of the other exercises had higher numbers.  Push-ups were down but that could have been because the same muscles are used for burpees.  I could not see my time during butterfly kip pull-ups so I just guessed and did 11(actually I was going to do 10 but I through one more in) when I got off the bar I saw my time and said "I messed that up " because I had a lot of extra time.  However, it ended up being about the right amount.  I would like to get 11 all the way through next time.  Granton is not feeling very well after the surgery and I had to skip running and do the WOD in the morning.  I usually don't like to workout in the morning but I don't think it had any affect on me today.

Front squat

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

255 (5lb PR)

Felt real good.  Pretty sure I could do more but I was in a hurry to get home to help with Granton as he had surgery that day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Handstand walk

Handstand walk 100 meters

If you fall, restart at the point of contact furthest from the finish.

Time 5:55

I don't think this time is bad but I also know I can do better.  I am used to walking on the wrestling mat or turf with my hands.  However, I wanted the 100 meters to be legit so I did it on the track back in Caney.  The hard rough surface gave my raw hands fits.  I think this is why I had trouble leaning forward enough.  I kept falling to my feet which was away from the finish line where I had to start.  There were a few times where I think I actually went backwards.  Jenni kept my time and she thought I was crazy for starting back each time, but she had not read the rules for the WOD.  I would like to try this one again.

Friday, October 8, 2010

One arm snatch, Pull-ups

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:

Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood

Time 8:26

I did this one in the morning.  I usually don't do well in the morning but this was after my run and I don't think the time of day had anything to do with my time.  My legs are very stiff and I wanted to do my WOD while they were still movable after the run.  My hands are raw and even though I taped I still held the kettle bell a little different and my grip was failing and it slowed me down some.  I would like to thing I can do this one in under 8 least.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Squat and Rope Climb

For time:
95 pound Back squat, 50 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 5 ascents
115 pound Back squat, 40 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 4 ascents
135 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 3 ascents
155 pound Back squat, 20 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 2 ascents
175 pound Back squat, 10 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent

Time - 23:56

I started this thing already worn out.  Did not get into any kind of grove until middle of second round.  I wore wrestling shoes which was a bad idea.  They do not have any grip for the rope and I did not have much gas to go arms only.  Hands are a little tender today but no new blisters.  Legs are sore already.  I made sure to go deep and get full hip extension at the top of squat.  Sciatic nerve is talking to me on the right leg which has not happened for a long time.  I think the volume of weighted movement inflamed it a little but it is nothing like what it used to be.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bench Press

Resting 60 seconds between sets:

Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2


Wow, my bench has gone down hill.  I have to find time to keep this up.  I have hardly kept up with the main page WODs and they don't have much time benching.  I enjoy it, I need to find time to do it because I have lost a lot of power here.  I simply assumed 225 would be a good place to start and I started to high and gassed my chest for the other reps.  Anyway, I would like to do this one after a month or two of working on my bench press.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


For time: Run 1 mile
Row 2K(Subbed 200 SDHP)
Run 1 mile

Time 22:11 (PR by 49 seconds)

Finished 1st mile at 7:15
Finished at about 13 minutes
last mile at 22:11

Did this one at home.  Lots of up and down hill running on driveway.  I broke up SDHP like this 100, 60, 40.  I think 100 in a row is a record.  I did this one back in May and it took me 23 seconds.  Also, the time posted on the main page back then was 22:19.  It feels good to beat a main page posting even though I am sure 200 SDHP do not take as long as rowing 2K.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Squat clean, Pull-ups, Double-unders

Snatch, 1 rep

Clean and jerk, 1 rep
As many rounds and reps as possible in ten minutes of:
55kg Squat clean, 6 reps
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-unders

Add together the best snatch (in kg), the best clean and jerk (in kg), and the total reps performed in the triplet for your final score. Post score to comments.

Snatch 68 (150lbs)
Clean and Jerk 93 (205)
Total Reps 186

Score 347

Pretty happy with this.  No tape so lost another piece of hand on pull-up bar but it was going to come off anyway.  Clean and Jerk was probably biggest challenge.  Wanted to go for 210 but failed on 205 a few times before I barley got it.  I hardly locked out elbows on lift.  However, I was most pleased with snatch.  It is probably not much weight but it felt very natural.  I enjoy that lift.


Five rounds for time of: 7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees

Time 16:21

I thought I went pretty hard on this one but my time wasn't close to what I wanted.  I am getting better at going fast through the muscle-ups.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Death by Pull-ups

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

I got 20 rounds.  Used the butterfly kip and had my hands bleeding at 18. 

Deadlift, push-ups

Ten rounds for time of:

135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
15 push-ups

Time - 9:40

I actually did 11 rounds because I lost my count.  I thought I was doing one extra but I did not want to take the time to count them all up and then still have one more if I was wrong.  The 10th round was 9:40 and the 11th was 10:32.  Has some grip trouble as my hand was missing som skin from all the pull-ups the day before and I kept a loose grip.

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Fight Gone Bad"

Ron and I discovered I did this one wrong.  I did 45lb SDHP when it should have been 75lbs.  I am pretty mad at my self.  However, I still think I would have made my goal of 350 total reps with the correct weight anyway.

Three rounds of:

Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) - sub was burpees, 1 burpee = 1 calorie

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Wall-ball 31, 31, 30 = 92(PR by 1)

Sumo deadlift high-pull 40, 40, 32 = 112(PR by 32!)
Box Jump 31, 25, 20 = 76(PR by 3)
Push-press 20, 22, 20 = 62(PR by 19!)
Burpees 18, 14, 17 = 48(PR by 6)
1st round = 140(PR by 17), 2nd = 132(PR by 24) 3rd = 119(PR by 21)
Overall =391(PR by 62!)

As soon as I saw this one I was excited.  I drank water the night before like it was free lemonade at a spicy chilly contest. Ron kept time for me on Sunday morning.  Next time I do it, I will have to have a good time keeper again.  He wrote everything down and always gave me a 45, 30, 15 second count down so I knew exactly where I was every minute. The two areas I wanted to improve on were SDHP and Push-press.  Last week there was a WOD with SDHP where I learned if I push the weight down in addition to pulling it up I pump the reps out much faster.  I did and PRed by 32 reps.  Last week also had a shoulder press WOD which made me think I had been doing Shoulder press instead of Push-jerks.  I switched to Push-jerks and had another big PR.  This makes me happy but I have a real since of accomplishment because I PRed in every single category on this WOD.  I am gunning for 400 or better next time. I think I can keep my reps the same in most categories but bump up to 23-25 in Push-press and always get 40 in SDHP.  That will do it, but I would love to PR in each category again.

Wall-ball 31, 30, 30 = 91

Sumo deadlift high-pull 30, 29, 21 = 80
Box Jump 30, 23, 20 = 73
Push-press 17, 14, 12 = 43
Burpees 15, 12, 15 = 42
1st round = 123, 2nd = 108 3rd = 98
Overall =329

Wall Ball = 32, 26, 21 Total:79
S.D.H. = 21, 11, 11 Total:43
Box Jump = 43, 32, 25 Total:100
Push Press =16, 15, 12 Total:43
Kettel Bell = 23, 20, 16 Total:59
1st round = 135, 2nd =104 3rd = 85
Overall Total= 324

Friday, September 24, 2010

12 different exercises

For time:

25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents

Time 16:36

I was not burning as bad as I thought I would on this one.  Went unbroken on about 1/2 the exercises and broke the others about in half, usually doing a little over half the reps before stopping to so the rest.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shoulder Press



Homecoming week and late at night.  Skipped a long WOD for this one.  All were good and clean with no bounce.  I just need to get stronger.


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Time - 19:37

This one was not too bad because running and back extensions are two of my strengths.  I focused on running and not trotting.  I also did the exercises unbroken but it did have my back and the back of my legs burning pretty good.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Deadlift, Max rep Handstand push-usp

Complete five rounds of:

Deadlift, 3 reps
Max rep Handstand push-ups

335/8 (Narrow Hands)
345/9 (Narrow Hands)

Did this one at about 9:00 after about 4hours of building a homecoming float.  I was pretty tired.  I can do more on deadlift but I started with focus on form.  The last set was my 1rep max at one time.  I did not "bounce" the weight for the second and third reps.  I would take only one breath and go again.  Felt pretty good and back feels fine today.  That kind of thing used to really mess it up.  I did not like the way my hands were sliding and spreading apart on the HSPU so I did my last two sets with them close together  this is obviously harder.  I almost got 10 on last set but could not lock out elbows. 

Row or S.D.H.P.

Four rounds for time of:

Row 500 meters
Rest 3 minutes


This Time
1:00 (:12PR)
:56 (:07PR)

Total PR of 37 seconds

I learned to push the bar down to get a better time.  I remember doing this one last time and being out of breath on the last round.  Not the case this time.  I am better shape and I have a stronger back.  I just closed my eyes went to my happy place and blasted through this thing.  One of the easier WODs for a while.

Thrusters, Muscle-ups

Three rounds, 9-6-and 3 reps, for time of:

165 pound barbell Thrusters


Total time - 9:06

The 165 thrusters were so heavy.  They gassed me pretty bad.  I had to rest two long and did not have much umph left for muscle ups.  I also had a few times I did not get the thruster up high enough above my head to lock my arms out.  Those reps don't count and slow me down.  Next time I have to focus on each rep so I don't waist time and energy.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Time 25:51

I did not blast any part of this workout.  I just stayed steady.  Box jumps were unbroken except for when I lost balance and wall-ball was unbroken.  I did this one before with a time of 29:20 but it was only a few weeks after my wreck so the 3:29 PR is not as big as it sounds.  Actually, I think I should have been faster but I was just unfocused. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inverted hangs and Ring Push-ups

Complete five rounds of:

On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups

Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings - one pair hung app. 8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.

Well, I had to scale way down on this one I started lowering myself fully tucked.  After a while I would let my self straighten out after I passed 90 degreese.  Then I started lowering myself with knees tucked but lege feet out and when I finished I was extending one leg pretty well.  I started with palms facing forward, thinking my biceps were strongest but that was a mistake.  When I switched and had palms facing back it felt more natural and seemed easer even if I may not be as strong that way.  As for ring push-ups, Wow thay are nothing like regular push-ups.  I remember a WOD where I tried to beat Ron not knowing he did regular push-ups.  I did not understand what a diference it was because I was focused on blasting through the WOD.  This work out focused on moving SLOWLY and methodically which would be easy for 15 normal push-ups but it is a killer on the rings. 

Thrusters and weighted pull-ups

Three rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:

135 pound barbell Thrusters
45 pound weighted Pull-ups

For weighted pull-ups, placing a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles works great.

Time - 9:28

First goal was to be under 8.  Then as I was doing it 9 and finally my goal was to stay out of double digits.  I was better with the 135lb thrusters than I thought.  But, I still had to break things up.  Also, the weight usually fell out off my feet after 5 or 6 reps so I had to break that up also.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:
7 Handstand push-ups
135 pound Thruster, 7 reps
7 Knees to elbows
245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 Pull-ups

Time - 41:43

Wow!  This thing kicked my butt!  I felt buried on each round.  The 135 thrusters were by far the hardest they gassed enough that things that should have been easy were not.  I did them unbroken about half the time; I have to improve there.  I did this one before with a time of 37:49.  How did that happen.  I must have warmed up better and I was probably not on the day before a rest day.  Anyway, this one was pretty disappointing.


Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters
50 pound Dumbbell squat cleans, 30 reps
30 Burpees

Time - 29:51]

When I looked at this thing made my goal to be under 30 minutes.  I finished my first round in under 10 but it is usually my fastest round.  I really focused on keeping my head in it and finished round two at a little over 20 so I had to really blast it to get under 30.  This is a good WOD.  My main problem on it was that I did it in the dark after a party where I ate too much.  That should make it easier to PR next time.


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 95 pound Thruster

Time 3:29 = Big PR!

My first recorded time was on 5-26-10 and it was 5:49.  I PR with 4:59 on May 26.  It was a 49 second PR and an improvement of 14% on my time.  Today I PRed by 90 seconds which is an improvement of 30%!!!!!!!!!!  30% is amazing to me!  That is huge.  Jenni is sick of me talking about it but it excites me because I can see big improvement where I have not felt like I have been improving much lately.  I did take a few breaths before I did Pull-ups and before I picked up the bar.  That is where I can speed up next time.  All sets were unbroken.  I had the butterfly kip down better than ever.  I actually felt like I was catching my breath on the Pull-ups and I was pumping those things out.  Another reason for the big PR is that it was after a rest day and I did not get to run this AM.  But I plan to take time off again when this thing comes back around.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

S.D.H.P., Front Squat, GHD, Box Jumps

Five rounds for time of:

Row 250 meters
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
20 Box jumps, 24 inch box

Time - 17:24

My goal was to just keep going.  It was very humid and I wanted a drink but I stuck with it and I think this was a pretty good time for me.  I need to get back to doing GHD's every day because they were harder than they should have been. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Overhead Squat

3-3-3-3-3 reps


I was planning on doing more but after the workout I can live with the outcome.  My max is 260 but this lift is on balance an stability not strength.  That makes doing 3 in a row a lot more difficult than just doing one.  I can really focus and start from a perfect position for one rep but not three.  I also had to use the bag to ensure I got parallel since I did not have a workout buddy.  Ron, where are you?  I hate that thing.  When I hit it it seems to jolt my body and messes everything up.  I even dropped 135 just warming up on it.  Without it I can smoothly get down into the bottom position and ease back up.  I had to focus on really slowing down once I got low and barley bumping it before I went back up.   It made things look ugly.  In fact I nearly stopped at 225 to lower the weight and work on form for the last set.  However, I decided against that and went for it.  On the last set I hit the bag a little hard on the second rep and had to step forward to keep balance.  Then I went back down down for the last rep to realize My but was not over the bag.  I did not touch the bag but I believe I did get deep enough.  I cashed out with one set of five of 135 to work form.


50 Strict Pull-ups
100 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
Run 5K

Time - 37:47

My time would have been better but I left my watch in the weight room with the door unlocked and when I came back the door was locked so I had to take the time to use my emergency key.  The the time said 37:47 once I got into the weight room.  I finished the Strict Pull-ups in a little over 3 minutes and I had those weird push-ups done at about the 9 minute mark.  The 5K was different for me because I usually run on the track to set splits.  This time I decided to keep a good speed with out any aids like a watch or markers.  It would have been slower if I had not ran into SBU runners.  I did not want them to think of me as "the old slow guy out for a jog."

Saturday, September 4, 2010


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight
Set up three bars and storm through for time.

Body weight = 175
Deadlift = 265
Bench = 175
Squat Clean = 135

Time 33:56

It is not a great time but my goal was to finish uninjured and I did that.  I have done this WOD two times and I have hurt my back two times.  I did not break any records but I did not walk away from the bar on any of the sets and all the benching was unbroken.  I did take a few breaths after each round until the last three.  I did go with the squat clean and did not cut any corners.  I am OK with the outcome on this WOD and will look to get a better time next time.

Split Jerk


I really wanted to pr at 220 and I got so close each time.  After the third try, I got tired of Kaylynn crying and trying to run over and hang on my leg so I called it quits.  We cashed out watching TV.  Just the two of us.

Thrusters, Hang Powercleans, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps

I got 11 rounds + 5 Thrusters

The best thing about this one is it made realize I used too much weight on the WOD a few days back. 

I sat around in the weight room and just kind of stared at the bar for about 20 minutes before this one started.  My biggest obstacle was being unmotivated.  Once I got started I did will my self to work hard.  I just needed to get my mind right quicker.  I don't like doing these WOD's on my own.  Ron, I miss you man!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turkish Get-ups, Sots press

With a 45 pound barbell, 21-15- and 9 reps for time of:

Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms
Sots press

Time - 17:19

Did not have trouble with the get-ups.  I kept loosing balance on the Sots press.  If I could have kept from falling over, I could have easily taken off some considerable time.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sumo deadlift high-pull, Push Jerk

21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:

Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

Time - 8:46

This one had my body screaming.  SDHP was not too bad.  I broke up the 2nd, 3rd and 4th round of push jerks and that is where I have to improve.

I messed this up!!!  Two days later I noticed as I was preparing for a different WOD with 95lb SDHP that I used 95lbs on this WOD when it RXed only 75lbs.  Other than that, I did the WOD correctly.  Now I know why it had my back muscles whining so bad for a few days.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

225 x 6

Second WOD of the day and 315 was about all I was going to get.  I did not have a spotter so I had to use the football bag to insure parallel and I just don't like using it that much.  Anyway, dropped of the outside plates and perfected my form.  However, I am finally caught up on my WODs and I may even get a rest day pretty soon.

Pull-ups, Handstand Push-ups

21 Pull-ups

21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.

Time 19:37
Did not have any trouble with strict pull-ups.  Did them on the I beam.  Handstand push-ups were not nose to floor, more like head to floor.  I did this one at home and did not want to put my pretty nose on the nasty cement next to the dog's water and food bowls.  Not to mention that I can barley do nose to floor Handstand push-ups.

"Test 3"

Tabata Squat Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.

19 x 14 = 266

I don't know what my problem is with muscle-ups.  They have been giving me trouble lately.  I would like to go back and do this one when I am fresh and have some time to warm-up.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jump and Touch, Squats, Push-ups, Pull-ups

Tie a five-pound plate to hang an honest 18" above your tiptoe reach and complete 5 rounds for time of:  I did not do this because the ceiling in my garage is 18 inches above my tiptoe reach so I thought that would be fine.  However, once I got into it I realized it gave me a big advantage because the ceiling does not move around like a swing weight would.  Had I used the weight, I might still be doing the WOD.

50 Jump and touch
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
10 Pull-ups

Splits - 5:45, 7:49, 9:49, 8:58, 7:42

Time - 38:57

WOW! this thing is hard.  It may be because I did it early in the morning and I was not warmed up to jump so much but I think it is just naturally hard.  I ended up jumping over and over and making a windmill swing with my reach arm in sets of 15 and 10 and that did help but the jumping kicked my butt. Everything else was pretty easy.  Did the pull-ups off the I beam in my garage.  I obviously, lost focus in the middle but other than that I don't know how much time I could have taken off.

Burpees, Box jumps, Toes to Bar

30-25-20-15 and 10 rep rounds of:

Box jumps, 24 inch box
Toes to bar

Time - 22:47

I did all the Brupes and Box jumps unbroken.  I really focused on dropping to the floor for the burpees and doing each one quicker.  The Toes to bar killed me.  I just did not have a rhythm and ended up swinging all over the place by the 4th rep or so.  I also rubbed a new blister but it is in the middle of my hand and should not cause any problems later.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rope Climb, Ring dips, Squats

Three rounds for time of:

15 ft Rope Climb, 5 ascents
21 Ring dips
50 Squats

Time - 13:24

Confusing but time may have been 12:26 however I think it was 13:24.  I can't wait to get strength back into triceps because the ring dips really slowed me down.  Squats were fine.  On a up note I did all the rope climbing with no tape and no blisters. 


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

12 rounds with 15 seconds to spare.

This is one where everything seemed like a battle.  Great example of needing proper nutrition.  I did it at about 6:00 on a very hot humid day after only having a can of chicken noodle soup for lunch and a banana for breakfast.  Main problem was with muscle-ups.  I did not have time to warm up and just assumed my body remembered how to do them.  It didn't.  I could not do more than one at a time and I was having problems keeping my elbows together.  My triceps were STILL sore for a different WOD and they were talking to me.  I usually fly through KB swings and that was even a struggle.  I know I can do this better.

Monday, August 23, 2010

400 meter Walking lunge

Time - 10:55

I thought this one would kill my legs but it was not bad at all.  I thought I was going pretty fast but I guess not.  My first 200 was 5:40 so my second 200 must have been 5:15.  This tells my I could have at least been 25 seconds faster in the first 200.  I made sure to have the knee kiss the ground with each lunge. 

On a different note, this workout made me think of my track and field days in high school.  One workout was to go from goalpost to goalpost and back (240yards) and run an 800.  The most I remember was 4 rounds but that was tough.  Lunges still seem pretty easy to me after that.  I used to give my distance kids this workout.  Nate Poindexter said it made him a hill climbing machine.  One day he told me this workout is what he thought gave him a big advantage at the state CC meet.  He did not like flat courses because he felt it leveled the playing field (pardon the pun) but the bigger and steeper the hills the better he did and he thought it was from lunges.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

20 second sprints

15 rounds for distance of:

Sprint 20 seconds
Rest 40 seconds
Start each round at previous round's end point.

Distance - 1850m

Beautiful morning for this WOD.  Did it at SBU track.  Old lady looked at me like I was crazy.  I did make a point to mark my finish spot and walk back to it to start the next round.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wallball, Squat snatches

Three rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)

Time - 16:57

Wallball was unbroken but Squat snatches were not. I usually did 10,10,10.

Cashed out with an ice bath.


Ten rounds for time of:
95 pound Thruster, 10 reps
10 Ring push-ups

Time - 15:58

This was harder than I thought it would be.  I actually had to split the ring push-ups (5-5) at the end of the WOD.  Anyway, got er done. Now I am caught up, ran on my own and three WOD's in 18 hours.




5lb PR but I think I weigh 5 lbs less then I did when I PRed last time.

Monday, August 16, 2010


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:


Time - 6:34

I was very happy with this until I say my time the last time I did this.  I posted 5:57 back in May.  How the heck did I do that?  Well, I will just start sucking it up because I have sucked lately.


Two rounds for time of:

295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps

I sucked.  Legs were shot before I started.  Wallball was causing problems and leg cramps came on in squat cleans.  I only did one round and it took a half an hour.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Three rounds for time of: 95 pound Ground to overhead, 10 reps
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice

Time - 4:32

I am fine with this time because my legs are so stiff I was walking funny before the WOD.

Back squats, Overhead walking lunges, Burpees

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

185 pound Back squat, 7 reps
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (right hand)
7 Burpees
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (left hand)

I got 8 rounds with 11 seconds to spare.  I thought it was 7 but everyone working out with me said it was 8.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Double-unders, Wallball "2-fer1s"

Three rounds for time of:
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Time - 11:49

Well who would have thought the double unders would have taken less coordination.  They did.  It might be because my medicine ball was homemade with some sacks of dog food all wrapped up in twine.  It took a lot more dog food than I thought.  It worked but not very well.  The thing hit my face a few times and once the twine caught on my fever blister on my lip which was no fun.  The twine came off on the last 10 reps of the last set but I babied it until I was finished.  I am improving on my double unders.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Squat clean thrusters, Chest to bar pull-ups

Five rounds for time of:

135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups

Time 10:43

Wow, when I looked at this I thought I would go for five minutes.  After all, that is only 15 reps a minute.  I did that for the first round and that was it.  So I set a goal to do in under 10 and still came up short.  The only good thing is that I was able to do all everything unbroken except for the last round of pull ups.  I know I have lost some weight even though I haven't been running in a while.  I hope that does not mean I am getting weaker also.  Oh well, egg nog season will be here before I know it and I will put some weight back on.

Monday, August 2, 2010

400's and Burpees

6 rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters
25 Burpees

Set up under a bar that is one foot above your reach for the burpees. Jump and touch the bar for each burpee rep.

Time - 22:08

I did not ever let myself drop to a knee and then flat on burpees.  Instead they were more like "hit its" every time.  I also did not let myself take a break which was extra hard with focusing on the high jump at the end of the burpee.  They about kicked my butt.  However, I did catch my breath by starting my 400 at a very slow pace and speeding up once I got my wind.  Good tough WOD on a very hot day.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps

Time - 8:05 (Squat Snatch)

I should have warmed up and got my head in this one more than I did.


Five rounds for time of: 225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
20 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Pull-ups

Time - 24:08

Box jumps and Pull-ups were fine but bogged way down on deadlift and lost time to stop and retape my bad hand.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


100 Pull-ups 100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

Did not have enough weight for Crossfit total and I probably will not be able to do the WOD tomorrow so I did this one instead.

Pull-ups = 6:48
Push-ups = 9:50
Sit-ups = 13:12
Squats = 15:48
Total Time = 15:48
1-5-10 = 17:20
Took 1:32 off of old PR and did it in a very hot old hog barn.  I wore some gloves but the octagon pull-up bar still took some hide off. That should be fun hauling hay.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

"Hay Gone Bad"

As many rounds possible in one day:
Pick up 170 bales in the field and stack them in the barn

Only 5 rounds today

Started with an break down and ran into rain.  Now we have 4000 wet bales on the ground. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clean, Ring handstand push-ups

Seven rounds for time of:

205 pound Clean, 3 reps (subbed 185)
4 Ring handstand push-ups

Time - 19:14

Not made for this one the squat cleans were still real heavy.  I almost subbed to a lower weight but decided I could do it since it was just 3 times.  Did much better on RHPU than I thought I would.  They were all unbroken.  I was not pushing the time today just trying to survive.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Deadlift, Sprint, One legged squats, Double-unders

Complete as many rounds as possible in seven minutes of:

315 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
20 meter Sprint
14 One legged squats
21 Double-unders
20 meter Sprint

I did two rounds + 3 deadlifts

This WOD just wasn't made for me.  I think I would compare much better with the guys on the main page if it were 250 or 275lb deadlifts and 10 or 15 minutes.  I worked hard but just did not feel super gassed at the end.  However, on a good note I am getting more confidence in what my back can do with deadlift and other lifts.

Run, Kettelbell swings, Pull-ups

For time:

Run 1200 meters
63 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
36 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters
42 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
24 Pull-ups
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
12 Pull-ups

Time - 25:19

I would feel better on this if Andy did not tell me he thought I would do it in 17 minutes.  The running was very smooth but I ran out of gas on the Kettlebells which I normally am pretty good at.  I did this one after dark and I may have just been worn out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

Time - 11:17

Took too long on squat snatch.  Got in the groove with it on round of 7 and better on 5.  That proved to be a lot of weight for me.  I need to work on it and get better.  However, did better on muscle-ups.  I got 7 in a row on the first round and 4 in a row on the last round when I was a little gassed.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


1-10-1-20-1-30 reps
Post total load (add up all six barbell loads)

335 -1
295 -10
335 -1
275 -20
335 -1
255 -30

Total load = 1830

Happy with this.  There is no way my back would handle this a year ago and I feel fine. I could have done more for my one rep max but the idea is to get stronger and I thought I could do that better if I lifted more on the sets of 10, 20, and 30 so I really pushed myself there and I am pleased with how it turned out.


For 20 minutes:

Run 400 meters
Rest precisely the time of the previous run

Completed 7 + 1

2:30(started walking the 400 as soon as I finished the 7th one, after 90 seconds I finished the 400 running.  or else I would have just rested at the end of the 20 minutes.

I did not warm up enough and the first one was too fast in the Oklahoma heat which was humid and 103.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) - sub was burpees, 1 burpee = 1 calorie

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Wall-ball                                      31, 30, 30 = 91
Sumo deadlift high-pull                 30, 29, 21 = 80
Box Jump                                    30, 23, 20 = 73
Push-press                                  17, 14, 12 = 43
Burpees                                      15, 12, 15 = 42
1st round = 123, 2nd = 108 3rd = 98
Overall =329

Wall Ball = 32, 26, 21 Total:79

S.D.H. = 21, 11, 11 Total:43
Box Jump = 43, 32, 25 Total:100
Push Press =16, 15, 12 Total:43
Kettel Bell = 23, 20, 16 Total:59

1st round = 135, 2nd =104 3rd = 85
Overall Total= 324

I only PR ed by 5 reps but I this is actually much more improvement than that.  With my old box jumps I only was concerned with getting my feet from the floor to the box and now I get a full hip thrust at the top which takes much more time and energy.  Also, burpees take a lot more out of me the KB swings.  I still have to get better at push press but I am going in the right direction.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Complete three rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups


Ran this A.M. and pretty much sore all over.  You can bet I won't run tomorrow before fight gone bad.

I messed up on this one and only did one round because I did not read it all.  No wonder it seemed easy even though I was sore!

Thrusters, 400s

Five rounds for time of:

135 pound Thruster, 15 reps
Run 400 meters

Time- 26:33

Thrusters killed me. 135lbs just seemed like 1350lbs.  Long day but rotater cuff did hold up I must be all better again.

Lunge, Pull-ups, Sit-ups

Walking lunge 100 ft.

21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups

1st round 1:59, 2nd 3:58, 3rd 5:56, 4th 7:42, 5th 9:21
 I do remember the blister on my blister from the octagon shaped pull-up bar.  I also really focused on sit-up speed.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pull-ups, Dips, Sit-ups, Squats

Ten rounds for time of:

10 Pull-ups
10 Dips
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats


Almost forgot to post this one. I did it in the workout room in barn back home.  I nailed the butterfly kip on the pull-ups.  But the bar was an octangle not round and I got some massive blisters. 


Made up different workouts on the ship.  The needless to say Carnival cruse line does not have a crossfit gym on board.  The sealing in the weight room was about 7 feet high.  Very few free weights and a place to do chin ups was now where to be found.  So I did the following workouts not counting the 30k bike ride.

150 burpies

10 rounds of
5 handstand push-ups
run 200m (the ship actually had a 200m track on the top)
10 sit-ups
Time -11:15

Using 65lbs (all that was available)
5 rounds of
10 snatches
15 shoulder presses
20 overhead squats
Time 15:45

Bike 30k

Time 1:10:26

I did not have internet on ship and this was the last workout I remembered that I could have done.  I did it on a stationary bike set on random amounts of difficulty but it basically all felt the same, pretty easy.  Very boring workout but it probably did get all the kinks out after a very long ride on a shuttle bus from Kansas to Galveston.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

190 (Took 5 tries to get three good ones with too much rest in between, up to 15 seconds)

All squat cleans. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Overhead Walk, Wallball, Farmer carry

Set a cone at 20 meters. Five rounds for time of:

185 pound barbell Overhead walk, 40 meters
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
95 pound barbells Farmer carry, 40 meters

The barbells must be turned around the cone.

Time-18:40 as RXed

OK, my goal was way of on this one Kris Clever did it in 26:26 115lbs, 16lbs and 65lbs so since I have not done one like this I wanted to beat him as RXed.  As I was doing it I thought I can get this under 20 and that was not too bad.  This was kind of an easy one.  I was getting the weight above my head by clean and jerk and I wanted to make sure I had the gas to do it.  I probably waited too long before I started each round.  But I wanted to finnish as RXed and I did not know it would be so easy.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a walk in the park but I just seem to be more gassed than this most of the time.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Deadlift, Handstand push-ups

Five rounds for load and time of:

Deadlift, 5 reps
5 Ring handstand push-ups (did handstand push-ups on two chairs so I could go deeper)

Time - 10:14 at 275

This sucked!  I tried all different kinds of schemes to get into the rings upside down.  I don't know how many times I fell flat on my back!  I finally figured it out using a big box to discover I can only do about one HSPU at a time on rings and it is pretty poor.  So I subbed the chairs.  They were a little more of a workout because they did want to slide out on the turf and it took extra energy to keep them together.  However, I lost most my motivation because I had to sub.  I have not had to do that in a long time.  I was pretty gassed from all the different things I tried on the rings.  I actually started the WOD with 315 and just didn't feel it so I brought that down to 275.  That was probably the smart thing but I could have 295 or 305 and felt better.  All in all, I had to do this thing on my own and I missed Ron in the room.  I wasn't motivated, actually talking with people during the WOD. I just went through the motions and I could have done more faster and better.

However, today was not a bust because I taught Jenni to do kipping Pull-ups!  She can even string a couple together!

3-5-7 Weighted-Strict-Kipping Pull-ups

Ten rounds for time of:

3 Weighted Pull-ups, 45 pounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
7 Kipping Pull-ups

For weighted pull-ups place a 45 pound dumbbell between the legs above crossed ankles and jettison the dumbbell after third rep and continue with strict pull-ups and then the kipping pull-ups. Coming off the bar or going to ground constitutes termination of a set.

Time 24:26(PR)

I did this one about a year and my time was 24:59 so at first I was pretty ho hum about my PR because I thought it should have been a lot faster.  Especially since I forgot to take 10 seconds of the watch so I thought my time was 24:36.  Let me explain, I always hit my button on my watch and spend the next ten seconds getting set, then I just subtract ten seconds from my time at the end.  I did not think about taking the time off until I was halfway through our Sunday School lesson.  I obviously was not focusing on what I should have been.  Anyway, I thought it should have been faster but I can live with it because I have gained about 5lbs, and my I.T. Bands were screaming so much I did not know if my legs would pick up the weght and I was a little earlyer than my body is used to.  Lots of excuses.  My form was not great.  Had a half kip or so on my last strict pull-up on the last 4-5 rounds.  Nothing planed, just a little half pop at the top.  Actually, I probably cheeted more last time I did this a year ago. I also started my second set at the one minute mark and that messed me up because it gassed my back where I was struggling too much for the next eight. 

Double-unders, Box jumps, Kettlebell swings

Five rounds for time of:

40 Double-unders
30 Box jumps, 24 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

Time: 19:08

Getting better at double-unders but still week.  Outside of a few pauses on the box it was all unbroken.  Walked over to the water fountain after 3rd round... dumb!  I have to stay on task next time.  However, the WOD was a lot of fun because we had four people going at once.  Bayless and Bandy couples, pretty cool.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thrusters, GHD

Three rounds for time of:

50 pound dumbbell Thruster, 15 reps
30 GHD situps

   :31         :31.76 = Thrusters
1:17        1:49.69 = GHD
1:10        3:00.63 = Thrusters
1:44        4:45.47 = GHD
1:35        6:20.63 = Thrusters
1:35        7:56.56 - GHD

Total: 7:56.56

Went unbroken except for the last set of thrusters (8-7) and I took a little time adjusting the GHD chair on second round.  That is where I can speed up next time.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
15 ft Rope Climb, 5 ascents
50 Push-ups

Time - 37:12

Kris Clever was 46:40 so that was the time I started out trying to beat.  After the third round I could see that was too slow so I went for a sub 40 and just gassed out the last round as fast as I could.  Pretty happy with my time.  My plan was to go easy on the 800 with a 4 min. split and go hard on the rest.  Four minutes was just too slow so.  I ran them in around 3:30.  With the heat I knew I would want a drink.  My water bottle had cold water and I did not want the moisture on the bottle to be on my hands while I was climbing the rope.  So I did not drink until after the rope.  I broke the push ups up like so: drink-20-drink-15-drink-15.  This is where I can get faster next time I need to go 30-20.  Obviously liked this WOD because it played to my strengths.